The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1269: Dragon in the sky! Sit tight!

The collision between Gaoka and Gurado was still a draw at this moment.

However, the aftermath of the two elf battles is unbearable for most people.

At this point there were a lot less trainers and planes in their mountains.

Those who choose to stay here at this time are those who have a certain confidence in their own strength.

The original Gaoka and the original Gurado collided again.

Gulardo resisted the frontal impact of Geoka, held him in both hands and raised it above his head, and threw it out. Then several magma fireballs blasted Gaoka's belly and blasted Gaoka in his own creation On the ice waves.

After sliding a long distance above the thick ice, it barely stopped.

Then the reactionary Gioka was unwilling to show weakness, and spit out a light blue energy ray from his mouth, attacked Gulado's leg, and completely frozen it.

Immediately afterwards, the double fins fanned, and the blue and white energy **** instantly condensed around his body, and the root causes came out when used again!

Gulardo was unwilling to show weakness. The ice on his legs was instantly melted by the hot magma, and a light green energy ray was ejected from his mouth.

Sun beam!

For Gurado, there is as much heat as needed, so the sun beam does not need to accumulate power for him.

The root wave collides with the sun beam in the middle of them, and the two very strong energies meet.

The whole space seemed to be completely silent, followed by a huge roar, accompanied by turbulent energy fluctuations.

The huge waves are centered on the intersection of energy, spreading around.

The alliance's defense line in the coastal area immediately played a role, and a large number of elves were summoned to stop the wave caused by the energy impact of Gulado and Gaoka.

During the tide, a large number of wild elves were washed up on the beach.

These elves were caught by a group of well-dressed people before people could react.

Others saw that their dress was so uniform, and they thought it was a special force dispatched by the alliance, so not only was there no one to stop them, but some people helped them catch the elves.

After the explosion, the rising airstream scattered the entire cloud in the sky.

Especially in the middle of the explosion, a spiraling airflow appeared, and the entire cloud layer seemed to have a huge hole, but the sun could shine on Gaoka and Gurado.

At this time, the battle between the two elves has entered a fierce heat.

The military planes on which the three of Aoki were standing have already opened a lot of distance.

Just as Gaioka and Gulardo were about to approach the battle again, a few green rays of light appeared in the hole in the cloud that broke above.

Gaoka and Gurado seemed to feel something, at the same time looked up, and both roared.

There seems to be something that is particularly annoying to them.

"Come here!" There was a hint of excitement in Aoki's eyes standing on the plane.

The long-awaited guy can finally see the real look.

Both Adams and Genji noticed the change, and they stayed where the sun was shining.

Roar! !! !!

A dragon chirp rang through the sky, letting the cloud layer, which was originally just a hole in size, spread out, and the dark clouds were gradually dispersed.

A green dragon-shaped elf appeared in the air. Unlike dragons such as tyrannosaurus and fast dragon, but a long dragon with two claws!

Dragon in the sky! Sit tight!

After Lie Kong sat on the field, he glanced at Gaoka and Gurado, and discovered the changes in them without hesitation. He launched his strongest energy.

In an instant, the original fierce air sits in front of everyone.

Although Aoki had already seen the original fierce empty seat, it felt completely different from that time in a strange dream.

At this time, Aoki could feel the strong, extremely confident, and even the momentum of the world from the original fierce air seat.

This brought a huge visual impact to Aoki and even all the onlookers.

But for Gaoka and Gurado, this is the reason why they hate empty seats most. They are always a big brother. The rest of his second child is the expression of younger brother.

The fierce sit successfully managed to attract the hatred of Gaoka and Gurado to him.

The irritated Gaokaa directly used his own tricks to root the wave, and Gulardo reluctantly used the sun beam to launch an attack on the fierce empty seat.

The fierce air sitting was also irritated by the sudden attack. The slender dragon body hovered back and forth in the air, successfully dodging the root fluctuations of Gaoka and the skill of Gurado's sun beam.

But blindly avoiding is definitely not the character of a fierce empty seat, an orange energy ball spit out of his mouth, but not into Gaoka or Gurado, but into the air.

Come up and use the meteor group, one of the strongest dragon skills!

After the energy ball rushed into the clouds, energy fireballs appeared immediately, falling from the air, neither Gurado standing on the surface of the sea nor the Gioca underwater.

Just hit!

But Gurado, who had withstood the attack, immediately launched a counterattack. From behind him, he had completely turned into magma land. Several hot rocks with thick magma were fired. The attack was just released. The strong sky of the meteor group sits on.

嘭 —— 嘭 —— 嘭 ——

Lie sits in pain and is blasted from the sky onto the ice layer of Gaoka, and the huge impact makes him roll on the ice layer.

Finding a chance, Gaokaa jumped into the air again ~ ~ Countless turquoise and white energy waves appeared beside him, and the rays of rays attacked the rolling air without hesitation.

boom! !! !!

When the first group of root waves were hit, the reacted fierce empty seat immediately roared, and the tail slammed on the ice. With the help of the reaction force, it bounced off immediately, avoiding Gaoka. The root cause of the shock shock.

At the same time, a mass of dark purple energy condensed in the mouth of Liekongsi, and he shot at Gaoka who just jumped into the air.

boom! !! !! !!嘭 ——

I have to say that the direction in which the fierce air is aimed is particularly good. The bombarded Gaoka is directly mounted on Gurado, who is preparing to release the attack, and his attack is directly interrupted.

Being promoted by his most hated elf, Gulardo was uncomfortable at this time, but he couldn't launch an attack on Gaoka, because they had a common enemy, Sit Alone!

Graduo held Georka in one hand and waved it with the other.

At this time, the fierce aerial sitting on the sea felt abnormal, but it was too late to avoid.

Magma pillars condensed by the five or six cliff swords instantly wrapped it up!


Fourth more! Ask for a monthly pass!

Today, there are only four more. Hibiscus got up in the morning and found that he had a cold, dizziness and dizziness. At the end of the year, the collection of the accounts was also exhausted. I am very sorry for your understanding.

Finally, thank you to the leader of Youyou Shadow, and wait for hibiscus to catch the cold. Thank you again!

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