After returning to the cabin, Yingpan sat at a table with tea citron and various tea making utensils.

Tea ceremony is also popular in the elf world?

Aoki thought.

Ying directly motioned to Aoki to sit in front of him.

Aoki sat down obediently, don't see that he had no fear of speaking with Ying before, because he had already figured out Ying's idea.

But now it is another situation, so Aoki converged all his thoughts and expressions.

In the face of the King of Heaven, it is time to be respectful.

After being silent for a long time, Ying just played with the various tea sets in front of him, and only a pair of fingers put a leather glove on his hand, but Aoki found that all his fingers could be moved.

Presumably the scientists in the Rockets, installed him with mechanical prostheses.

"I heard you went to Fengyuan area?" Ying took the lead to break the silence, but he didn't look at Aoki at all, just playing with the tea set in his hands.

"Yes." Aoki nodded.

Finally, Ying brewed the tea, put it on the tip of his nose, and sniffed slowly.

He nodded in satisfaction and pushed another cup of tea in front of Aoki.

I don't know if I'm satisfied with tea or Aoki's choice to go to Fengyuan area.

"What do you think of Fengyuan area?" Ying asked again.

"Complicated, with many factions, alliances ... the right to speak is not big." Aoki glanced at the tea in front of him, still dare not move.

The tea made by the Heavenly Powers is so delicious?

Ying nodded again, and the conversation turned, "Are you sure about this trial?"

He knew more about Qingyuan than Aoki, and Aoki just talked about it.

"Do your best. I don't know what the opponent is doing right now."

If it were only those opponents on the island, Aoki wouldn't say 100%, 90% would be fine, but for those dispatched by cadres, there is no standard in Aoki's heart.

The former captain should be the staff of one of the cadres involved.

Obviously, it was also because Aoki disappeared into the sight of the Rockets. After heading to Fengyuan, he was not sure about Aoki's strength.

That's why I sent a good person to explore the bottom of Aoki. If I had a chance, I would take the opportunity to solve Aoki.

It was also because of capturing Ying's mentality that he didn't know much about Aoki's strength, so he also wanted to see the situation, which happened to coincide with what the cadre wanted to do.

So there is the previous scene.

However, Aoki didn't even have a chance to let the opponent hit, so he pressed him directly to the ground and rubbed it.

Except for a ghost stone, no elves were released, but just touched the tip of Aoki's iceberg.

However, there is still something that can be seen from this ghost stone. I don't know if this ghost stone belt does not represent Aoki's strength.

Aoki remembers that Ying also has a Geng ghost. At that time, Geng ghost should be only the elf of the second echelon and the third echelon of the elf. I don't know what the strength is now.

"This time, there were four cadres and five quasi-cadre-level captains participated, and you are the only one without a background." Ying sipped a tea and looked at Aoki with a smile.

Four king-level strong players want to play chess, five quasi-king kings want to jump out of the chessboard, and there are countless strong people who are watching everything here. When there is a little change, they will be like mane dogs Just pounced on it, tearing a piece of meat off anyone.

This is the Rockets survival mode.

"The five captains have all been sent to Trial Island? The cadres will join in later?" Aoki asked.

There are three people on Trial Island who remember Aoki fresh. Guga, there is a brother of the captain, and a girl named Jasmine is the head of all girls on Trial Island, and one is all lone men. The strongest being, Alec.

But the movie shook his head, and said teasingly, "You think that the people involved are only the nine people I said? The people who really participate are no less than 20 people. These nine are relatively strong.

Of the people you saw on Trial Island, only one of them was one of the nine, and the rest were just the captains of ordinary captains. "

"Huh, I really think that anyone can mix in these things? The captains of the prospective cadres are fine. Even if they lose, they will not be miserable. Will it fall directly into the abyss, so cadres are so challenging? "

Ying is actually a member of the cadre.

The Uranus-level strong have the Uranus-level pride. Those quasi-Uranus who are only one step away from Uranus are okay, but those self-righteous ordinary captains do not know how to die.

Lions and wolf fights, can cats and dogs also participate?

When I heard the movie, Aoki's pupils shrank slightly, and only one of the people on the island who tried the feelings was a prospective cadre?

Guga? Jasmine? Or Alec? Or someone else?

The biggest is probably Guga!

The shadow did not say, Aoki would not ask.

What really frightened him was the men trained by those cadres.

"The person you provoke this time is just an ordinary captain ~ ~ but he still has a good cadre on it. You have so far provoked a cadre and a prospect Cadres, what do you think? "

When he was half serious, Ying played a joke on Aoki again.

I heard, what can Aoki do besides a bitter smile?

Whether it is the King of Heaven or the King of Heavenly King, it is not something he can afford now.

Even in his previous life, when he saw these people, he could only retreat and not dare to touch his whiskers.

"Sir, don't make fun of me," Aoki said.

If you want to say this, in fact, Aoki now does not count as a backer. The shadow is his biggest backer in the rocket pair. If you want to pull the relationship, Nazi is also half.

After all, Nazi has an extraordinary relationship with Ying.

"Hahahaha ..."

Ying laughed again, usually serious, but today he has laughed many times.

"You know, I blocked a lot of people for you, but you should also understand that when a person loses value, there will be no more asylum. It is not uncommon for such people in the Rockets."

"Understand that those who are low in strength can only be protected by the strong, only by showing their own use value. Wagging their tails and begging for mercy is not a long-term solution after all, but to grow as soon as possible.

Aoki understands the meaning of shadow.

I am considered a person who has been collected halfway, instead of being cultivated from scratch, then the trust will not be very high. Only if he closely follows his pace and shows sufficient value, can he continue to receive asylum and get A little gasping time.

This is the shadow hitting Aoki.

Prevent him from bloating after going out for a while!


First more! It ’s the last day, ask for each!

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