The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1224: Worship again

The second ten days passed.

Two-thirds of the time has passed.

With less than ten days left, Aoki will battle against Ogo to see who can win and take the lead in becoming the four kings.

In these ten days, Aoki almost familiarized the elves with a battle mode in the field of sandstorms.

It is best to find a few powerful opponents in the next few battles to familiarize the elves with the real combat method of this dual-core lineup in the sandstorm field in real battles.

As for the opponent, Aoki has been looking for a long time.

As soon as the training results showed results, Aoki immediately packed up and took the elves on their journey.

The benefits of private jets are realised.

Although this private jet is not fast, it is faster and more comfortable than flying elves that have not reached the Uranus level.

The plane carried Aoki directly through the city of Dora and Kaina, and landed on an island outside Kaina.

Someone here has been waiting for the arrival of Aoki. A huge wooden sailing boat docked on the side of the island. There are many sailors in white sailor suits busy on the deck.

At the forefront of the deck, there was a man with a gray beard in a domineering captain's suit waiting.

The plane flew directly above the ship, and Aoki asked the pilot to drive the plane back and jumped off the plane on his own.

Free fall, the wind was blowing Aoki's clothes, hunting.

I enjoyed a free fall, and it was still very exciting and refreshing. When I was about to fall, I was super-suspended by a distance of ten centimeters from the deck.

"Heavenly King, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Aoki carrying a small travel bag, smiling to the white-bearded old man wearing a domineering captain suit in front of him.

"Your boy, do you have such super powers?" Genji said with a curse.

However, the source said that he suddenly looked at Aoki suddenly.

"Your boy, I haven't seen you for a few days. Why do you seem to be handsome?"


Aoki smiled wryly, "Well, the eighteenth year of the male changes, there must be some changes during development."

Genji didn't struggle too much with it, he was just a little surprised.

"Hear you say that for ten days later, the retreat has studied tactics for a long time. Want me to try it for you?"

"Hey." Aoki scratched his head.

What do you mean by this, but it can't be taken for granted, at least as a junior.

"This is not about crustaceans and other dragon spirits. Would you like to ask me if you have any questions?" Aoki looked very good when facing Genji.

If, besides his teacher Liu Shenggang, who really helped Aoki the most, it must be Genji.

Although they are not masters or apprentices, they are better than masters and apprentices, and they are also teachers and teachers.

"Come, show me your crustaceans first." Hearing here, Genji was also impatient, and wanted to see how Aoki cultivated crustaceans.

Aoki nodded, took out the crustacean's elven ball, and summoned it.

At this time, the crustaceans of Aoki have reached level 48, and they have done a very good job in energy accumulation, and the rest will only be accumulated until evolution.

After seeing Crustaceosaurus, Genji eyes brightened.

Few in this world know more about the elves like crustaceans. The crustaceans of Aoki have grown very well, so that Yuanzhi can't find many bad points.

"That's right! That's right! This crustacean is quite good. It is indeed the youngest senior breeder. The elves it has cultivated are almost perfect." Genji couldn't help but sigh.

But Aoki heard it.

Almost perfect, that is to say that it has not yet reached a perfect level.

"I don't know if you have any suggestions?" Aoki asked humbly.

Although judging from the current situation of Aoki, I think that the crustacean dragon has reached the best level, and it could not even reach that level originally, thanks to the inverse scale assistance of the claw-tailed scale dragon.

Genji smiled smirkly, with an inscrutable look.

"I gave you your experience about training my dragon spirits before. I didn't expect that you would conquer a baby dragon, and you also cultivated a crustacean. In my experience, this crustacean's talent should be better than My Tyrannosaurus was a lot stronger during the Crustacean period. "

Aoki nodded, without refuting.

At this point, the crustacean's qualification has reached blue. If you use the qualification agent to evolve, you can reach a dark blue at most.

Although it is also a very good qualification level, there are still some gaps with the goals in Aoki's mind.

"This is my core achievement. I thought no one would use it. I didn't expect that you could conquer a crustacean or have a talented crustacean. Then this thing will give you the best result. Yuanzhi smiled from the back of his arms with an ordinary notebook, which had the experience he wrote about Baby Dragon, Crustacean and Tyrannosaurus, the only kind of elves, after deep research.

"This ... such a precious thing." Aoki looked at the books in Genji's hands with a complex look.

This kind of research results specific to a kind of elves is the most valuable, just like the Zvuchi family to Boscodora and the giant gold monster, the Yulong family to the fast dragon and the assassin king, and the Joey family to the happy egg The Junsha family, like the speed dogs, have their own special training methods.

This is the most wrapped of their family, it is the same thing.

If Genji is willing, he can use this as a basis to establish his family.

Taking Tyrannosaurus as the root of the family, the final upper limit will not be smaller than the Yulong family.

But for such a precious thing, Yuanzhi gave it to himself without hesitation.


Genji threw it directly into Aoki's arms and waved his hand. "I'm alone and I'm alone. This kind of thing is better not to leave with me. Among them is my self-understanding of the Four Heavenly Kings, Heavenly Kings, and Champions levels. If you have time, , You can also study it a bit. "

Aoki held the book in his hand, feeling worth a thousand dollars.

He nodded heavily and felt the heavy pressure.

Genji patted Aoki's shoulder again. "You don't have to be stressed. If you're really embarrassed, you might as well worship me as a teacher. Although you have a teacher, Xiaogang's guy just took advantage and he I ’m your trainer teacher. As a trainer teacher, I do n’t conflict. "

Upon hearing Genji's words, Aoki immediately knelt down on one knee and shouted, "Teacher!"

Genji said that there are still some truths. Liu Shenggang taught the cultivator of Aoki, and the one who helped him the most was Genji King.

Now even the most precious things are taught to him, when his teacher is perfectly reasonable and most qualified ~ ~ Good! Hahahaha-I took advantage of you, go! Let me see what lineups you have worked out! "


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