The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 274: Battle ring

the next day.

In the morning, it was still grey.

Aoki took the lead and began a day of training with the elves in the manor.

To improve the training quality of the elves, the trainer is best to exercise with the elves, even if you can not reach the level of the elves, as long as you show your efforts, the elves will work harder.

The Dark Crow mainly exercises physical strength and endurance.

After putting on a new load, the weight was raised to sixty pounds, and he flew around the entire estate.

Aoki's basic goal for the darkness was to fly him fifty laps first.

The Dark Crow's fighting skills are now almost formed, and the level improvement has not brought him any new moves, so what he has to do is to familiarize himself with his body as soon as possible.

Aoki bought a set of rosary beads for dumb beasts, which can test the strength of super powers, and at the same time, can exercise the skills and control of super powers.

The promotion of the dumb beast is relatively fast among the elves, but because of its inherently strong super powers, this level of skyrocketing has reduced his ability to control super powers.

Aoki bought him the thought beads to keep him at least as active as before.

Ghoststone's poisonous properties have been developed, but the upper limit of the growth of poisonous properties can be said to be absent. After buying another bottle of poisonous gas this time, Ghoststone's poisonous properties began to increase again.

At the same time, the two newly learned toxicology skills were not mastered.

During the battle, Ghost Stone's current poisonous skills are easily lost, so Aoki familiarized him with these two newly learned skills.

He deliberately dug a pit in the manor to let him exercise his toxins, let him control the amount of his toxins released, and at the same time be able to recover the toxins that he released.

The ice attributes of Paula have gradually been mastered, but in the previous battle, Aoki found that Paula was a little lacking in the timing and speed of skill release, so the main purpose of this exercise Still increase the mission rate without reducing the power of ice skills.

Aoki bought a large bottle of calcium tablets for the scorpion-tailed scorpion, which is to make the scorpion-tailed scorpion absorb the calcium when it is still growing and strive to break through the limit of its own growth.

Now he has two calcium tablets three times a day, and it has become a must-do.

And this thing for the scorpion tail scorpion to remember to eat calcium tablets, and gave it to the big milk tank.

At the same time, after arriving in Zijing City yesterday, Aoki used the Black Market's skill learner to let the dumb beast use the jet flame skill CD, and let Lala learn the frozen light skills.

Originally, these two skills can be learned, but these two skills are not simple skills, it is difficult to learn and master in such a short time.

Therefore, Aoki made a choice and let the dumb beasts learn the jet flame skills, because the lack of fire skills in his team now makes Aoki's short board very serious.

And the beast is a water system elf. Although it can learn the jet flame skills, it is definitely more difficult in the learning process than the water system skills and super ability skills.

Therefore, Aoki's other requirement for dumb beasts is to be skilled in spraying flames in these short ten days.

Paula's original talent in ice attributes was very good, so this frozen light skill is now the most cost-effective choice for Paula.

The goal of this period of time is to use the ice skills skillfully, and this frozen light has become part of his exercise.

Except for the two tool elves and the auxiliary milk elves, Aoki set clear goals for them.

After Aoki's remarks last night, every elf didn't dare and would not slacken off, trying to complete the goal of Aoki's customized tasks every day.

Aoki's plan is to prepare the elves to familiarize themselves with the improvement during this time, and then go to the battlefield in Zijing City to find a battle and complete the final sprint.


Seven days later.

Training is very boring and exhausting.

But in this last bit of time, none of the elves slackened.

So after seven days, when Aoki felt that his elf had fully mastered his body and skills, he ended his training during this time.

Until now, the level of the elves has increased, and the combat effectiveness has subsequently reached the standard.

In these seven days, although the level of the elves did not increase again, but in terms of combat effectiveness, there have been great changes.

If you now let the four dark elves, dull beasts, ghoststones, and slings cooperate to fight the tropical dragon, you will not have to fight once and win twice, and twice if you cannot win. The third time, after slowly exhausting the tropical dragon's physical strength, he can win.

Now they can say without hesitation that the four elves can cooperate to press the tropical dragon to the ground to rub.

Therefore, the improvement of the rank is not the most important.

Only by keeping your body and skills up to the level, can you really improve.

Early this morning, after solving Aoki after breakfast, I entered the battle ring in Zijing City.

This is a relatively famous place in Zijing City, and it is also a place that many citizens and powerful people often like to visit.

Because 24 hours a day, there is an ongoing battle of elves.

There are a total of eight venues ~ ~ divided into eight battle spots, each person can pay 10,000 Union Coins to go to the stage for elf battles.

After winning, there are rewards.

But the reward is accumulated with the number of wins.

For example, a person who wins the first time on the stage may receive a reward of 20,000 Union Coins.

Then this person can choose to withdraw from the platform to receive the reward, or just continue to the platform and start defending the platform.

After that, you can continue to accept the challenge. As long as you win more times, the reward will be greater.

Win two games to get a reward of 40,000 Union Coins, plus the previous 20,000 is 60,000.

After winning three games, you can add 60,000 Union Coins to your prize pool.

When the total reaches ten games, regardless of whether to choose to continue, those bonuses in their own prize pool can be directly taken.

The total amount is 1.1 million Union Coins.

Of course, if you lose before ten games, you won't get one point in the prize pool.

After winning ten games in a row, if you want to continue the battle, you will automatically change the platform and upgrade to the second level.

That is to say, there are eight grades of platforms here, and after winning ten games in a row, they can be promoted by one level.

Moreover, the basic rewards of each platform are different.

For example, the base reward of the first platform was 20,000 Union Coins, and then after winning again, it was increased by 20,000, 40,000, and 60,000 each time.

But if it is the second grade, the basic reward is 30,000, which means that the accumulation has become 30,000, 60,000, 90,000 and so on.

Subsequent dais are analogous.


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