The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 266: Ready to kill

It's just that the old man Liu Sheng is not using the Alliance's direct-connected computer, but on the plane, using his own exclusive permissions to query Aoki's information.

Therefore, this is very stuck, which also gives the Rockets operating space.

Maybe things are so coincident. If Aoki informs Ying after taking a bath, his identity may really be revealed. Father Liu Sheng has this permission.

But right now, when Mr. Liu Sheng closed the old laptop with satisfaction, the smile on his face couldn't be hidden.


No, genius!

Aoki thought that when he returned to the alliance, someone would come to find himself. After all, on the Saint Annu before, what he did was not a trivial matter.

And before the alliance's call for help, he left the Saint Annu first.

Although you can't say wrong, there must be some doubts.

However, Aoki would never have thought that all his own affairs were suppressed by Master Liu Sheng.

After coming out of the bathroom, Aoki rubbed a dry towel to wipe off the water stains on his head, and then charged the mobile phone.

When I turned on the phone, a large text message appeared.

Most are Ogo's, and a few are Xiao Qian's.

Aoki was able to communicate with each other, and it was only friends who barely counted, only Ogo and Xiao Qian.

After putting on clean robes and drying her hair, Aoki directly dialed Ogo's number using the video phone that came with her room.

Waiting for a minute, when Aoki thought that the call was not answered, Ogo suddenly appeared on the screen.

"Aoki, it's really you. Where have you been for so many days that disappeared?" Ogo said in surprise.

Seeing his neat appearance, he was obviously going out.

I did not expect to receive a call from Aoki before going out.

"What? Afraid I fled with the money?" Aoki said with a smile.

He still has in his hand the two materials that Ogo gave him to make exclusive high-level energy cubes. If you want to say value, it's pretty good.

"Haha, you can also call in time. I may not be able to answer the phone one minute later." Ogo laughed and sorted out his clothes, showing how he was going out.

Aoki's eyes raised slightly. "What? Are you going far?"

"No, go out and turn around, and take care of the things that the old man at home arranged for me. By the way, your plan for the energy cube in exchange for a big milk tank qualification improvement method, the other party agreed, but I hope to talk to you in person. "Ogo suddenly thought of what Aoki had asked him to do before.

Continued, "I heard that Xiao Qian and you still know each other. She also worked a lot in the middle. You must know her grandpa, but a little ..."

Did not continue to say, but all understood what he meant.

Aoki nodded, "Trouble you, your exclusive advanced energy cube formula is almost ready, and you may get it in a few days."

Let Ogo help to do things, of course, can not let others do it in vain. The exclusive high-level energy block of this metal monster is the reward given by Aoki.

However, the money to be given was still to be paid, only slightly earlier.

Hearing that, Dago blinked his eyes instantly, "Really? Is there anything else I need? You say, I'll let you teleport right away."

"No, the things you gave last time are almost OK, and others you ca n’t take out. They are all exclusive items. They are prepared by yourself, but they may be higher in price and may be more average than those on the market. The high-level energy cube is more than several times higher. "Aoki gave Ogo a shot in advance.

Dawu waved his hand casually, and what he could solve with money was not an issue for him.

"I'll let you know, I'll get it myself." Dawu was a little excited, and even a little impatient.

He knew how terrible the request he had made last time. He had found a lot of senior cultivators. They all said that even if it was researched, it might not meet the conditions he wanted, and the research time was calculated in years.

Where can he afford to wait, even though the quasi-elves grow up slowly, but his metal monsters grew up eating a lot of rare metals, growing slowly, and not slowing down. When they researched out, their metal monsters have evolved long ago. Become a giant gold monster.

Aoki froze and smiled, "Then you're lucky, too. I just arrived in Kaina City, Fengyuan today. If you are not far away, come here. I should be here for two days."

Thinking of what Junsha was like at the time, the person she contacted should not be low in the league.

If Dawu can come over, it's good to pull the tiger skin, after all, the identity of the heir of the German company is quite high.

Hearing Aoki's words, Ogo was also stunned, confirming, "Are you in Fengyuan Kaina?"

Aoki nodded helplessly, giving him a positive answer.

"Then wait for me there, I'll go and fix things today, I'll go to you at the latest tomorrow."

After speaking, Ogo quickly turned off the video call, and then went out in a hurry.

Although those rare stones are very attractive to him, now the exclusive energy block of the metal monster is more attractive to him!

He is going to the company ~ ~ to solve the copywriting arranged by Dad, and then fly to Kaina City immediately!

As the heir of the German company, although he is not now required to do the management of the company, some necessary things must be learned, and the management of the company must also be involved.

It's terrifying to think about it. It's really not easy to learn so much business knowledge and complicated elves, and finally be a champion.

Of course, German financial support is also very important.

Aoki did not call Xiao Qian directly after finishing the call with Ogo.

Now he is wearing pajamas and calling Dawu is all right, everyone is a man, but Xiao Qian is different.

After editing a message telling her that she hadn't encountered any accidents, Aoki left her phone aside.

Anyway, in Aoki's opinion, Xiao Qian is not worth much anymore, so it's enough to notify her as a friend.

Still Ogo has a high utilization value!

Lying on a soft bed, more than ten days of sea life, even Aoki, was a bit sick.

Even if it is still daytime, it does not affect Aoki's sleep.

I thought I'd take the time to make energy cubes for Dawu, and then my elf, some energy cubes are almost finished, which need to be added.

However, this time when he received the goods at sea, not to mention energy crystallization, he said that the captured elves could also get a lot of money.

There is no problem buying some materials.

I'll be able to kill Dawu at that time.

Thinking of this, Aoki fell asleep.


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