The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1210: Battle of Uranus!

"Championship?" Adams wondered.

Wu Dawu nodded firmly, but he had seen the true strength of the scale-tailed dragon.

"Yes, the championship strength, and it is also a dragon-like quasi-god elf, a new kind of elf, I believe both Genji King and Senri also saw it." Ogo said.

Adams looked at Genji and Senri.

Wu Yuanzhi nodded with a serious expression, "Yes, a champion dragon is a quasi-god. My Tyrannosaurus can also feel a great threat when he sees that elf!"

I heard that Yuanji was so sure, everyone looked at Aoki with amazement.

藏 Hidden hidden?

Aoki sat in a position with a helpless and bitter smile on her face, but there was extra peace in her heart.

I finally talked about the scale-tailed dragon.

Let ’s not go at night in Jinyi!

Pouting, he said, "The elf was brought out in the space of Fengwang. I can't command him, but he can protect me at the critical moment.

种类 The name of his elven species is a scale-tailed dragon, which is a quasi-god. If it is not wrong, it may be the quasi-god in the area just discovered.

He does nothing to become the Four Heavenly Kings. "

I'm really a hypocrite

"Legtail Scale Ankylosaurus? If you're right, it's really a quasi-god spirit in the Alora area, a dual-line elf in the dragon and fighting systems," Adams said.

But it doesn't matter what elves are now. Everyone understands two points. Champion elves can protect Aoki at critical moments!

I know enough.

Dawu: ""

Aoki and Ogo continued.

正式 officially started a game in the conference room, the "thrilling" Four Heavenly Kings hand-off.

"Enough for both of you! Can you respect the pivotal position of the Four Heavenly Kings? It is not something you have given to each other.

Since both of you are capable, don't shirk for the sake of each other. This is not only about the two of you, but also about the future of the entire Fengyuan area. Those who are the four heavenly kings, like Genji, Huayue, and Bonnie, must be the first to die. !!

This is a responsibility and a right, but you have to remember! It is always the responsibility that comes first, and the right that comes after! "

Hearing Adams' words, both Aoki and Ogo calmed down.

I glanced in private and saw smiles from each other's eyes.

"Both of you pay attention to me!

After a month! right here! Come to a full battle! The winner is the four heavenly kings who win! "The final Genji clapper.

Now the turmoil in Fengyuan area has not ended, the big one is over, but the small turbulence is still constant.

Almost all of them can be solved in one month. When the new Four Heavenly Kings take office, they will be able to please the entire Fengyuan area.

Since Adams said so, Aoki and Ogo had no intention of refuting.

When the time comes, you will know that the two are often engaged in discussions, but there has never been a full-scale battle like this.

I ended the discussion of this matter and started a new content.

I mainly deal with it. During the turmoil before, those big and small forces that jumped out.

Everything that can be eradicated is best eradicated.

End of the meeting.

Opened for a whole day, people were a little dazed.

The four Ao Aoki found a restaurant in the commercial street outside the Alliance headquarters, settled for dinner, and then prepared to go home.

This continuous battle is really very tired, you need to go back and take a good rest to cushion it.

For a month at most, they will return here again.

The battle between Saki Aoki and Ogo, although not as grand as the Uranus Challenge in the Guandu area, but according to Adams, it is estimated that the battle will not be small at that time.

I can just show the strength of Fengyuan Alliance.

On the private plane of the Zvvqi family, Zvuqi Hibiscus, Ogo, Mumuzi and Ogo's uncle sat at the table in the middle of the plane.

"Daogo, you did a good job this time. The tree of our Zvitch family is big enough to not be a thorn in the eyes of others." Father Mu Hi looked at his son with relief.

I am old and have a son. He thinks that Dawu ’s teaching is very good.

Ogo shook his head, "I just really feel that Aoki is more suitable as the Four Heavenly Kings than me. Whether in strength or ability, he is better than me."

But I still understand what Dad meant.

The Zizvki family is already strong enough. Both his father, second uncle, and even cousin have held important positions in the alliance. He does not serve as the four heavenly kings. For the Zvzki family, the impact is not great.

Also, there are a lot of hole cards and hidden powers in the Zvitch family, which some families will have more or less.

That is, their family does not mean to fight for hegemony. Otherwise, with their family strength and heritage, they will become a bigger force than the lava team and the ocean team, absolutely no problem.

It is just that the Zvuchi family has now been completely **** with the Fengyuan Alliance.

So many times, when thinking about problems, Grandpa Hibiscus will also stand in the perspective of the alliance. This is the main reason why their Zvucci family is so powerful, but Adams is not prepared.

联盟 The alliance settled in Fengyuan at that time, but the Zvuchi family was the one with full support.

"Little Aoki, really is a very capable person. According to the current situation, I am not necessarily his opponent." Dawu cousin Zi Fuqi Muzi said with a smile, covering her mouth.

When he heard Mu Muzi's words, the eyes of the three men lighted up at the same time. "Cough, cousin, what do you think of Aoki?"

"It's good, it's just a little younger." Mu Muzi apparently didn't notice the changes in the three people's expressions, eating the cake and thinking about it.

Grandpa Hibiscus looked at his brother, saw him nodded, and looked at Ogo again, giving him a look, and Ogo immediately understood.

"Cough, it's not too big, just three years old, as the saying goes, female junior, holding a brick"

Tochigi Muzi finally heard what they wanted to say, and a brain-deaf child hit Dawu's head.

In this world, there are not many people who can beat Dawu's brain, and Mumuzi counts one.

I saw Mu Muzi's face flushed, and I didn't know if she was angry or shy.

Grandpa Hibiscus and Uncle Ogo looked out of the window very cooperatively.

I am not involved, don't look at my expression.

But what do they think ~ ~ Muzi still don't know?

He kicked his father and looked at Mr. Hibiscus. After all, he was the patriarch, and he still had to respect him. He didn't show anything, and sat on the other side of the table with a blush.

Daowu communicated with Master Mu Hibiscus and his second uncle's eyes again, and they were surprised by the other's eyes.

I ’m not right today.


In the eyes of the three of them, they seemed to be shining as if they had discovered the new world!

I beg you to accept this little ancestor!

The same thing doesn't happen inside the Zvitch family.

Many families, large and small, including Jun Junsha and Joey, put Aoki's materials at the meeting.

Some families have young and beautiful, dignified and virtuous women's families, like the three of Ogo.

Aoki now is really the legendary beetle 婿!

Senior breeder! One of the candidates for the Four Heavenly Kings can at least be the Four Heavenly Kings in the future, and if it goes well, it may become a champion!

The value is personal.

Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! For the grand reward of my grandma my grandma!

There are p events in the book circle, everyone can participate actively.

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