The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 275: "Qing Yuan"

Therefore, a large number of trainers in many areas are gathered here. It is really that the reward system in this place is too special, and the entire elf world is unique.

The rewards are generous. Many trainers will use the platform they have hit to the first level as the standard of bragging.

It may not be so obvious elsewhere, but in Zijing City, when many trainers meet friends, they will say that I hit the first level of the ring today, and won only after winning several games .

This is similar to the game of a rank system played by Aoki on the earth, which is equivalent to the rank system.

In the first stage, I won eight games in a row, which is almost the same as the number of points in a certain stage.

And the trainers here are not all league trainers, many underground forces and trainers from other organizations will also participate.

Although the rules of the competition are set by the alliance, the other party wins after the elves lose their fighting ability, but occasionally some elves are killed directly.

After all, skills are not long, and injuries and deaths are inevitable.

But for some viewers, these things feel very **** and exciting, so many people watch the game while they relax after work.

The organizers of the platform here mainly do not earn the registration fee of the contestants, but also the admission fee of the audience.

The first and second stage of the ring may be relatively simple, so the ticket price is very low, but it can not bear the number of times.

When the stage is high, the competition will be much more exciting, and the price of tickets will be higher.

Aoki heard that the seventh- and eighth-grade daisies may not have been seen once a year.

However, if a seventh- and eighth-level match is held, the ticket price is not what the average person sees, but it is still full.

It can be seen how profitable the organizers of this platform are.

Although Aoki did not know who was the one who set up the ring, he knew it was definitely not the league or the Rockets.

If it is an alliance, it must be built directly in the Kanto area or Chengdu area. The control of Fengyuan area is not enough. It is smashed by people and cannot be dealt with for a while.

If it's not the league, it's even less likely to be the Rockets.

If the Rockets could build such a platform here, what else would they say to enter other regions in the same way? It has long been possible to surround this platform and begin to devour the underground forces in Fengyuan area.

So it must not be the league or the Rockets.

It may even be some forces that Aoki does not know much about, or a collection of forces.

Anyway, for him now, there is no impact. Aoki now just wants to use this venue to give the elves some exercises.

Because it is not sponsored by the league, you do not need to use your real name to register for the competition. Many trainers who have made a name on the platform use some nicknames.

Aoki is also so happy. He now has more identities, and the genies that can be used for each identity are also different. If you want all the genies to be able to fight for one round, one identity is definitely not enough.

Into the huge battle building, the oncoming shout was coming.

This is the first-grade platform and the platform with the most people, not only with a large audience, but also with a large number of players.

At the same time, there is a gambling table set up by the organizer here, and each game will be arranged according to the odds.

Anyway, no matter how you play, the organizer will not lose money if there are many winners or losers.

At best, the money was transferred from one party to the other.

Aoki first bought an audience ticket, looked at the stand for a while, and learned about the strength of the participants on the first platform before registering.

It wasn't even the first ring game. Aoki had no chance of winning, but just wanted to know the strength of the contestants before choosing which elves to play.

It was found that the level of the elves of the first contestants was almost between the 20th to the 25th level. Rarely, the sprites below the 20th level and the sprites above the 25th level rarely appeared.

Those who are below the level of 20 may not be able to persist in one game, and those who have the elves above the level of 25 may have been promoted to the second ring.

Direct registration, under the arrangement of the staff, filled out the registration form, Aoki randomly named his first identity nickname, Aoki.

In the fuzzy impression of Aoki, it seems that it is a relatively famous human life, but he can't remember who it is. Anyway, there is a "green" character, and Aoki is too lazy to take the name.

Fortunately, I came earlier today, so I did n’t have to wait for many games to participate in the competition.

Aoki sat in the waiting room of the player and waited silently.

In addition to Aoki, there are many players here, all wearing some masks or strange outfits, anyway, to make others recognize themselves.

So Aoki's black robe was not conspicuous in it.

There is a huge TV screen in the waiting room, where the people are playing.

"Please prepare for the young athletes, the next comparison is your turn." The broadcast stopped after three consecutive broadcasts in the waiting room.

After hearing that, Aoki got up and walked to the table of the staff member responsible for betting. He took out the World War I bank card ~ ~ and swiped all his 150,000 Union Coins on the card reader .

At a glance, I saw my odds, three to one.

Because the man on the stage has now won three games in a row, and Aoki is still an unknown little soldier, so in the organizer's view, Aoki's win rate is not more than 30%.

The highest bet on the first ring is 200,000, and Aoki's 150,000 is already a relatively high amount.

The staff glanced at Aoki in surprise, but not many people were so confident in themselves, and then quickly recorded the information.

There is a limit on the amount of bets placed on each ring. Otherwise, if the two players say yes and then bet wildly, the organizer will not lose money.

Of course, the organizers will not be stupid enough to let this happen, once someone finds a fake match, someone will naturally come forward.

So far, those who played fake matches have never appeared before everyone's eyes.

Then what is the result is self-evident.

After Aoki bet himself, he left the waiting room directly.

"It's actually a three to one odds. If you can place a high bet, get tens of millions and come and win them." Aoki murmured secretly.

This organizer is really nothing to let go.

It is said to be a platform, but in fact it is more like an arena. The surrounding area is full of auditoriums. Only the depressed part in the middle is the playing field.

For the sake of convenience, the organizer directly sets the battlefield as a rock field, no matter what kind of spirit is a rock field.

If it's a trainer using water elves.

I can only ask for happiness!


First more! Misappropriated the name of the big brother, happy! Qing Ye asked me to ask for a monthly pass! Recommended tickets! subscription!

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