The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 287: betray

"Boss Skye, the final trial will be carried out tomorrow. I don't know if Lord Aoki will return or even if Lord Aoki is still alive. Do we have to wait like this?" Aoki heard in the hall A voice appeared.

Slowly stopped and stood outside the door without going directly in.

After becoming a superpower, it's not so good elsewhere, but it has improved a lot in listening.

"Yes, Boss Skye, otherwise you can be the leader directly, anyway, you have been leading us." Another said.

"Don't talk nonsense." Skye remembered Aoki's voice, which he said.

Although he didn't know what he thought, at least he didn't betray Aoki at this time.

In fact, Skye is different from others. These people under his name all joined because of Aoki's name, but Aoki disappeared after showing a little strength in that trial.

The shock to them at that time was great, but Aoki has disappeared for nearly two months, and I don't know if he is still alive.

Moreover, the strength of any person in this hall is not better than that of Aoki then, after all, two months have passed, after being able to live to the end on the trial island, the strength must be constantly improved.

Now they are not so afraid of Aoki, they even forget it a bit.

But Skye always remembers that when Aoki faced the crowd led by Soros, he looked decisively, and every time he went out, he returned and changed.

If Aoki is dead now, it's okay, but if he is still alive, how terrible is his current strength at his growth rate?

Skye didn't dare to think about it.

Since the end of that test, he has converged on his inner thoughts.

In this last trial, if Aoki did not return, then he could safely receive the current forces.

If Aoki is back, he can still be his man with peace of mind, that is the most correct choice.

"Well, Skye, I didn't come here to see you letting go, let the boss of Guga tell me to tell you, if you don't bring your group of people to surrender now, after he goes out, you don't want to live. "A strange and arrogant person sounded.

"The man named Aoki is the most hated by the boss of Guga. He doesn't want to see anything related to him now, and the acquaintance will now revert to it, otherwise ..."

"Boss Skye, leader him ..."

"Boss Skye, shall we still ..."

"Shut up! You! If you don't want to die, just get out of me now! Guga is just relying on an older brother, and it wasn't at that time that Aoki had abolished one of his Aberdeer eyes. Stop, I'm afraid he'll be dead. "Skye directly interrupted his men's words for mercy.

"You!" The man was afraid to speak for a moment, he just relied on Gujia behind him, and really let him fight against Skye. I don't know how to die.

After leaving from Aoki, Guga had a period of recovery, but the forces built by Aoki did not fall, because Skye stood up.

He has always dominated the top three positions in each test. Even if Gujia later stands at the top again, Skye can still stay in the top five positions.

Therefore, Skye is now among the best in this group of trainers.

The man's face turned red, and he didn't know what to say at once, but thought about the task that Gujia had not completed, and the consequences after returning ...

Since Guga was defeated in front of Aoki, and Abai snake blinded one eye, this person became more moody. As long as someone slightly violated his wishes, it was a whiplash, and the plot may be serious. Became the abdomen food of Abo snake directly.

Some people in Zeng Jin also wanted to kill Gu Jia directly while taking advantage of his weak strength, but did not expect to be killed.

From that day, Guga took the initiative to contact his brother, and with the help of his brother, he was able to recover his strength so quickly and quickly returned to the first place.

From that day on, he no longer thought about surpassing his elder brother or becoming a Rockets cadre or anything. There was only one thought in his mind, and that was to kill Aoki!

Aoki, has become his demon!

Thinking of this, the man suddenly shivered.

"Skye, you can be arrogant for this period of time. After returning to the Rockets after the trial, it is not easy to kill you with the background of the boss of Guga." Speaking here, the talent is upright again Waist plate.

"No matter how you think about it, your subordinates, I'm afraid not all with you."

"You have to understand! Who can make you live longer! Whoever follows will have a greater income! Now I give you a chance, as long as you stand behind me and choose to join the force of the boss of Guga, then even if you try Being able to get out can also guarantee that you can walk out of the trial island alive!

The Serpent Instructor just explained a few days ago ~ ~ Only the first five of the last trials are allowed to take people out of the trial island, and the higher the rank, the more people can take, Skye, he Can I promise to take you all out? "

Hearing that, Guga was cold and did not speak.

He did not say that, only the top five can take the people who have not entered the top fifty out alive. The first can take ten, the second can take seven, the third can take five, and the fourth can take three. There are only two in the fifth place.

There are now a total of twenty people in the hall, except for some who can enter the top fifty in stability, and then there may be some who will die in the trial tomorrow. Even so, he cannot guarantee that they will all be taken out.

After all, with his current strength, the top five are fine, but the top three are under greater pressure.

After a period of silence, Skye moved the first person behind, and slowly lowered his head to the person behind him.

After the first person acted, people started to move.

Most of them were those who could not be sure they were in the top 50, but when one stepped out, Skye's face changed.

Staring hard at the man, Skye looked grimace, "Pinewood! Do you choose to betray? In the past few months, a large part of our resources have been devoted to you, otherwise, you can take care of Twenty ?! "

This person called pine is a person who Skye is more optimistic about, so he has invested more resources in it, and he wants to cultivate it as a strong person.

However, he did not expect that now he actually chose to betray and turn to Guga.

With his movements, the people behind Skye began to riot, and the people who had originally struggled also made choices.


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