The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1213: Diamond Kingdom!

Super Diane covered her mouth and smiled softly.

With a wave of hands, a bunch of pink crystal diamonds coagulated in front of Bangila and Boscodora.

Although Tianxi was able to condense pink diamonds in the past, it will not be as easy as it is now, and some of the diamonds produced will be completely dissipated due to insufficient mastery.

Now none of these pink diamonds are meant to dissipate, they are all normal and perfect pink diamonds.

According to the current price of pink diamonds in the market, there are almost billions in such a pile in front of Aoki.

The price of pink diamonds is still soaring because of the scarcity of materials, but the price is not as fast as the initial spike.

Leaving envious elves, contented Bangila and Boscodora, led Super Diane back to the small broken cave in the mountains.

Once they were taken away from the dream island, they promised to bring back the princess in the mouth of the diamond minister within five years. Now Aoki's words have come true, and it is time to establish the small broken diamond kingdom.

When you enter the cave, you can see the diamonds on the cave wall.

It just looks a bit crude.

The little broken diamonds who were working hard saw Aoki and Tianxi next to him, immediately put down the things in his hands, looked at Tianxi wryly, and had the idea of ​​worshiping, but couldn't understand why. Suddenly, I was stuck in place.

The Minister of Diamonds still has some special abilities. After Aoki and Tianxi entered the cave, they immediately ushered in all the small broken diamonds from their small broken diamond group.

More than a hundred small diamonds, less than two hundred, after leaving Fantasy Island to live a comfortable life, the number did not increase much. In a year, it seems that only one or two increase.

It can be seen how slow the reproduction of small broken diamonds is without Tianxi.

"This ... this is ... Master Aoki, is this the ..." Minister Diamond looked at Super Diane for a moment, wondering what to say for a while.

Aoki nodded with a smile, "That's right, this is Princess Tiensi you think about day and night. As long as she is there, the kingdom of broken diamonds can be established."

Hearing Aoki's words, the Minister of Diamond immediately lowered his body with all the small broken diamonds, and shouted in his mouth, "Meet Princess Tienchi !!"

For a moment, Tianxi thought of herself when she was also a little broken diamond, and she was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

As she panicked, Aoki's voice sounded in her head.

"Let's all get up, everyone is a tribe, so don't do such a gift." According to Aoki, Tianxi repeated the words, and immediately felt relieved.

With Aoki, she has nothing to be afraid of and restrained.

Aoki also said, "Secretary of Diamond, don't pay attention to these lavish gifts first. Have you built everything I asked you to build last time?"

The Minister of Diamond stood up with the help of the small broken diamond next to him. He stood up and nodded when he heard Aoki's words. "Good, good, Master Aoki and Princess Tienxi, please come with me."

Minister Ao is very respectful of Aoki.

Now in Aoki, even if there is no elf around him, the Minister of Diamond can feel the deterrent power of Aoki to him. Although he does not understand why a human can possess this power, the Minister of Diamond really honors Aoki. It is very respectful to promise to find Princess Tiance for them.

Aoki can be said to be their most respected benefactor in the future.

Under the leadership of the Minister of Drilling, Aoki and Diane came to the deepest part of the back mountain, in front of a huge pit.

Standing on the edge of the deep pit, looking at a stone pillar hammered from above, and the deep pit below.

Aoki nodded with satisfaction. As a rock-based spirit, the little broken drill was also very good at making holes.

"Tianxi, let's get started!" Aoki said to Tianxi after making sure there were no problems with the structure.

Hearing that, Deanxi nodded nicely, her hands flat, and pink diamonds appeared from her hands.

"This is ... this is ... this is ..."

Seeing this scene, the Minister of Diamonds burst into tears, although he didn't know how to explain what it was, it was exactly the same scene that had always appeared in his dream!

Exactly the same!

There are more and more pink diamonds, hovering and rotating in front of Diane's hands, a diamond storm composed of pink diamonds is presented in front of all the small broken diamonds.

A large amount of pink fluorescence is emitted from the pink crystal diamond, which illuminates the entire cave.

For a while, the intense energy of the fairy and the energy of life emerged from Tianxi's body!

The pink diamond storm swept the entire cave. They seemed to have self-awareness. The first batch of pink diamonds took the lead and began to modify some irregular and unreasonable parts of the entire hole.

After the repair is completed, the pink diamond is directly attached to the wall and stone pillar!

Because pink diamonds are exactly the same size, diamonds and diamonds can seamlessly connect with each other perfectly.

Attached piece by piece, the entire cave is constructed into an egg-shaped space all wrapped with pink diamonds.

Afterwards, Tianxi gritted his teeth, and all the last energy in his body suddenly poured out. The last pink diamond was led by a special huge octagon pink crystal diamond.

All pink diamonds are close together, slowly integrated and spliced, and turned into a huge pink octagonal cone-shaped diamond.

At the moment of formation, a large amount of sacred energy was radiated from the diamond, and it felt very comfortable for the whole person.

This sacred energy shines on the surrounding wall made of pink diamonds, converges on the top pink diamond column, and finally returns to the huge diamond.

At the bottom of the entire cave, a small broken diamond is forming on a small platform directly below the huge pink diamond!

The Kingdom of Diamonds, the core, is also the real reason for the birth of all small broken diamonds!

Holy diamond!

It can also be called eternal crystal diamond. It is a magic diamond that can only be created after an elf such as Tianxi meets certain conditions and has the ability to create life.

Its fortune-making ability is comparable to the creation god!

"Is this ... the holy diamond in the legend?" The Minister of Diamonds burst into tears and stunned towards the holy diamond for the first time, expressing his highest respect.

After seeing the holy diamond, the rest of the small broken diamonds kept crying, and they choked with the Minister of Diamonds.

The most important foundation of their small broken diamond group is finally here!

Seeing the formation of holy diamonds, Super Tiance also smiled.

Immediately a puppet ~ ~ super evolutionary energy shed from her.

Tiance returned to the original.

The Minister of Diamonds saw this scene and thought what happened to Princess Tienxi. She was so scared that she understood it under the explanation of Aoki. It turned out that this time was the real state of Princess Tienxi. The previous state was just a special state.

Only in that special state can holy diamonds be created.

Qi Qi was relieved.

Tianxi is now the biggest treasure of the whole small broken diamond group.

The Minister of Diamond immediately commanded the clan to bring a new little broken diamond that had just been born under the holy diamond.

In the future, small broken diamonds will continue to be produced, and his diamond minister is finally busy.


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