The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1241: Sit in the air and finish off!

Directly above Longchi, there is a blue stone with a shimmer.

When the Tyrannosaurus leader left with Genji, Aoki walked towards Longchi.

When passing Longchi, he scanned the liquid with the chip.

It was found that the liquid indeed contained strong dragon energy, but there were also many things that other chips could not resolve.

The reason is that there is no reference.

But there must be something magical in this mountain, or some special structure.

Extract energy from the dragon tomb and transport it to the dragon pond. Is it endless and endlessly circulating?

Aoki decided to wait until after the crustaceans had absorbed it, and then "appropriately" collected a little bit and brought it back, maybe it could have some results.

Anyway, looking at the meaning of the Tyrannosaurus leader, it seems that he doesn't care much about this dragon pond. In the end, is it because he doesn't care, or because he trusts Aoki ...

As if he didn't care.

Bypassing Longchi, I came directly under the stone wall.

Came here to discover just how magnificent the statue of this fierce seated man is.

This statue seems to have reduced the proportions of Lie Sit and so on. The liquid in this dragon pool is flowing out of Lie Sit's mouth.

The blue shining stones seen by Aoki were the eyes sitting in the air at this time.

Only Aoki felt a little surprised that Lie ’s two eyes had only one color. When he stood far away, he thought it was faded because of time.

But when I got closer, I discovered that it was not because of the discoloration, but because of the other eye, just a small pit. The original inlaid thing was gone ~ ~ and one eye was still inlaid with A blue stone looks quite amazing.

Aoki suspended herself, appeared in front of the dragon head of the sorrowful statue, and reached out to touch the stone.

As soon as I touched, I felt the scene in front of me changed, and I blinked a few times to confirm the change in front of me.

I found that at this time I came to a white place, surrounded by white mist, the air here was very thin, and the temperature was very low, if not for the first time, I used a super power to support myself a barrier, Aoki Suspected that he might be frozen.

Obviously it is just a place similar to the illusion, but the physical feeling is so real.

"Here ... it seems like it's high up." Aoki looked around again, making some guesses about where it was.

噌 ——Roar——

When Aoki was about to go around, he heard a long beep, with a dragon howl.

Then I saw all the white mist and clouds rolling up, as if something remarkable had appeared, and stirred the whole cloud.

From the rolling clouds, Aoki saw green figures.

Like a dragon and a snake.

Immediately afterwards, a huge dragon head appeared in front of Aoki, with green skin and two yellow eyes looking at Aoki so straightly, that there was almost no trace of emotional fluctuations.

"Sit in the air ..." Aoki murmured watching the elf appearing in front of him, not knowing how to describe his inner mood at this time.

Gurato, Gaioka and Liekong, the three legendary beasts with the most legends in the Fengyuan area, Liezui can be independent of Gurato and Gaioka, because he can hit them by himself.

Dragon in the sky! Sit tight! Also the only hegemon of the sky in the elven world!

Aoki and he looked at each other, wondering why, no matter how complicated Aoki's mood is now, but there was no trace of fear.

I don't know if it is because he thinks it is a fantasy, or he feels that Liekong sits not to him first.


Suddenly, the mutation suddenly emerged.

The sky was originally filled with white mist clouds, but there was a change at this time.

A dark cave with red lightning-like patterns appeared in mid-air.

This black hole slowly grew, as if devouring everything, Lie sits as an elf with a very strong sense of territory, and of course cannot tolerate something so grand and invading his territory.

Without saying a word, the body stretched, as if turned into a green sword.

As the speed of the long sword is getting faster and faster, some changes have taken place in the body of Liekong. The most obvious is that the green on the body is more vivid, it looks like it has become an emerald, and the root looks long It seems that the thin yellow line of the dragon's whisker also appears.

"Super fierce sitting ... A finishing touch?" Aoki watched Liekong sitting and hit a black hole.

boom! !! !!

After the huge roar, all the white fog clouds and air scattered, and a large vacuum area appeared.

The finishing touch of the fierce empty seat made this constantly expanding black hole stop expanding, and it seemed as if there were signs of shrinking.

But the red lightning bolts around the black hole are gradually spreading out.

The super fierce airman made a circle around the black hole, and the dragon roared one after another, as if communicating with something.

But there wasn't much communication, Liekong sat like anger, his mouth widened, an orange-yellow energy ball condensed in his mouth, and it became richer and stronger, and there was a possibility of explosion at any time.

Even Aoki seems to be able to perceive the level of energy that the energy ball in Liekong ’s mouth can have at this time.

However, after all, he still couldn't spit it out.

Because from the upper air, a halo was shot, just like the first rays of sunlight passing through the clouds in the morning, warm and peaceful.

This halo shines on the black hole ~ ~ for a time, the black hole seems to encounter some natural enemy, and quickly shrinks until it disappears.

But Aoki faintly saw an eye from the black hole, and disappeared.

Seeing the black hole disappear, the energy ball in the mouth of Liekong also gradually dissipated, and a possible natural disaster ended.

But the fierce sitting did not release the superevolutionary state, but stared at the place where the halo appeared tightly, and could faintly see a four-legged elf, looming.


Being able to appear in this state, and still in the high-altitude territories, there was no elves who were directly attacked by the airborne sits, and Aoki could only think of Alzeus.

Liekong sat and yelled at Alzeus.

Later, I saw a rectangular blue thing like moving a brick, slowly falling from the halo, and staying in front of Liekong.

Aoki sat in the eyes of Liekong for the first time and saw a surprise.

But then, the blue slate burst suddenly and turned into a small piece of blue gravel.

Liekong's expression changed, his mouth opened, and many of the blue crushed stones were swallowed into his stomach.

Immediately furious, he stared fiercely at Artus.

In the end, there was still no action, the dragon tail swung, and chased towards the scattered stones.

The picture in front of them gradually dissipated, but there was a looming voice in Aoki's ear.



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