The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 265: Promote identity information

Just when Aoki started to concentrate, Miss Junsha stood up to Aoki again.

Aloud, "Thank Aoki Jun for his outstanding contribution in the city of Dead Leaves, and thank Aoki Jun for fighting the enemies in San Te Anu, saving countless people, and making a great contribution. I only represent all the police officers in Kaina Express my gratitude. "

After speaking, the police behind Miss Junsha also looked serious, and saluted Aoki.

And the people around the crowd also converged on the good mood, and began to whisper.

Although the old man Liu Sheng blocked the news of Aoki, what happened on the Santa Annu has been spread throughout the region.

Aoki did not have a detailed record of what was done, but still wrote a sentence under Aoki's identity and made a huge contribution on the San Te Anu. If the person is found, he needs to immediately notify the number: XXXXXX.

After saluting Aoki, Miss Junsha took out the communicator dedicated to the alliance, entered the number on the top, and immediately sent the news that Aoki appeared in the city of Kaina.

Originally thought that he only had to send a message to complete the task.

I did not expect that the news had just passed, and the other party immediately responded with one, "Leave Aoki in Kaina, this is an order!"

Then there is no more.

Miss Junsha smiled helplessly. Since the person in the communicator asked him to leave Aoki in Kaina City, she really could only do so.

Because she saw the opponent's league level was several levels higher than herself.

This is almost the level of the senior league, right?

Miss Junsha thought to herself.

Then she looked up and saw Aoki looking at herself with strange eyes. Miss Junsha was a little embarrassed. What should I say?

"Did someone ask you to notify him as soon as I appeared?" Aoki said with a smile.

Aoki looks like this now, really, really ugly.

However, Ms. Junsha did not care about Aoki's appearance, and nodded, "I'm sorry, the last item of your ID card information really said so."

"Okay, can I leave now? Rest assured, I won't leave Kaina, just look at me ..." Aoki stretched out his hand in front of him, indicating that he was now Looks like, it's really a little embarrassing.

"Ah, yes, please Aoki!"

Upon hearing this, Miss Junsha immediately gave way, and the police behind her also gave way, allowing Aoki to walk through.

Aoki did not put away the dumb beast and the tropical dragon, so he stayed with the two elves and walked into the city.

The dumb beast looked indifferent, followed Aoki obediently. He had no interest in seeing the city.

The tropical dragon is different. A towering head looks around. Obviously he has never seen such a city.

Miss Junsha looked at Aoki and the elves around him, and she breathed a sigh of relief. "It's really a strong trainer. I'm afraid the tropical dragon may not be able to beat him."

Miss Junsha felt a strong and dangerous breath from Aoki, the kind of breath that was only on the trainer who was sharpened on the edge of life and death.

Aoki did not put away the tropical dragons, but wanted to play a certain deterrent effect.

After Miss Junsha told others about her arrival, someone should receive the message soon. At that time, there may be partners of the water fleet, or members of the water fleet, ready to ambush herself.

It's right to be careful.

However, when he really wanted to enter the city, Aoki still put away some reluctant tropical dragons.

Tropical dragons are too large, so walking on the street in this way is not only more attractive, but may also cause street blockage.

Anyway, the deterrent effect has already been played, and it is useless to keep the tropical dragon outside.

Aoki found the highest hotel in a nearby building, which should be the best hotel in this city.

Hurriedly opened one of the most luxurious rooms, and after the ghost stone inspection was completed, the elves were released.

Because it is a luxurious room, if it is not an indoor battlefield, I am afraid that it is more luxurious than the luxurious suite on the San Te Annu.

With a height of nearly five meters, even the appearance of tropical dragons will not cause any impact.

Of course, the premise is that the tropical dragon does not straighten its neck.

Aoki did not enter the bathroom for the first time, but after confirming his safety, he took out a communicator with the Rocket logo.

Not only has the Rockets logo, there is a black cloud under the Rockets logo, which is the exclusive communicator of the Rockets Shadow Group.

When Aoki officially became a member of the Shadow Group, the communicator that Ying himself gave, also told Aoki his own communication code.

Allow him to contact himself when something unexpected happens.

After seeing Aoki entering the video communication code on the communicator, he wrote a paragraph below, "It is expected to break into the alliance. I am afraid that there will be high-level personnel to check the information and hope to improve the authenticity of the identity."

After typing this, I sent it by pressing the send button.

After a while, the communicator rang, and Aoki took it out and saw a simple word, "Yes."

"Really, I don't even want to say a few words." Aoki shook his head and put away the communicator, and threw it into the most remote corner of the ring.

Then he slowly undressed and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

The large bathroom has a small swimming pool where you can swim.

The elves also quickly joined ~ ~ in addition to the tropical dragon.

He thought, it was too big, the small swimming pool couldn't fit him.

What Aoki didn't expect is that it was because of his remarks that the entire data team in the Rockets immediately started crazy work.

Because the shadow team deputy leader of the Rockets' highest organization has issued a death order, it is necessary to increase the rank of a rocket member's alliance status information, as high as possible.

It is best to be flush with the three cadres.

But how is this possible? The Rockets have been in operation for many years and spent a lot of money to raise the identities of the three major cadres to the degree that even if they are not the league ’s champions, they cannot be found without careful investigation.

Now they can at best raise the person's alliance status as described by Ying to the extent that even the Alliance King can't probe deeply.

Does the league have a championship now?


This is already the limit they can do. If you want to strengthen it again, you must get the order of the boss Sakagi.

And they can't do it, they need Dr. Sakagi's boss Yuyong to do it.

In fact, for Aoki now, this level is enough, he does not believe that someone will desperately mine their identity information.

Aoki no matter how noticeable, it is just a small role.

Of course, the digging of Aoki's information is definitely to be dug. Just as the Rockets were desperately patching the loopholes in Aoki's information, some people in the league were checking Aoki's information.

If Aoki is present, it should be able to recognize that this person is the old man Yagyu on the Saint Annu.


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