The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1317: Dakley's story

Aoki sat on the ground, and Dakley floated aside, slowly telling Aoki what he had experienced.

As Aoki expected, the dream demon he had previously subscribed to was or was formerly a Daklai, and he could barely be regarded as a brother-sister relationship with Daklai that Aoki subscribed at this time.

They were born together in an unknown chaotic corner of unknown space and unknown time. For the memories they had at birth, Dakley said he couldn't remember.

All I know is that since birth, they have lived together. The older brother is responsible for fighting to protect his younger sister, while the younger sister uses more of their unique talents and dreaming ability to help an elf who may only encounter danger.

Because Dakley is inherently able to perceive danger and disaster to a certain extent, whenever they appear in a place to protect people or elves in a place, they are always treated as a disaster by their coming. It appears that this is very similar to the disaster beast Absolu.

The elder brother is getting stronger and stronger through the battles, and the younger sister has studied the unique dreaming ability in their talents to a very high level. As long as she is willing, she can let all the creatures in a whole city enter the same In a dream, whether it is a nightmare or a beautiful dream.

But the two Daklays are kind and good. Although they are called nightmare gods, the dreams they create are often beautiful and peaceful dreams.

The two of them cooperated in the same way and appeared at the same time as the disaster. The elder brother was responsible for defeating the destroyer or the elf, while the younger sister comforted the frightened person and the elf by creating a dream.

Although they are not understood by others, they themselves have been quite comfortable, doing what is very meaningful to them.

I don't know how long this cooperation lasts, and their strength is gradually increasing. The inherent potential allows them to just immerse themselves in the improvement and strive to grow, without worrying about any particularly large obstacles.

But this situation changed later.

They inadvertently broke into the riding horse that was in the spirit of the elven world at that time.

As an elder brother, Dakley started a fierce battle with riding Radina, but after all, riding Radina was riding Radina. As the true **** and beast of Pluto, the strength is really terrible.

In addition, Cycladina is good at all kinds of strange attacks. If it is not because the evil spirits restrain the ghost system attributes, it is estimated that they will not be able to fight Cycladina for so long.

While they were fighting, Dakley, the younger sister, did not forget his responsibilities, creating dreams to appease the frightened humans and ordinary elves.

But it is precisely because of this, that let Radeina see their ability, I hope they can become their own, let them help spread their nightmares, and let darkness appear in everyone's heart.

It's just that the two Daklai's intentions were contrary, so they resolutely refused.

But on that day, both brother and sister were badly injured by the overbearing strength of riding Radina.

Some humans who saw this scene did not even feel sorry for them.

Because in their view, whether it is the Pluto Dragon Riding Radina, or the nightmare **** Daklai, are evil spirits, no matter who is defeated, it is good for human beings.

In this way, Daklayi were imprisoned by Hades, hoping that they would change their minds.

But this level is closed for years and months.

Radeina was expelled from the elven world by Alzeus, and the Daklais were forgotten by everyone.

Many years later, the strengths of the two Daclays were different, after all, the younger sister couldn't hold it first, and became a newborn dream demon. All memories disappeared.

As an older brother, Drakley, watching his sister disappear in front of him, can imagine the pain.

He even had the idea of ​​asking for death more than once, but he was still reconciled, and the idea of ​​seeking revenge by riding Rardina skyrocketed, which became his only goal to stay alive.

Throughout these years, he has also seen through.

Human beings are a race with too many bad roots, especially after he has seen too many scams, he is really desperate for human beings.

It wasn't until Aoki appeared in front of him again, with a growing dream demon.

All of a sudden touched the deepest and softest string in Drakley's heart, so he agreed to be an elf of Aoki.

However, it is more perfunctory. Knowing that today, he really accepted the existence of Aoki, and accepted that Aoki was his trainer.

Fighting alone is too tiring. If you can find a reliable partner, it is definitely better than fighting an elf yourself.

After hearing the story of Darkley, Aoki sighed.

There is nothing more painful than seeing the person who is most important to you to leave without a way.

Aoki doesn't know how to comfort Daklai, but he can go to the present, face the dream demon, and believe that he should have accepted the ending.

Gently patted Dakley's shoulder without speaking.

Sometimes silence is better than sound.

The relationship between a person and an elf has reached a preliminary agreement at this moment. This is the state that the trainer and his elf should have.

"Take a break and familiarize yourself with your current body. In the future, you will not be fighting alone, will you be riding Radina? I have never seen more than one or two of the first-level gods, and the fight is over! With a smile on his face, it seemed that riding Radina was not a powerful elf.

Hearing that, Daklai nodded, then nodded firmly in his eyes,

"And ... who knows that these breaking things are not related to him? This is a guy who is very simple in his intention to destroy the elven world, but the means are very many." Aoki stunned Murmured his eyes.

It is not just Aoki who feels that the inner surface of the elven world is calm but the inner wind is turbulent.

I believe many people have this feeling.

Mountain rain is coming to the wind!

Returning Dakley to the master ball ~ ~ out of the different space, Aoki fell directly on the bed in the room, and a smooth snoring sound appeared within a minute.

For three consecutive days of high-intensity work, Rao is also somewhat unacceptable.

Taking a short break, the later things may be more and more challenging, and more and more troublesome.

Guandu's separation almost affected the entire alliance.

The gods became more and more active during this time, and no one knew what their purpose was, but they would definitely get involved in Guandu's separation.

And ... the Rockets' Super Dream is about to be developed.

I always feel that everything is mixed together.


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