The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1240: Dragon Pond and Dragon Tomb

As soon as the crustaceans appeared, they saw the Tyrannosaurus leader.

Without any timidity, he looked directly at the leader of the Tyrannosaurus Rex with envy in his eyes.

"Woo--" The crustacean screamed softly and stunned Aoki.

Aoki patted the crustacean's back, signalling that he didn't need to worry, and soon he could evolve.

When the Tyrannosaurus leader saw the appearance of the crustacean, he immediately understood the meaning of Yuanzhi and nodded gently.

Looked at the crustacean again, and walked towards the valley.

Genji and Aoki and Crustacean followed suit.

"This space and the origin of this Dragon Valley can no longer be traced, but it is certain that the dragon spirits here should be passed down from the ancient world of the elven world, because there is very little contact with the outside, so the elves All retain the most primitive bloodline heritage.

The booklet I gave you that day described the special development method of the crustaceans, and learned from here. "

Genji explained to Aoki while walking.

"In fact, not only crustaceans, but the remaining dragon spirits can also increase their potential and develop their bloodline in this way. However, the biggest increase in this way is the Tyrannosaurus.

But the other races also have different traditions.

There are five major ethnic groups responsible for the management of this space: the fast dragon family, the tyrannosaurus family, the strong biting land shark family, the three evil dragons family, and the sticky dragon family.

They are all quasi-god spirit races, and the strength of these ethnic groups is very strong, the patriarch is at least the championship level or above.

Rotate every 100 years. In this century, it is the turn of the Tyrannosaurus.

And we are heading for the only man-made building in this space, which I call the Dragon Temple! "

Aoki told a lot of basic knowledge about this space.

Aoki will become more and more curious about this space.

It didn't take long for me to walk to the end of the valley and I saw two huge doors.

There are many statues engraved on the door, the best to be identified are these five quasi-god spirits, and the Tyrannosaurus family is among them.

"In fact, the dragon caves of the Yulong family, as well as the hometown of dragons in the Carlos area, can actually be said to be branches that have spread here.

Although there is very little contact with the outside world, every one of these ethnic groups will send one or two elves to travel and learn.

It was then that I met the old man. "

Genji, who usually doesn't talk much, at this time seems to have opened the box and introduced everything to Aoki.

"The teacher brought me here, wouldn't the elves here blame you?" Aoki asked.

Hearing Aoki's problem, Genji laughed outright, "Hahahaha-your teacher and my face are still very big."

If you say that, Aoki understands that Genji's face is false. In fact, it is better to say that it is the leader of the Tyrannosaurus.

But in this way, does it mean that if it is really necessary, Genji can pull out a dragon army?

And they are all real dragon spirits, not flying spirits with dragon characters.

That would be interesting.

The Tyrannosaurus leader pushed open the door. There was a hall inside, and there were a large number of huge stones in the hall, standing on both sides, and a walk came in the middle.

On both sides of this aisle, there were many dropped lines standing there.

Among them, there are a lot of elves, such as Tyrannosaurus Rex, Quick Dragon, as long as they are related to the dragon system, they can be seen here.

Of course, with the exception of the Dragon Elves in Alora, Aoki is not seen here.

At the end of the walkway was a huge rock wall.

When Aoki came to the end and saw the elves carved on the rock wall, he froze.

"Sit empty?" Aoki murmured.

"That's right, this is the fierce empty seat, the sky dragon! The fierce empty seat!

This space I once thought was the space created by Lie Sit, but later gave up this conjecture based on Lie Sit's living habits. "Genji said.

Aoki nodded.

Indeed, it really feels like an empty seat at first, especially after seeing this stone wall.

However, if you think about it carefully, if it is a spartan space, he will definitely make the space into the living environment he likes.

Liekong sits in the ozone. If it is his space, it must be ozone here, and other elves are difficult to survive.

Liekong sits as the legendary elf in the Fengyuan area. He has not slept or disappeared, but has always been living in the ozone layer. The humans below can occasionally see a glance passing through the clouds and come out of the savage sky Sit, especially in places where the height is high and the air is clean, such as the pillars of the sky.

The territorial consciousness is very strong, the ozone layer is his territory, and the elves who enter without permission will be attacked by him.

So it is more confirmed that this space cannot be his space.

Under that stone wall, there is a pool, which is about half a depth of liquid.

These liquids were not water, but a strangely thick liquid with red-violet interphase fluorescence.


Tyrannosaurus roared lightly at the crustacean.

Hearing the sound of Tyrannosaurus Rex, the crustacean stunned and looked to Aoki for advice.

Yuanzhi explained ~ ~ This is Longchi. The liquid in it is pure "dragon blood". All the dragon spirits who died in this space will run to the end of Longshan by themselves before they die. It is the graveyard of all dragon spirits in the whole space, also known as the dragon grave, where they will wait for death to come.

Then "Dragon Blood" will seep out of this stone wall and land in Longchi.

There is nothing more suitable for crustaceans than here. "

From the words of Genji, you can hear the respect for this dragon pond.

Aoki no doubt suspected him, nodding toward the crustacean.

Seeing Aoki agreed, the crustacean slowly walked towards Longchi.

Although Genji calls the dragon's liquid the dragon's blood, it's not really dragon's blood, but a special liquid, which may contain a lot of dragon energy, which can help dragon spirits to increase the dragon system in their bodies. Blood vein concentration to achieve the effect of increasing their potential.

So it looks like there are so many dragon blood, but in fact there is no **** smell.

Watching the crustacean step by step into Longchi, the body was slowly immersed in dragon blood, closed his eyes, and completely immersed in it.

Looks small, but it's quite deep.

Aoki looked away. According to Genji, this process takes at least a day. Aoki can stay here or leave with them.

The Tyrannosaurus leader has left on his own, as if not paying much attention to it.

But Aoki saw something strange on the wall.


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