The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1318: Inside of Silver Mountain

"What ?! Are you going to go deep inside the Baiyin Mountain, seriously?" Liu Shenggang's voice suddenly sounded inside the breeder's guild, which scared most of the people in the breeder's guild.

Aoki face looked helpless, looking at his teacher's fuss.

But he said, "Teacher, don't be excited, you know, when I was experimenting a few days ago, I almost used up the stock of the alliance. The only known production place of this material is Baiyinshan. Inside, and I'm not the silly kid who was not fighting at the time ... "

Before Aoki's words were finished, I was interrupted by Liu Shenggang, "Yes! I know that you have great strength now, and I am not as strong as you as a teacher, but you have to know that as your teacher, I I have always been your teacher, and you have always been a silly boy in my eyes.

No matter what Sandstorm King or senior breeder you are, in front of me, you are just a disciple, I said you are not allowed to go! Just not allowed to go! "

As soon as Liu Shenggang's temper came up, it was true that nine heads of Kentero could not pull back.

It was also because of his bad temper that he had been alone before taking Aoki as a disciple, and he was too lazy to cultivate the guild.

The helplessness on Aoki's face was even worse, but his heart was not breathable, but he was deeply moved.

Liu Shenggang is probably the only person in the world who can yell at Aoki so much. He doesn't care what he is or what kind of job he is, but he only works for him.

So even though he just didn't let himself enter the interior of the Silver Mountain, Aoki would not be angry at him.

Liu Shenggang and Yuanzhi are two teachers in Aoki. Liu Shenggang took on the role of Aoki's pre-growth umbrella, and has been helping and protecting Aoki in his own way.

This is a spoiled parent.

Genji took on the teaching role of Aoki after having a certain strength. Genji's attitude towards Aoki was also different. He belonged to a more open-minded and could believe in the choices made by Aoki himself. He believed that he could face everything. difficult.

So when facing Lava Team and Ocean Team, Aoki took the initiative to take responsibility and Genji would respect his choice.

The attitudes of the two teachers in dealing with problems are very different, but they also provide a lot of help to Aoki.

For these two teachers, Aoki thanked them from the bottom of his heart, so even if he is now stronger than Liu Sheng, he is not inferior to him in terms of breeders, but in front of Liu Shenggang, Aoki is a dare not to make mistakes student.

Helpless, Aoki could only look at her next to her mother-in-law with help-seeing eyes.

Who knows that the mighty mother-in-law, who was usually mighty and arrogant, not only was not angry when she saw Liu Sheng just soared, but showed the kind of worship that only Xiaomei has.

It's really a drop ...

"Cough." Aoki immediately pretended to cough.

Hearing Aoki's cough, Granny Kui reacted, her face was slightly red, and she said, "Xiao Gang, Xiao Aoki is now the Four Heavenly King, so there is definitely no problem in strength. Although the inside of Baiyin Mountain is dangerous, but It's not that no one is active.

Doesn't the league stipulate that as long as it has the strength of the Heavenly King level, it can enter the Silver Mountain?

Even if Xiao Qingmu does not have the strength of the championship level, at least it is the pinnacle of the quasi-champion. What else do you have to worry about when he enters. "

The words of Granny Kui also eased Liu Shenggang's expression slightly, "You do n’t know, how many people who enter the Baiyin Mountain each year have not been able to come back alive, and many people only dare to be active in the margins when they go in, he wants to find It is possible that we will find the materials after we have deepened them. "

"In the beginning, you were looking for some valuable materials. You didn't run around in all kinds of dangerous places. Now you still don't stand here. And you think that with the strength of Xiao Qingmu, how many places can he get more exercise? Yes? "Granny Kui continued.

Aoki also replied, "Teacher, please rest assured, I will be careful. Don't forget that I am still a superpower, an ordinary elf cannot approach me, and I still have a dull king. Mobile exercise is in full swing. "

"And you also know what the alliance is like now. Xiao Qingmu finds a suitable place to practice, and also hopes that he can get exercise himself and be better able to face what is going to happen." Granny Kui added.

Hearing here, Liu Sheng just became silent.

Of course, Liu Shenggang also has a very clear feeling for the league just before the storm.

Before the big turmoil really occurs, it is not wrong to increase your strength as soon as possible, strive to survive this storm, or even compete for a little benefit or benefit for yourself.

There was nothing wrong with Aoki's choice.

The reason why Liu Shenggang's response is so great is because the interior of Baiyin Mountain is indeed very dangerous.

Don't look at the Guandu Alliance and the Alliance headquarters are located on Baiyinshan, but in fact they are only at the real intersection of Baiyinshan, not really Baiyinshan.

Baiyin Mountain, as one of the oldest high mountains in the elven world, divides the Kanto area into the Kanto area and the Seongdo area, and its area is almost unimaginable, plus a large number of mountains inside The tunnels and passages are even more complicated.

As one of the oldest mountains, there are obviously a lot of powerful wild elves inside, and no one knows how powerful the elves are.

As Mother-in-law Kui said, at least people who can enter the interior of Baiyin Mountain need to have the strength of the King of Heaven. Those who enter the Baiyin Mountain are undoubtedly sent to death. Even so, a large number of people enter each year. She didn't come back after Silver Mountain.

You know, at the beginning of the alliance, the headquarters was chosen to be stationed at the entrance of Baiyin Mountain, not to show the height of the alliance headquarters, but purely to block the spirits inside Baiyin Mountain, which effectively reduced the various Occasionally, there are several occasions when very powerful spirits suddenly attack humans in the city ~ ~ The alliance not only suppresses the entire Baiyin Mountain, but also incorporates a large amount of resources inside such a huge Baiyin Mountain.

All people who want to enter the Silver Mountain need the consent of the alliance.

And every year, the Alliance organizes people to enter Baiyin Mountain to collect all kinds of precious resources, including various materials and various rare and highly qualified elves.

Why do you think there are so many potential elves in the league, some of them are brought back from the Silver Mountain.

It is only for these things that the alliance has not been announced, and it can only be contacted if the true alliance members have certain strength.

And with a certain level of strength, who hasn't yet been exposed to the capture and trading of elves, it's not surprising.


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