The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1223: President of the league

Aoki helped the dull king and Bangla become familiar with this combination.

After they get used to the simplest mode, they need to let the two elves improve through a long period of combination, practice, and fighting, and strive to reach a higher level.

Slowly, the remaining elves of Aoki also need to practice and fight in this sandstorm.

Cooperate with the sudden appearance of the dull king to release more powerful combination skills, or to double-hit with the dull king.

And when defending or attacking, there will be a gravel weapon that is not weak at any time, some weak attacks, and even can be ignored directly, and those that are more powerful, pass through After the defense, the power is not so strong.

In addition, the superpowered attacks of the dumb king, the sharp-stone attacks of Bangila, the sword of the cliff, and other powerful skills can also appear anywhere in the sandstorm.

As long as Aoki is willing, super combination skills can burst out at any time.

The remaining elves need to be familiar with fighting in this environment and feel the help that their ubiquitous companions can provide.

The first experience was still very cool.

However, it is unknown how far it can be played in actual combat.

So when the elves are almost familiar, Aoki will find them some good opponents to try.

Everything went according to plan.


Guandu regional alliance headquarters.

The highest meeting room of the Elven League.

One was built in Silver Mountain, the top floor of the Union headquarters building, in the deepest and most hidden room.

There were people sitting at the huge conference table.

However, if you look closely, you can see that except for the Lord sitting on a 60-70-year-old man, the rest are just virtual influences.

There are a lot of empty seats around the conference table, and they are irregularly empty. There are men and women here, old and relatively young.

If Aoki is here, you will find that Adams, the president of the Fengyuan Alliance, is among them. What is revealed is only the image, not the entity.

"You are summoned today to greet you.

At present, there is an organization called Theology, which is too active, and is still active in various regions at once, I hope you can pay attention to it. This theology is not a simple organization. It is not clear what stands behind them, but it is estimated that it has a lot to do with Arora.

Now that Alora is still negotiating, the conditions of the other party are a bit harsh, so if you can solve it secretly, people who meet the gods should solve it secretly, and don't make things big. "

Sitting on the main seat, the 60- and 70-year-old gray-haired man said.

The people below didn't do much, but nodded irrevocably, indicating that they knew.

"There is one more thing that is not small and small. I think you have heard a little bit about it. The big event of the Guandu League has now officially started. While the Rockets don't come out to do things, try to get this before they act again. One thing is done.

You and the audience may not have much influence, but if there are any emergencies in each region, it is best to be able to deal with them separately. "

The old man continued, "Also, the standing forces in various regions are allowed to expand. A new eventful season is coming. If there are suitable and good newcomers, you can be promoted vigorously. Heroes in troubled times will grow up. , Each has his own mind. "

Everyone, including Adams, nodded.

"Finally, the space barriers have been weak recently, and all of them have been prepared for defense. There may be many unexpected situations. Each region sends its own troops to pay attention.

Alright, let's meet up. "

The old man's voice finally fell, and the images disappeared one by one.

However, there was an image that had not been left for a long time. Until the last meeting room, there was only one image and the old man who presided over the meeting.

"Adams, is there anything else?" The old man asked, looking at the figure who had not left.

It is Adams, the president of the Fortune Alliance.

On hearing that, Adams nodded. "You should have heard about the lava and ocean movements, but the uncontrolled emergence of the Hunters Guild. Should you give me an explanation?"

Then, Adams' face was a bit ugly.

To be honest, the Hunters Association has been driven out of the Fengyuan area by the Fengyuan Alliance, and the turtle retracted into the Guandu area, but this time with a large number of people forced into the Fengyuan area, if you want to say, the Guandu Alliance can not get rid of the relationship.

When I heard Adams' words, the old man showed a helplessness, "It ’s not that we do n’t want to stop it, we ca n’t stop it. What ’s going on in the Guandu area is n’t that you do n’t know. Although the little guy Sakagi is an enemy, he has to say that his ability is indeed Is strong.

It's just a pity that his idea is far from the idea of ​​the alliance, otherwise the next president must be him. "

"A shrinking Rockets team is not yet ..." Adams said in half.

The old man nodded and interrupted, "Yes, a Rockets team, even a non-contracting Rockets team, is not enough, but the divine religion just mentioned sent someone to hold the Alliance in secret. And I found that they also have a lot of penetration inside the league. At that time, I was afraid of attacking. "

After hearing the words of the old man, Adams did not speak for a long time, knowing that the old man would not deceive himself. He said that he could not move, that is, he could not move.

It was just that Adams was distressed by the loss of Fengyuan Alliance.

The old man looked at Adams's expression, and did not blame him for the questioning tone, and sighed longly, "Oh, I understand your thoughts, so, in that place, I will add another place to Fengyuan. "

"it is good!"

Knowing what the old man said, Adams' eyes brightened and he agreed decisively.

"You ..." The old man laughed abruptly.

Seeing that Adam Singh's sin was false, asking for benefits was true.

However, the Fengyuan area is indeed crowded with talents, so it is okay to have one more place.

Aoki's information suddenly appeared in the old man's mind ~ ~ I felt a little sorry to think that he was going out of the Guandu area.

However, in his capacity, no matter where the talents appear, they are all talents of the alliance. His pattern is not limited to the Guandu area.

"I don't know where the little guy came from, and someone helped him cover up his identity information. It's a bit mysterious, but ...

Even the Rockets are not bad at all. They behave better than a few other guys.

Anyway, it is a rare power. Seeing that you do n’t do anything extraordinary, just open your eyes and close your eyes temporarily.

The little guys who have been specially cared for, may be a turning point. It is good ... is bad ... who knows? "

I saw the old man's eyes turned silver-white, exuding a strange light, it was amazing.


Third more! begging!

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