The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1271: The end of things

Although the strengths of Georga and Gurado seen today from the beginning are still strong, to be honest, Genji and Adams are somewhat disappointed with such a first-class god.

I was strong, but not as strong as I thought.

I saw later, after the complete state of the two elves, Genji and Adams felt the gap between themselves and the top-level gods.

Can resist for a period of time, or can resist a little, but a little longer, it will not be able to persist.

So Adams, the president of the alliance, was a little worried. If these two elves reappear and become violent, what should the alliance do?

Unexpectedly, the fierce empty seat finally gave such a thing that can summon him, although it can only be used when Gaioka and Gulado appeared, but it is also sufficient for the alliance, which is a guarantee .

Today, seeing Sergeant Sit with one enemy and two enemies can completely suppress two elves, and convince them to let Adams them, so that people all over the world will treat the three Sisters, Sergeant Gyoka and Gurado. The super-ancient **** beast has a new understanding.

Divine beasts, especially first-level divine beasts, come up to some extent, and they can actually represent a certain kind of power of nature. When they are angry and furious, natural disasters will occur, and ordinary people cannot compete with natural disasters in terms of strength. natural.

The fierce empty seat should have its own responsibility, not to allow Gaioka and Gulado to use this natural disaster-like power at will, otherwise the whole elven world will be completely chaotic.

青 Suddenly Aoki thought of the picture when Alzeus handed the blue sky slate to Liekong.

Wouldn't this be the reason why Alzeus was willing to hand over the blue sky slate to the fierce empty seat? Could this also be the reason why Lieze sits so hard at suppressing Gaoka and Gurado?

For a while, Aoki felt something deeper.

However, the media and ordinary trainers who were getting closer to him let Aoki react, and gave the green ball in his hand to Adams, saying, "Chairman, leave this thing to you to keep it and put it in my hands. It won't do much. "

I looked at the emerald green ball that Aoki handed over. Adams froze, but soon he turned around and smiled and put the ball away.

The surrounding cameras and cameras recorded this scene.

This thing is a hot potato, even if it is now the four kings of Aoki, it is best not to touch.

The strength of the fierce sit-in is seen by everyone today, and many of them are ambitious. When they know that the small ball in Aoki's hands can summon the fierce sit-in, Aoki really has no peace of life. Already.

It doesn't mean that they are afraid of their strength, but even if there are more flies, they will always feel annoying.

The more important point is that it is useless!

This small ball is really useless to call Lie Sit, if Lie Sit is played for himself, it is estimated that the first person to be killed is the one who summoned him, but not the one who can summon him. People beat monsters, so Aoki decisively handed this hot potato to Adams, once and for all, saving trouble.

Adams also figured this out, and took it with a smile.

He is the president of the alliance, without such worries and concerns.

The dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, exposing the sun that was gradually sinking west, and the sea that was reflected by the sun into a fiery red.

And an island of scorched black and glaciers that appeared on the surface of the sea at this time.

According to the current situation, it is estimated that there will be many people who want to come here to see what remains after the legendary beasts Gaoka and Gulado ended.

Binghuo Island! (Absolutely not Pound Kazakh!)

I am also a tourist attraction, depending on the situation, the alliance should be able to earn another income.

However, these have nothing to do with Aoki. He and Genji and Adams three flew here in a military helicopter without giving the journalists an interview.

But all the news of tomorrow and all the headlines on the Internet will definitely be the battle of Goroka, Gulardo, the battle of the sky and so on.

后 After the battle ended, it was a relief for the entire league.

The Fengyuan League ’s heirloom lava team and the ocean team are finally finished, and the ambitious forces of the Hunters Guild are also driven out.

In a moment, Fengyuan area turned from the most chaotic area to the most peaceful area.

At present, there is no underground force in Fengyuan area. Among them, the sky team that can dominate the city of Zijing alone is already one of the best forces in Fengyuan area.

At most, there are only five or six Heavenly Kings, and there is no senior one, and maybe not even the official one.

From here, I can feel how clean the underground forces in Fengyuan area become because of the disappearance of the lava team and the ocean team.

Aoki can also take advantage of this time and according to Adams' task layout, dredge the underground forces in Fengyuan area, and control the ones that can be controlled, and annihilate those that cannot.

However, these are not Aoki alone. It is of great importance after all, so Aoki needs to report to Adams after selecting the target, and can only execute it after obtaining his consent.

As for saying that the underground forces in the whole Fengyuan area are cleared up, this is no need to think about it.

When the water is decanted, there is no fish.

This is simply impossible.

Rather than having an uncontrollable change, it is better to control it first. As long as the control is good enough, the crime rate in the entire region can be reduced to a certain extent. This is the case in Zijing City at this time. The matter of Jinshi, every day is all kinds of flowers, watering, and the days are very leisurely.

But these are the later things and planning ~ ~ At this time, Aoki and Genji came to Adams's residence.

Adams lives in a villa behind the headquarters of Fengyuan Alliance.

Amami is named for better work, but when Aoki and Genji saw the facilities and floor space in the villa, they agreed that Adams was for public and private use.

Evil privileged crowd!

So ... both Aoki and Genji immediately applied for a villa and lived next door to Adams.

I can't help but sigh ...

Privilege is great.

I later learned that Huayue and Bonnie had already settled here for the same reason as Adams.

Adams on the grass in the backyard.

At this time, a day has passed since the end of the war between Gaoka and Gulardo.

Aoki was squatting on the grass, examining an elf.


"Aoki, how is it?" Adams couldn't help asking when he saw Aoki stood up.

At this time, he is no longer the chairman of the powerful and decisive alliance, but a trainer worried about his elf.

Aoki lowered his head and groaned for a while, looking at the report after the chip scan was completed.


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