The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1212: Super Tiance

Rare rest all day.

The next day, I started training again.

In this crazy battle for ten consecutive days, most of the elves have participated in many battles. Now they need to slowly digest what they have learned in the battle and then grow.

Fight with Ogo for another month.

With the full help of the Zvuchi family, Aoki cannot guarantee that he will surely win, so this month is crucial for him.

But today, he has one more thing to deal with.

Calling Tianxi around, while the other elves were training, they took Tianxi into the room alone.

"Tianxi, I think it's almost the same. Recently, when you were making diamonds, your speed and success rate were a lot higher, and our tacit understanding has also improved significantly in Meteor Falls. I think it's time for today. Aoki said to Tianxi.

Hearing that, Tianxi's red eyes looked at Aoki tightly, there was some reverence in the eyes, but more were already intimate.

At a time when the small broken diamond had just changed into Tianxi, looking at Aoki was more respectful, probably because of the impression left during the small broken diamond period.

But after a while, Aoki kept Tianxi by her side, and through slow contact, Tianxi found that Aoki was not as serious and harsh as she imagined.

Although the requirements for the elves are high during training, as long as the tasks assigned by Aoki are completed, his meticulous care and care for the elves can be felt by all the elves.

So even though it ’s hard to train every day, the relationship between the elves and Aoki is getting better and better.

Because the elves are also very sensitive, they can feel that everyone is good, who really pays, etc ...

Heart-to-heart communication and communication is the best way for trainers and elves to quickly improve rapport.

Coupled with Aoki's super powers, the most direct and close communication with the elves, this tacit growth rate is even faster.

"Huh!" Deanxi nodded nicely.

In fact, Tianxi and Maji Yana are very similar in character, the only difference is that Tianxi is willing to fight, while Maji Yana is more willing to assist.

Fortunately, the passive ability carried by Maji Yana's soul is very good.

"Then try it." Aoki took out a keystone.

The super-evolutionary attempt with Dean Hee, not once or twice, but after all, there are some gaps with Bangila and the Flaming Chicken. Super-evolution always stops at critical moments.

However, after many attempts, it is not far away to complete the super evolution. Aoki has a very strong hunch and can succeed today.

"Tianxi, super evolution!" Shouted Aoki, holding Keystone in his hand.

Infused his attention, willpower, and superpower into the keystone, and connected the superevolutionary stone of Diane.

Superevolution is a spiritual communication between the trainer and the elves, a test of fetters to each other. The trainer and the elves in the super evolution can clearly feel the thoughts in the other's heart and the most genuine feelings.

Aoki felt the change of mindset from Deansi.

From the original, respect for yourself is greater than intimacy. Today, intimacy is greater than admiration, indicating that the mentality of subordinates has become the mentality of companions.

The key stone in Aoki's hand issued a large number of colorful super-evolutionary energy threads, which were tightly wrapped around the super-evolutionary stone of Diane.

It's like a silkworm spitting silk threads, slowly wrapping itself into a puppet.

Wonderful and incomprehensible changes are taking place inside.

The first super-evolution will take longer.

After communicating with each other's mind, Aoki determined that this super evolution can succeed!

Sure enough, the super-evolutionary energy lasted for a while, and the energy slowly merged into Tianxi's body.

The hallmarks of successful superevolution have also passed away.

The success of Tianxi ’s super evolution!

Originally, Tianxi was very beautiful and looked like a little princess, but after being superlized, this beauty is even more vividly displayed!

The largest pink crystal diamond on top of the head changed from the original round shape into a heart shape.

The lower body was almost the same as the small broken diamonds, except that the diamonds set there were different, but after the super evolution, a huge skirt appeared from the waist, and it was completely wrapped in between. This skirt is It is completely spliced ​​from eight-sided super-long pink diamonds and looks very gorgeous.

Two white ribbons floated from his head, looking like a bride's veil, with two small pink diamonds hanging from the ends of the ribbon.

All of a sudden, from an immature little princess, to a big princess to be married, looking more noble and dignified.

In this way, Tianxi really showed the identity of Diamond Princess to the fullest!

After Tianxi completed the super-evolution, in the distant Carlos region, a leisurely blue giant deer was wandering in the forest in a huge virgin forest, but suddenly thought about what was sensed, and the horns on his head were like The peacock opened the screen, and colorful buds were drawn out.

With an X-shaped letter in his eyes, looking out into the distance, it was as if he wanted to see something appear.

After fully witnessing Diane ’s super-evolution, a large amount of life energy emerged from Zernyas. The vegetation around her suddenly grew crazy, and soon it was more than double the size just now.

"Has Super Tianxi appeared? In the entire world, the energy concentration of the fairy is two layers rich, and the remaining one layer depends on when she will build the small broken diamond kingdom." Zernias's vocal voice sounded It seems to explain to whom, it seems to be talking to himself.

Soon turned and disappeared into the jungle.

All of this, Aoki and Te Anshi far in the Fengyuan area, do not know.

Even if Aoki knew what Diane had regretted during the superevolution, she still felt a little amazing at this time.

"Go! Go and show everyone your changes." Aoki said with a smile.

Super Diane, suspended in midair, nodded shyly.

When Tianxi came to the backyard from her room ~ ~ the sun's rays shone on her, looking more gorgeous.

All the sights of the elves in the backyard were attracted. Even the scale-tailed dragon dragon, who was sleeping in the corner, opened his eyes and looked at Super Dean with a shock.

Madam Hua Jie, Qi Lulian, Ma Ji Yana, and the Dream Demon, the four elves gathered around for the first time, and their eyes glowed with a fiery light that was brighter than the sun.

As female elves, the super Deanie at this time is simply their lifelong hope.

Ti Anxi gave her little sister a heart-shaped pink diamond each to show that friendship lasts forever!

On the other hand, Bangui La and Boscodora, with the same light shining in their eyes, are different from Maji Yana.

That's the simple look of foodies!


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