The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 284: Stand in line

Ying slowly walked to the side of the boat and looked down at Aoki and the sailor who had been pressed to the ground by the ghost stone.

The captain who first spoke to stop Aoki, saw the arrival of the shadow, respectfully saluted, stood aside, but looked at Aoki's eyes full of murder.

Ying saw Aoki, although Ghost Stone stopped, but did not let Ghost Stone take back his skills, and a smile appeared on his face.

He shook his head slightly and said, "It's almost there."

Aoki looked up at the eyeshadow and glanced at the smile on the corner of his mouth, and everything was clear before that moment.

The person who has just spoken to stop himself is definitely not the shadow person, and it is the one who just let the sailor come to test himself.

Although I don't know what his identity is, it is definitely not easy to see that he can be in the same room as Ying.

I just saw the smile in the corner of the mouth, which shows that Aoki did not dislike what he did, but was a little happy.

So Aoki's heart was certain, and slowly walked to the person.

I saw that he was not moved by the ghost stone, but when he looked at Aoki, the violence and fierceness in his eyes could not be concealed.

The corner of Aoki's mouth rose slightly, looking at him lightly, squatting down slowly, patting his face without speaking.

It's been pressed to the ground, and arrogant!

It can be seen from his flushed face that he is really very angry now. If it was not Ghost Stone pressing it, he would definitely jump up and fight with Aoki.

Only after Aoki was stopped by Ying, he determined that Aoki did not dare to kill himself, and his right hand, originally stuck in the middle, slowly moved again.

Seeing his angry look, Aoki's smile was even more exaggerated.

Suddenly, the cold mang in his eyes skyrocketed, and a dagger suddenly appeared again on the right hand of his cheek, sprinting across.


Aoki cut the man's right hand directly to his waist and took the elven ball.


Seeing Aoki's behavior, the captain standing behind the shadow uttered a voice, but before he spoke, he was directly frightened by a shadow in the shadow.

Ying glanced back at him for a day and said, "No matter what the people behind you say, these are the people in my shadow group. I don't need you to intervene, go back and tell your master, there will be another time, myself. Go tell him. "

The man's face was ugly, but he didn't dare to say a word, bowed his head respectfully and said "yes", and then disembarked and left. As for the squadron captain lying on the ground mourning, he gave up directly.

It's just waste. A squadron captain dealt with a hairy kid, but he actually chopped off an arm.

What is the use of such waste.

At the same time, he also knew that there were two reasons why he could directly let a squadron captain deal with those who valued the film.

One is the one behind him, which makes the film a little daunting, and there is a more important reason because the film also wants to see the growth of Aoki.

If you ca n’t even cope with this situation, then you do n’t have to try the island. You are killed here, and you lose his face when you go.

So when the captain arranged people in front of him, Ying didn't speak.

But now, before the end of the final trial, it is no longer possible to move Aoki, they have missed the best time.

And Aoki's behavior did not disappoint Ying, so the corner of his mouth was raised before, Aoki calculated that he had cut off one of the man's arms, and he also spoke to stop the captain directly.

In short, Aoki's growth during this time is quite satisfactory.

Ignoring those who were still mourning on the ground, Aoki slowly got on the boat under the gaze of the shadow.

Then he got to the place where the captain stood before, respectfully saluting, "Master Ying."

Ying stared at Aoki's movements all the way, and smiled, "You just messed up with a captain, how about it? Are you afraid?"

At the same time looked at Aoki jokingly, waiting for his expression to change.

Hearing that, Aoki's heart was clear, it turned out to be a captain.

However, there should be others behind the captain who can give orders to others in the presence of the shadow.

Aoki smiled and said, "Is it just a captain? And he wouldn't bother me if I didn't mess with him?"

"Hahahaha ..."

Hearing Aoki's words, the shadow first froze, then laughed cheerfully.

"You kid, you're very smart, aren't you afraid that the one behind him will hit you directly? That's a cadre." Ying Xiao stopped and continued.

"Isn't there still you? I just heard what you said just now." Aoki smiled and looked at all the giants in the rocket.

Hearing the words of Aoki again, his smile slowly converged, and his expression looked serious.

"You need to know, to help you stop a cadre-level member, but the pressure is facing ... well, you know what to do."

"Um." Aoki's expression was also very serious.

To be a cadre in the Rockets, there is only one condition, that is to become a Uranus-level trainer, so now Aoki is offended by a Uranus-level trainer.

But this is what Aoki has to do now.

If the standing team is on the shadow side, why should the shadow protect you?

Just have a good talent on your own?

Think too much.

There are more talented people in this world, but how many people can grow up?

Only those who grow up have the right to speak.

Now Aoki is a small boat in the Rockets ~ ~ Struggling with the turbulent Rockets factions, it is better to directly lean to one faction that is more stable to himself.

If this time Aoki wanted to achieve two sides and three swords and give the captain the face, then the shadow would not give Aoki a good look.

It's that simple, it's so realistic.

Otherwise, did I work hard to protect a person, but in the end he turned to others?

how is this possible!

If you want to be protected by the shadow, you must firmly trust yourself in the past.

Moreover, in the Rockets, what they can really rely on is also on the side.

As far as Aoki knows, Ying and Nazi are in the same faction, so there are at least two heavenly-level strong men in this faction, no matter how bad they think.

The reason for laughing before the movie was because he knew that Aoki had seen everything through and cut off the arm of the squadron captain, just to show it to himself.

The kid in front of him turned a little faster than he thought.

Now that Aoki still has use value, what about protecting him by himself?

Anyway, the person just behind the captain couldn't get into his eyes.

The man outside the boat was still mourning, Aoki frowned, and said, "Ghost Stone, give him a hypnotism and let him be a little bit calmer."

"桀桀 ~~" After hearing that, Ghost Stone gave the person a hypnosis and stopped him howling.

Then Aoki followed the shadow to the cabin.

As for that person, he has no benefit in both factions and has no use value.


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