The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1270: The finishing touch!

boom! !! boom! !! boom! !! boom! !!

The huge explosion of the Sword of the Bluff appeared at the same time, and the entire sea surface appeared a short vacuum due to the explosion of these stone pillars.

But when the smoke from the explosion completely dissipated, it was seen that the sedition appeared almost intact on the sea surface.

At the last moment, he avoided the huge impact brought by the explosion of the Sword of the Cliff and did not suffer much damage.

But in this way, the fierce empty seat is completely angry!

The body hovered slightly on the sea surface, and a light green film appeared from his head, completely enveloping it, and the straight body seemed to be a green arrow, breaking through the sea surface, and the forceful air flow allowed The sea water passing by the fierce empty seat was separated towards both sides.

The finishing touch!

Aoki, standing on the plane, stared deadly at the scorching air.

"Sure enough!" Aoki said secretly in his heart. He saw the middle of Lie sitting at this time, exuding a faint blue halo, and was well covered by the green airflow created by the finishing touch of Lie sitting. Aoki, who had been watching, saw it.

Blue sky slate!

Or, it should be a broken blue sky slate!

A large part of it should be on the body of the satanic seat. At that time, after Alzeus shattered the blue sky slate, the satanic seat first took the largest piece and then looked around. It should be Found some more.

The finishing touch with blue sky slate assist! The energy of the flight system has almost become a substance.

Looking at the fierce empty seat that turned into a green sword, Guladuo knew that the fierce empty seat was really angry, and he had a few liver tremors for a while, but he quickly reacted, and there was not one injured in his hand Fish?

Immediately, he grabbed both hands with Georga's fins. Before Georga could react, he saw Liekong sitting aggressively towards him.

Take Laozi as a meat shield! !!

For a while, Gaoka was mad with anger, and his body twisted wildly. This was on the shore. Gurato's strength was indeed stronger than he was, but not too strong. Gaoka's efforts took effect.

He is no longer the only attack target of Lie Sit.

身 Sideways! Both himself and Gulado were exposed to the attack of the fierce empty seat.

嘭 ——

The flashes passed away like lightning, and Siege attacked from the side of Gaoka, not only attacking him, but also Gurado.

雕 Two birds with one stone!

Boom! !! !!

An explosion sounded.

But the fierce empty seat feels like this is not enough to vent his anger, and uses the finishing touch again, attacking back and forth beside Gaioka and Gulado, almost becoming a triangle attack.

This makes Gaoka and Gulardo impossible to stop.


The cricket exploded again, and the magma ground where Gulado stood exploded and opened, and the two elves were bombed at the same time.

At the same time, a wave of energy fluctuated on them, pulling away their cocoons.

Both Gyoka and Gurado changed from the original form to the ordinary form, and were forced to sit back to the prototype.

The two elves were ready to run away when they were in a bad situation. They didn't expect to sleep for so long. Instead of becoming weak, they were stronger, at least the finishing touch was absolutely stronger!

Roar! !! !!

Huo Lie sits out with a roar, leaving Gaoka and Lie Sue in the shape of a retreat at the same time.

I was like two children who had made mistakes and stood obediently without moving.

After all, they have just recovered. Even if they think that their strength has been completely recovered, they are still a little worse, especially Gurado, who lacks a lot of energy.

After halting two super-ancient elves, Lie sits away and looks away at the plane where the Aoki trio stand.

I noticed the sight of Lie sitting, Aoki suddenly felt a little tight.

However, soon La Dios and Tyrannosaurus appeared in front of them, which eased the pressure on Aoki.

At the same time, Aoki also understood the meaning of the empty seat, and let them or he pass.

"Liekong sit let us pass." Aoki said.

Wu Yuanzhi and Adams were also a little surprised, but after thinking about it, they decided to check it out.

"Go." Adams said, jumping to Radioos's back, while Aoki and Genji stepped onto the back of Tyrannosaurus.

The three of them came to the closest distance from Liekong.

At this time, seeing the reporters who have completely calmed down, the trainers are carefully guarding up and watching the legendary dragon in the sky! Sit tight!

人类 "Humans! Have we ever met ?!" The low voice of Liekong sits in Aoki's brain.

Aoki looked at Liekong sitting in amazement. He wasn't surprised by the electrocardiogram ability. He was surprised by what Liekong was talking about.

Have you ever seen?

Aoki did have seen a fierce empty seat, but when he first encountered the blue sky slate fragments, it seemed like a dream.

的 The fierce air sitting at that time clearly did not have any sense of himself.

However, Aoki still chose to shake his head, saying no.

There was a hint of doubt on Xie Lie's empty seat, but he was not sure, so he did not follow up in detail.

"Take out what you have." Lie sitting still said.

Hearing that Aoki was stunned, and soon he reacted. The only thing that could be felt by the air seat was the one who once placed the two ingot blue beads and scarlet orbs when the lava team and the ocean team found them. Sit in empty brackets.

绿 A green and spartan jade-like sculpture was taken out by Aoki.

Xu Lie sat idly to see the sculpture, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a green light shot out of his eyes.

The disconnection of Xie Lie's empty seat began to change, and the outer jade slowly fell off, exposing an inner fist large ball exuding emerald green halo.

I twirled in Aoki's hands, and could feel the faint energy fluctuations.

"This is ..." Aoki looked at the small ball suspended in his hands ~ ~ If the two of them are in trouble again, this green bead can contact me! But do n’t use it normally, otherwise ... ”

Without finishing talking, Xie Lie yelled at Gaoka and Gulado again.

Suddenly, Gaoka and Gurado were relieved, one by one, plunging into the sea, and one slowly merging into the magma.

I saw them disappear, and the fierce airbag roared again, with a swaying tail, rushing towards the ozone layer above.

I ended up here with only Aoki, Genji and Adams.

Of course, there is also the sea below, half of which is glaciers and half of which is high-temperature magma ground. It is estimated that these two places will take a long time to fully recover.

At this moment, the three of Aoki were looking at the emerald green ball in his hands.

"Liekong sits down and says that if there is another riot between Gaoka and Gurado, this ball can contact him." Aoki said.

Xiao Wenyan said that there was a smile on Genji and Adams's faces.


First more! Ask for a monthly pass! I am very sorry that yesterday, because of the negligence of Hibiscus, the first one was repeated, but the modification has been completed. If you find duplicates, you can refresh and watch again.

Because of the cold, the whole person's condition is not very good.

:. :

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