The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 276: Child in hat

"Our contestant, King of Heaven chose to continue fighting! Now that he has accumulated 120,000 Union Coins in his prize pool, if he can win again this time, it will be a huge sum of 200,000 Union Coins. Can Uranus players continue to win? Let's wait and see! "

An exaggerated host stood right in the middle of the playing field and advertised the generous amount in the prize pool.

This kind of red fruit will not only stimulate the passion of the contestants, but also stimulate the enthusiasm of the audience.

Can attract more participants for the Taiwan competition!

"Big King! Big King!"

"Great King!"

"Great King!"


In response to the audience's cries, a man with a hip-hop mask waved and greeted him. He enjoyed the attention-grabbing feeling.

Aoki, who was standing at the stage waiting for the show, had once made a trough, but after hearing the audience ’s voice, she couldn't help but want to make a trough again.

King of Heaven? Even stronger than the Heavenly Kings? Are people so unscrupulous in taking their names now?

When Aoki was still voicing, I heard the host say, "Then we warmly welcome our next challenger, Qing-Qing Ye!"

"Shh ---"

Hearing Aoki's name was a boo.


What does 雉 mean in the elf world? A bird that looks like a chicken, a blue chicken?

Just listening to the name doesn't make me feel like a strong one. How can there be a great king of Qingyu who sounds domineering?

Aoki hid under a wide black robe and slowly walked to the side of the field.

"Whether the Big Heavenly King player who has won three games in a row can continue to maintain the winning streak, or is this young player able to defeat and become the new leader? Let's watch the game!"

After the host exaggerated the propaganda, he walked to the rest room and the rest of the time was for the referee.

"In this battle, one person can use two elves. When one person and two elves lose their fighting ability, they will fail!

Game start! "

With the order of the referee, the two took out an elven ball and threw it into the court.

Aoki's elf is a claw-tailed scorpion.

The battle on the first ring, the claw tail scorpion was able to fight a bit and learned some fighting skills.

A child with a lotus hat appeared in the elf ball thrown by the opponent's Great King.

Aoki directly used a chip to scan his data. A dark-yellow qualified child with a grade 22 lotus hat is characterized by ease of movement.

The children of the lotus hat, the elves of the water system and the grass system, the properties of the elves are still good, but they are twice restrained by the insect system, the flight system and the poison system.

As it happens, the scorpion-tailed scorpion is the genie of the insect and poisonous systems, and it can be said that it is the perfect restraint for children with lotus hats.

The Great King on the opposite side apparently didn't know what kind of elven scorpion scorpion was. After seeing it, it didn't change at all, but he was still confident!

The free-feeling child in a lotus hat has a little use if it rains, but in this sunny weather, it has almost no effect.

"Scorpion-tailed scorpion, move at high speed!"

There was a hoarse voice under Aoki's black hood.

This is the first time a claw-tailed scorpion has participated in this one-on-one battle with a trainer's elves.

After receiving the order, the scorpion-tailed scorpion swiftly crawled on the rocky ground, taking away a piece of dust.

"Children in lotus hats, shout!" The big king saw the movement speed of the scorpion-tailed scorpion, and was a little flustered when he gave the order.

The child in a lotus hat made an unpleasant sound similar to a duck's barking, which had no effect on the scorpion-tailed scorpion, and the call had no effect.

"Scorpion-tailed scorpion, poisonous tail after insect bite!" Aoki was unmoved. It is normal that scorpion-tailed scorpion is not affected. Otherwise, wouldn't he just exercise in vain?

The scorpion-tailed scorpion had excitement in its eyes.

These days are hard training, both physically and technically, according to Aoki's words, they are almost training.

However, the scorpion-tailed scorpion knows that its combat effectiveness is relatively low among the elves of Aoki. Each time they fight against them, the big brothers and sisters let themselves.

In the face of strange enemies this time, finally I can fully show my strength!

The scorpion-tailed scorpion speed in the high-speed movement once again soared, and even the weight on his body seemed to be forgotten by him.

In the horrified eyes of the child in the lotus hat, his scream just ended, and the claw-tailed scorpion appeared in front of him.

There was a bloodthirsty light flashing in the eyes, and a light green worm-like energy appeared on the teeth of the scorpion-tailed scorpion.

During these days of training, he is almost using his skill to bite all the trees in the manor.

A fierce sip, without hesitation, bit the child in the lotus hat.

The child in a sore lotus hat suddenly shouted!

With such double restraint, the pain in his heart made him feel dizzy.

But this is not the end!

The tail hook of the scorpion-tailed scorpion, with purple poisonous energy, attacked the child of the lotus hat again without hesitation!

Although the venomous properties of the claw-tailed scorpion have not been developed like the ghost stone, the claw-tailed scorpion is not the same as the ghost stone. As a scorpion, it is inherently poisonous and has not been developed. The toxin is not very strong, but it does not mean that it is not!

After the attack, the scorpion-tailed scorpion jumped ~ ~ and left the lotus hat child directly.

This is the first rule of battle that Aoki told him. After the attack, do not continue to chase. Be sure to maintain your position and be ready to respond to your opponent's counterattack.

But apparently the child in the lotus hat did not have the ability to continue to fight back.

"The child in the lotus hat has lost his fighting ability. Please ask the King of Heaven to send his second elf!"

Da Tianwang has a mask on his face, but he can see that a lot of sweat has appeared on his forehead. The direct defeat of the child in the lotus hat has put him under great pressure.

Aoki felt nothing.

If the scorpion-tailed scorpion can't even kill such an opponent, what is his training during this time?

The two elves have the same level, crushing on qualifications, crushing on physical fitness, crushing on combat skills, and crushing on attributes. This kind of battle can defeat the opponent even if you don't direct it!

The shouts of Qing Ye gradually appeared in the audience.

These audiences are like this. Whoever is great, they cheer for them. Before the great king wins, they also shout to others.

Seeing Aoki's scorpion-tailed scorpion so clearly solve the big kid's lotus hat children, let them feel the strength of this "green cricket" player!

After the Heavenly King took the lotus hat child into the elf ball, he gritted his teeth and took out another elf ball from his waist.

He was just arrogant, not stupid. He had already guessed that he might not be able to carry on this time anymore, and the money in the prize pool should have no chance with himself!

This time, a 21-level stinky flower was sent out, which is not as good as a lotus hat child in terms of combat effectiveness, and its attributes are also restrained by the scorpion tail scorpion.


Second more! It says that I can't help but want to see Pirates.

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