The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1211: Rare relax

Aoki, the person involved, said she had no knowledge of this.

Board the Chief Search Officer's private jet and head to Fuye Town.

A month later, when I was fighting Ogo, Aoki and Ogo were different. He said no, but he was honest.

The position of the Four Heavenly Kings is the goal and direction he has been striving for. This is an important turning point for him.

So he has a lot of things to prepare for. During these crazy battles these days, the elves also need some time to digest.

Facing Ogo, Aoki also needs to determine his tactics.

There are still many elves, and it is time to evolve.

Sitting on the plane, a blue-and-black puppy lies on Aoki's legs, and a little girl with green hair shakes her legs and floats in midair, looking carefree.

It was Leo Lu and Chillulian that had not appeared for a long time.

Two little guys, Aoki will let them out to play when they are empty, and they have always been delicious and delicious to provide, don't grow up too well, and Qi Lulian is almost when it can evolve.

As for Leo Road, although the level is also improving, there is no sign of evolution. Aoki was behind him for some time, ready to take him with him.

Lucario will be the final piece of the Aoki Sandstorm.

In Aoki's ideal plan, Banguira, Boscodora, Flamingo, Tyrannosaurus, Tiance, and Lukario will be the basic elves configuration of his sandstorm team, and can switch or switch at any time. Joining the giant marsh monster, dragon king scorpion, lady Huajie and Maji Yana are also good.

As for the Rain Team, based on Aoki's current situation, the formation speed is not as fast as the Sandstorm team, but the lineup is almost complete.

However, Aoki has new ideas in these two teams, and sometimes the team configuration cannot be limited to a single lineup.

At dawn the next day, he flew to Fuye Town.

This time his return was not sneaky, nor could it be sneaky. The mayor of Fuye Town brought a large number of residents of Fuye Town to welcome him on the square.

The current development of Fuye Town is entirely due to Aoki.

And now Aoki has become a hot celebrity in Fengyuan area, whether it is strength, fame, or influence is top.

Reaching his current level, the birth of civilians will not only become a burden on him, but will also make him a fragrant man.

As long as he is willing, even if a small family is set up, others will not say much, and even stubbornly, because now everyone can see his potential and upside.

What's more, Aoki has realized some of its potential, and let others take much less risk.

If he can become the Four Heavenly Kings, a huge family that covers all areas of the elven world like the Junsha family, it will not say that he will limit his personal freedom and efforts, all resources will be open to him, as long as he can fully grow up.

For any family, it is a guarantee of stability for up to 30 to 40 years.

There is nothing more important than ensuring the stability and inheritance of the family. The difference is that the protection of the big family is a little more, and the protection of the small family is a little less.

As the true Daoguan pavilion of Fuye Town, Aoki gave a short speech on the square.

Just like this, it has also been warmly sought after by residents of Fuye Town.

Although the current Aoki looks not so good, and can even be said to be ordinary, when a man achieves impressive achievements, his appearance is not so important.

Well, in fact, it is still very important. If there are any defects in Aoki now, it will only look.

But wearing a human skin mask for a long time is indeed not a good thing for people.

Originally there was no way, two faces were needed to cover up identity, but now having super powers, it is not very important.

Aoki has already figured out a way to solve this problem, that is, it will take a while, and then I will be able to see people in true face.

Ending the speech, in the applause of everyone, returned to his backyard.

It has not been back for a long time.

But with the care of a lot of elves, everything in the backyard was carried out in an orderly manner.

In the current town of Fuye, in addition to the Daoguan also leaving Skye in charge, the sky team has almost relocated to Zijing City. Fuye Town can be said to be in the Fengyuan area. At present, the only town without underground power makes many outside cities People have chosen to relocate to Fuye Town.

Therefore, the number of residents in Fuye Town has more than doubled.

There are more and more people coming here. Whether it is to challenge the museum, to capture the water spirits, to find a huge shopping street, or to seek the help of a breeder, Fuye Town is a very suitable place. The mayor even feels that As long as it develops at this rate for another two or three years, you can apply to upgrade Fuye Town to Fuye City.

But this has nothing to do with Aoki.

In the backyard, release all your elves.

Today is a very rare day to rest. There is no fighting or training. All the elves are ordered to rest by Aoki. All training is prohibited today.

Even the most diligent crustacean was stopped by him.

No way, the elves can only enjoy the rare peace as Aoki meant.

The four elves, the dull king, the dragon king scorpion, the giant marsh monster, and the crustacean dragon, lie lazily on the grass to rest and feel very comfortable in the sun.

The crow's head, Madara, Geng Gui, and the Dream Monster, and the four elves stayed together to discuss each other's skills and methods.

No way, Aoki will not allow training, can't they be discussed and blocked?

Four fairy elves of Mrs. Huajie, Tianxi, Maji Yana, and Qilulian are staying in a field of flowers and playing with butterflies in the flowers. The girls' happiness is as simple as that.

Bangui La, Bosco Dora and Flaming Chicken, sit together to eat more than anyone else, but Bangui La and Bosco Dora eat pink diamonds, while Flaming Chicken eats Aoki The energy cube of which the flame bird's blood contains the most.

The energy in food is almost the same.

The mosquito-repellent frog emperor and sea thorn dragon stayed in the pond in the backyard, and there were many people of the mosquito-repellent frog emperor.

Leo Lu lay down on Aoki's legs obediently, and Aoki combed his hair.

Leo's reliance on Aoki was even more severe than that of Chillian.

Although it is not yet possible to evolve, it is not too far away.

And the moving ape ~ ~ because of too much energy, even Aoki could not stop, has rushed into the mountains and dominated the king.

Aoki also has a training plan for the cultivation of hyperactive apes. His specialized energy cube can be completed by tomorrow, which will definitely be of great benefit to his evolution as a leave king.

As for the Scale-tailed Ankylosaurus, he lay alone in the corner of the backyard to sleep.

Ever since he found out that he seemed to be fooled by Aoki, he never gave Aoki a good look.

However, after Aoki told him that he might soon be able to help him find his tribe, the scale of the rod-tailed dragon was much better.

There are four more battles.

Now thinking, it seems that it is really too many times.

Sly human.


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