The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1204: Flame to flame

The coconut tree dropped a lot of parasitic seeds at the feet of the Flaming Chicken.

Seeds take root and germinate instantly!

The flame chicken's whole body suddenly raised a majestic flame to resist the erosion of parasitic seeds, but because of this, the action was slow and was blocked by Gala Gala!

Aoki's eyes were condensed. In this battle with the opponent, the role of the flame chicken is very important. The coconut palm tree in the grass system and the lip sister in the ice system are all places that the flame chicken can play.


The white petals on Mrs. Huajie's head shook slightly, and a purple mist slowly covered the entire space.

Originally because of the sandstorm field in Bangla, the sight was relatively poor, but now the sight is more blurred.

Misty field.

The grass-plus-dragon Arora coconut tree was half abandoned.

The rest of Aoki's free and mobile spirits rushed towards the Flaming Chicken.

The Flaming Chicken also noticed that he has accidentally entered the encirclement of the other side. If he retreats, he will encounter Shannetuo and Galagala, and there is only a semi-waste coconut tree in the forward direction!

The decisive step back was delayed, and he rushed towards the coconut tree.

When he noticed the action of the flame chicken, the man chuckled, and the colorful Alola smelly mud beside him flew the palm with poisonous crystals towards the sky, and a large amount of mud with toxins flew away from him. Draw an arc in mid air and fly in the direction of the Flaming Chicken.

A mass of colored mud fell on the ground, corroding the ground into a small but bottomless pit, and wafting white smoke with a foul odor.

Flaming Chicken's skill is very agile, dodging back and forth, no mud ball can attack him.

But in this way, he finally managed to start slowly.

Gaga Gala gets closer and closer to him!


The ground trembled slightly, making Gala Gala's footsteps slightly slower. Four rattans appeared around him. Mrs. Huajie used a knot again!

After determining what skills it was, the bone stick in Gala Gala's hand quickly spun in his hand, bringing up a small turquoise flame of green flames, and the surrounding rattan was all burned.

Mrs. Huajie made time for Flaming Chicken.

The Flaming Chicken also no longer dodged the mud mass falling from the sky like rain, because the sand shield of Bangla has formed.

Sand shields made of sand and crystal diamonds can easily corrode the sand on the surface, but the crystal diamonds made by Diane below are not so easily eroded.

Seeing so many elves in Aoki paved the way for the Flaming Chicken, allowing him to approach the coconut tree, the man in the silver-gray coat was laughed at.

Really think that as long as the flame chicken can be close to the coconut tree, what kind of advantages can it create?

Don't forget, the advantage of the coconut egg tree on the level is greater than the advantage of the attribute. Even if the dragon attribute is suppressed by the misty field, it does not mean that he has no other attack ability.

Coconut egg tree's smiling face changes all year round.

The height of the Arola Coconut Tree is ten meters, of which the neck occupies most of it.

I saw him suddenly leaning down, using his head as a hammer, and slamming straight towards the flame chicken!

The Flaming Chicken wants to dodge, but feels that it is unable to move freely. It only feels like its body is sinking into a quagmire. The surrounding is densely lined with super-powerful filaments, limiting it to its place like silk.

Xanadu was standing behind Gala Gala, her eyes flashed with black light, and these super power filaments were born from her body.

After all, the dull king was weak in the strength of Shanaidi, unable to completely limit her, and after she broke free, she turned to limit the flame chicken.

Seeing that the mallet was getting closer, the flaming chicken stood upright, with firm eyes, without any fear.

He lowered his head and placed a hand on the fluff of his chest, but saw from his fluff that there were colorful energy threads, and wrapped it all at once.

"Super evolution, flame chicken!" It turned out at this time, Aoki took out the flame chicken's super evolution stone in time.

Two elf super evolved!

In the past, Aoki was able to persist for three minutes. After so long training and exercise, it could last longer, doubled to six minutes!

The twitch of super-evolutionary energy broke the shaman's restraint to the flaming chicken.

The current superevolution is almost instantaneous.

Super flame chicken, go ahead!

I saw the flame chicken with a very unique footstep movement, the special rotation brought by the swallow return skill, and cleverly and justly avoided the coconut tree's mallet!

The third sword dance!

The four flame ribbons on the Super Flame Chicken's wrist merged into his body, and the flames of the whole body exploded in an instant. After the outbreak, it suddenly disappeared, all condensed on his fist.

Red golden flame punch!

Holy fire!

With the inertia brought by the body's rotation carried by Yanhui, a circle banged on the head of the coconut tree.

boom! !! !!

The coconut tree was bombarded faster than it was just hammered down.

One of the coconuts on my head has completely turned charred and choked.

The super-flame chicken stepped forward again, faster, and its acceleration characteristics have increased his speed to the extreme.

Seize the opportunity, the fourth sword dance! !!

Gala Gala finally seized the opportunity and came to the back of the Flame Chicken, who was also an elf playing with fire. Gala Gala felt the flame on the Flame Chicken and was a deadly threat to him.

His flame belongs to Yinhuo. The main characteristics of the flame are corrosion and burning, but the flame of the flame chicken has been transformed into the fire of life after being calcined by the energy of the Phoenix King.

The fire of life and the fire of death are inherently opposite flames, so not only did Gala Gala feel the threat of flames on the flame chicken, but also the flame chicken had a disgust on the flames of Gala Gala.

The flames on the gala gala bone spread again, covering the whole bone.

Wind, wind

The bone stick quickly turned in the hands of Gala Gala, bringing up a light green flame vortex. Around the sand under the control of Bangla, all the sand that wanted to come to be blocked was the flame vortex driven by the rotating bone rod. Melt and corrode.

Gala Gala lay down on the ground with one hand, the other hand rotated the bone stick and placed it on the back, leaning forward, posing an attacking posture that can rush forward at any time, his eyes flashed with cold mans.

The Flaming Chicken did not have the slightest fear, but he still remembered that if he wanted to break through this encirclement, the focus was not on Gala Gala.

"Gala!" Gala Gala roared.

With both feet strong ~ ~ Hold the bone stick with both hands at the same time and smash towards the flame chicken.

The Super-Flame Chicken was also unwilling to show its weakness. It ricocheted up, wrapped its flame around its right leg, and kicked towards Gala Gala.

Huh! !! !!

The flame kick collided with the bone stick. This is not only a competition of strength, but also a comparison of flame.

boom! !! !!

A thick heat wave erupted from the collision between the two sides!

In the end, all the flames on the Gala Gala sticks went out with the flames of the Super Flame Chicken taking over.

The Flaming Chicken didn't bully itself again because it had a little advantage, but relying on the power of the Gala Gala stick, a backflip, the turning direction continued to rush toward the coconut tree.

The double super evolution Aoki can only last for six minutes, and the flame chicken can't take the time to spend these time on the flame who is stronger than Galagala!

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