The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1203: Despicable self-harm tactics

Sand dances are flying, and in the field of sandstorms in Bangla, Aoki gradually takes the initiative.

The other party sent Arora Gala Gala to seize the initiative of the attack, but Aoki was faster, and the Flaming Chicken rushed to the rear of the opponent after a brief confrontation.

And Gala Gala's offense was blocked by Boscodora. At the same time, because Aoki had guessed the opponent's tactics in advance and found a way to crack the opponent's tactical core, Sanaydo, the opponent's offense and defense were blocked. There was a stagnation for a while.

In this way, Aoki, who had the advantage of the number of elves, began to appear one after another.

Bypass the super-sanaido that apparently comes to take the damage intentionally, and directly find the most flexible messenger bird.

Aoki finds a fire-collection target between Sister Lips and the messenger bird.

The messenger bird was locked between the light and flint.

Mrs. Huajie's knotted knot locks the target, Geng Gui's black eyes, and the stunned King ’s agitation space make him unable to fly away or use instantaneous movement to escape, but also make the Super Sanato ’s exchange site unable to save him The Flaming Chicken blocked the frozen wind of Miss Lips, and no elves could stop them from attacking the messenger bird.

Banguila and Boscodora's sharp stones attacked in a series of attacks on the bound messenger bird.

The Flaming Chicken landed and rushed towards the Alora Coconut Tree, which was approaching here. The Dragon King Scorpion appeared instead of the Flaming Chicken in front of Sister Lips, and the triple flame teeth waited.

Arora's stinky mud moves slowly, and she can't move arbitrarily to help them share the pressure.

An elf needs to be guarded by the trainer all the time, fighting life and death, and preventing direct attack by the opponent.

The man's face was a bit ugly. He never thought that his own tactics and fighting methods were seen through by the opposite.

Xanadu's suicidal defense did not fool the opponent.

It's one thing not to attack Shanai Duo, the dumb king doesn't do anything else, and it is another thing to disturb the space here.

The strength of the dumb king is not as strong as Shannai Duo, but if he tries to disturb the space, Shanaidi can't do anything about it.

If no further adjustments are made and the messenger loses his combat ability, he will become more passive.

However, he saw one thing. Although Aoki had a large number of elves and cooperated with each other, his hard power was somewhat lacking.

The courier bird wrapped itself with superpowers in an emergency, and it was subjected to two rounds of spiked attacks from Bangila and Boscodora.

Galaqua, who was flung by the tail of Boscodora, did not launch an attack again, but instead rushed towards the messenger bird with the help of the force of reverse thrust.

The light green flames on the bone sticks rose, wrapped around the whole bone sticks, and threw them towards the knotted grass.

class! !! !!

But just as his bones were about to hit the vine that bound the messenger bird, Bangla yelled, and a dense sand shield mixed with crystal diamonds and sand suddenly appeared.

The bone rod blasted the sand shield into shatters, and the green flame contaminated the sand, directly corroding all of the sand.

A corrosive flame!

The bone stick automatically turned after hitting something, and landed in Gala Gala's hands again. It failed to rescue the messenger bird.

Geng Gui threw a small flashing light ball, and successfully turned it into a messy state on the messenger bird that had just broken the super power film. This messenger bird's characteristics are also synchronized, but chaos is not in the role of synchronization characteristics. Within range.

Was the messenger in chaos, Geng smiled, and a huge red ghost eye appeared on his head, shooting a circle of blue-purple energy halo from it.

The skill of the ghost system is not alone. It is difficult to bear the messenger state at this time. It can cause twice the damage to the opponent in a chaotic state.


However, I heard a sharp and harsh voice. The original Xanadu, who was still on the ground, was suspended behind Geng Gui at this time, with a large number of super energy **** condensed in his hands, forcibly breaking away from the shackles of the dull king. go with!

However, Geng Gui completely disregarded Sha Naiduo. Her attack was at most to make Geng Gui seriously injured. As long as Mrs. Huajie was present, she could recover sooner or later, but the messenger bird did not have this opportunity!

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

Two violent explosions sounded.

Mrs. Huajie's vine was broken directly, and a figure was blasted out of the air very embarrassingly. It was a messenger bird!

On the other hand, Geng Gui also flew up from the explosion, but the injuries were not as serious as expected, because Bangui La again cast a sand shield at the last emergency, helping Geng Gui take part of the damage.

The Geng ghost that fell on the ground was directly immersed in the shadow and disappeared.

The messenger bird was also somewhat unexpected and did not lose its combat capability, although it was not far behind.

Fall at the man's feet.

I saw him give a brief glance, the smelly mud immediately noticed, with cruel and excited eyes flashing in his eyes, a colorful one appeared in his hand, with a variety of odorous toxic energy groups in his hands.

He chuckled, "Make your last contribution!"

Under the ugly expression of Aoki, Arora stinked the poisonous body on the messenger bird. The slightly excited and enjoyable expression, as well as the habitual action, obviously did not do this thing once or twice.

Aoki stared at the other side so that he could do his own elf, but there was no way.

After seeing the characteristics and skills of the opponent's elves, he knew what his tactics were like. He traded self-harm for advantages, which was more thorough and disgusting than the former Aoki.

The messenger bird was successfully infected with poison, and before the total loss of combat ability, the synchronization feature was triggered, synchronizing the poisonous effect to Boscodora who rushed over.

There was a sudden purple touch on Bosco Doral's face, and UU Kanshu was running a bit slower.

"Cut, it's really useless, just synchronized once, but also transferred to Boscodora." With his mouth cursed, he took the messenger bird back to the elven ball.

The cultivation of this messenger bird still cost him a great deal, and it was not enough to say that he could just give up.

But the messenger bird also played its last role.

After seeing the messenger bird fall down, Gala Gala didn't hesitate and had no emotional fluctuations. She turned the direction and rushed to the flaming chicken that was about to come into contact with the coconut tree.

When facing the Arora Coconut Tree, the Flaming Chicken has some advantages in attributes, but the disadvantages in the ranks are even greater, so he can only entangle, instead of facing hard steel.

Seeing Gala Gala rushing towards himself, the Flame Chicken retreated decisively, not a dozen or two, let alone a dozen or two!

But it's easy to rush in, and it's troublesome to want to retreat in this way.

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