The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1194: prophecy

Spring was black.

When I opened my eyes again, I was back to the previous scene.

Aoki was still standing in front of himself, everything was the same as before, and the Diya sea lion was lying aside.

Giant tooth sharks and iron lobsters also lost their combat capabilities.

It was only after a while that Quan understood what had happened, and it seemed that he had inadvertently had a dream.


"You showed me that dream just now?" Izumi stared at Aoki waryly, wondering what his purpose was.

Aoki stall hand said, "This is not just a dream."

Spring slightly froze.

Not just dreams?

Aoki showed an inscrutable expression, "This is a prophecy."

"Prophecy?" Quan muttered the word.

It sounds ridiculous, but it feels so real, not just the surrounding environment in the dream, including the appearance, character, habits, etc. of the water parasol.

The most real thing is Gaoka!

As a member of the Marine Team, I didn't see the appearance of Gaoka, but only from some ancient ruins and materials, I saw a picture of Gaoka.

But in her dream, she could feel the momentum of Gaoka.

Especially after swallowing the special crystals taken from the water sycamore and the indigo blue orb, it became a new look.

I always felt that the appearance of Geoka was really worthy of the title of **** of the sea.

Suddenly, Quan thought of the key.

Indigo Orb!

How could Aoki know what the indigo blue orb looked like, and portrayed so real in the dream.

The indigo blue orb was not only her, but even the water sycamore could barely describe it, never seen the real look.

And how did he know that Indigo Orb could change the appearance of Gaoka?

Many things, Yi Quan's cluttered mind, can't figure it out or understand it.

But her heart was very disturbed, and she was afraid that the scene just became real.

Aoki looked at the spring in a daze, smiling and not talking.

At this time, no matter how much she says, it will only be counterproductive. It is better to let her figure it out.

After a long time.

Izumi looked back, looking at Aoki's eyes with a complex look, and the vigilance was much less.

Now there is no reference, no matter how real the dream is, no matter how she thinks, it is impossible to draw any results.

"Show me this prophecy, what is your purpose?" Quan asked.

Aoki stared at her for a while, until she saw that she felt a little hairy, and said with a smile, "Did you not realize that you played a vital role?"

"Is it vital?" Izumi snapped again.

But she felt that Aoki was very reasonable.

"It's not about forcing you to do anything. It's all about people. You have a chance to verify the language.

But in order to prevent you from doing anything extraordinary, I need to leave something on you! "

With that said, Aoki slapped her forehead again when she hadn't responded yet.

The superpower filament wrapped around some space energy and silently injected into the spring's brain.

"What did you do ?!" Quan responded, immediately taking two steps back and screaming sharply.

"Nothing, just add insurance to myself. I won't arrest you today and give you time to prove this prophecy." Aoki spread his hands.

"You don't catch me?"

Obviously, Izumi's focus is not on insurance that Aoki calls.

Just to take a picture, how effective can it be?

Aoki's face paled slightly.

Although Izumi did not resist, she also did not have a full direction of defense against Aoki. In this way, she simply planted superpowers in other brains. Aoki was also the first attempt.

This is the extent to which we can barely do it after we have obtained a special training method on superpowers from the hands of the gods.

"Yes, I won't arrest you. Anyway, you can't make much trouble today, after all, you need to verify the authenticity of the language, don't you?" Aoki smiled, his face slowly returned to normal.

Without saying anything, Aoki turned and walked outside.

"Who the **** are you ?! Aren't you afraid I'll expose you in front of the Alliance?" Quan looked at Aoki leaving and asked loudly.

Aoki didn't turn back to her, raised her hand and waved.

"I'm just a little guy who has just grown up in the league." As he said, the corner of his mouth slowly showed an arc.

Debunk yourself?

What to expose?

Did you let her go?

No, the opponent has completely lost their combat capabilities. Isn't that enough?

He defeated one of the top cadres of the Ocean Team. Although he was a bit invincible, he won.

And with Aoki's prestige in the league, not everyone can easily denigrate.

After all, he paid for the alliance, and every member of the alliance in this war is obvious to all!

After this war, they will all become loyal supporters of Aoki! Especially those who were directly saved by Aoki.

Let Quan report that Dragon King Tianyuan Yuanzhi is a spy. Do you think anyone will believe it?

Although Aoki has not yet reached the height of Genji, after the end of this battle, it is actually almost the same for ordinary members.

Put away the elves around you, and let the dream demon and Geng Gui return to the shadows.

In the battle with Izumi, all the elves of Aoki belonged to leapfrog combat, and the gains were not reflected in a short time.

Go back and settle down slowly, and you will definitely gain more.

Take the dull king, bangla, boscodora, flaming chicken, lady huajie and dragon king scorpion out of the tunnel camouflaged in a different space.

When I came to the huge cave again, I found that the Alliance Army, the Marines and the Lava Army had completely collided together.

Overwhelming skills can be seen everywhere, and now the whole hole is completely in chaos.

Aoki glanced at the audience and found that Yuanzhi was still fighting Shuiwutong, but at this time Shuiwutong was completely passive, and he could only drag him to prevent him from getting involved in other people's battles.

Thousands of miles and Chiyanmatsu still fought back and forth, and they were in full swing.

Bonnie, who arrived with the army behind, is now fighting the lava of the Lava team and the tide of the Ocean team.

With one enemy, two or two top cadres, they have not fallen into the disadvantaged position, and the Four Heavenly Kings are genuine.

The battle between Ogo and Fire Village has also reached its peak. The victory and defeat of the two people is in the next few collisions.

Now the biggest pressure is Hibiscus and Mikkeli, and there are remaining league-level masters ~ ~ The lava team and the ocean team are not as good as the league in the quality of the king-level trainers, but the quantity is It is far beyond.

Hibiscus and Mikkeli are both fighting against two formal Uranus-level trainers, and another Alliance Uranus-level trainer has also dragged a formal Uranus-level lava team master.

However, there are still many other cadres who have just entered the Uranus level. All of them can only be dragged by three of the quasi-king elites in the league.

After all, there is still a gap.

It is now at risk.

The alliance's high-end combat power is still not fully deployed, which is lacking here.

In addition to the battlefield, Aoki also noticed Dr. Sorens in an archeological costume. At the moment, he was controlled by two cadres of the lava team and the marine team, and he explored the cave with instruments.

The fighting next to them seemed completely unrelated to them.

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