"Boss Skye, you're not sure if Lord Aoki can come back. Knowing the current affairs person is Junjie. With the strength and background of Guga people, following him will definitely grow faster. Even if Lord Aoki returned, he won the first place. Name, he has no background, can he resist his brother from Guga? "

Aoki heard it, and that voice was the one that initially questioned Guga.

There were seven people who chose to stand behind those sent by Guga.

Most of them are not guaranteed stable, except for that pine.

There are thirteen people behind Skye, some because they can pass the line because of their self-confidence, and others may have chosen to join His Majesty Aoki who contradicted with Gujia because of his disagreement with Gujia or his team. Seeking asylum.

Guga did not say today that he was not to blame, and they did not dare to join Guga directly.

The people who are truly loyal to Skye and Aoki are actually only five or six people.

Skye had a bitter smile on his face. Even if he could kill the person in front of him, he wouldn't be able to stop these people from betraying.

Even so many people on the other side unite, there is no need to be afraid of himself, because how many people behind him will fight alongside him, he is not sure.

"Skye, before midnight today, you still have a chance to think about it." The man is also arrogant now, not afraid of Skye at all.

Seeing Sky's face flush with blue and red, the man laughed even more arrogantly.

"Take care of your time, let's go!" He said, turning around and taking people to the door.

At this moment, a dark shadow flew in from the door instantly, with a cold cold light, those who chose to betrayal fell down one by one.

Neither Skye nor Guga sent people to see what it was.

A moment later, only the man and pine were left, and the rest were lying on the ground.

Although they were not dead, they were so scared that they summoned their elves directly.

A big-billed bat and a stinky flower.

"Where to go?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the door, and the dark shadow just stopped slowly on the shoulder of the person who came in.

Everyone's eyes focused on the person who walked in.

Looking differently, Skye's eyes were surprised first, then ecstatic, and finally calm.

Those who did not have betrayal behind Skye could not conceal the ecstasy on their faces, and those who had different hearts but did not move appeared a relief or ecstasy expression.

Something can be seen from everyone's expression.

As for the people sent by Guga and pine wood, staring at the people who appeared, the sweat on his forehead came out, his face was stiff, and he didn't know what expression to make. The bodies beside him seemed to be them Role model.

"Master Aoki!"

The first to speak was Skye, who was the first to return to peace.

Subsequently, the people behind Skye shouted, "Master Aoki!"

Skye can only be the boss, and is considered to be his peers, but Aoki is their adult. From the title alone, he can distinguish the identity.

The person sent by Guga bit his teeth, forcibly pressed down his fear of Aoki, and slowly said, "Master Ao, Aoki, Aoki ..."

It was just that his words were not finished. The dark crow on Aoki's shoulder exploded directly, and his sharp claws passed directly through his throat, giving him no chance to speak again.

As for the big-billed bat beside him, he was directly hit by the wings of the Dark Crow and hit the ground, losing his vitality.

However, it is a level 25, yellow-qualified big-billed bat. This elven Aoki now doesn't even look at it. Even a clamp-tailed scorpion can directly kill him, and it is useless to fly.

Aoki didn't kill him for the first time, he just wanted to give the people behind Skye a look at his current strength, lest others think that he just took the advantage of the elves and killed those who did not summon the elves.

The effect is still obvious. Those who were behind Skye who had betrayal but did not take that step turned pale instantly. Only those who are truly loyal to Aoki are now blushing, a pair of Looks excited.

Lord Aoki is stronger!

Even Skye is calm.

But my heart was not calm at all.

Although the person sent by Guga is much weaker than himself, he has the courage to come here. In the ranking of each test, he can still rank in the presence of more than 20 people, even an attack by the Dark Crow. Can't bear it.

This is a one-shot spike, not a one-shot loss of combat ability, the difference is still very big.

The man named Pine was even paler. When Aoki had just entered, he summoned the smelly flowers and meant to fight with him.

Even if he is not defeated, United Guga's men should still be able to retreat.

But just now Dark Crow's shot, he didn't even have the ability to command the stink flower to fight back.

All of a sudden I understood the gap between myself and Aoki.

Aoki walked slowly past him and ignored him.

Step by step to the top chair in the hall, he disappeared for so long, there was not much dust on the chair, and Skye was obviously sitting below during the discussion. This chair, which belongs to Aoki, has never been moved. .

Although it was rude, Aoki sat up.

Now he is the team leader of the Rockets ~ www.readwn.com ~ has no one under him, which is shabby, but still acceptable.

After the trial is over, I believe that with my own strength, I can become a squadron leader. I ca n’t just be a bare commander.

The following group of people will be his first men after becoming the squadron captain.

Pinewood sweated cold, and the more Aoki didn't deal with him, the more nervous he became. He didn't believe that Aoki would let him go, but he didn't feel that he could escape because of the death rate of Guga.


Pinewood knelt directly on the ground and bumped his head on the ground. The only thing he can do now is ask Aoki for mercy.

Skye looked at his actions with cold eyes. He was among these people who knew Aoki better. With Aoki's character, this man was dead!

Aoki has used a chip to scan this person named Pine. The smelly flowers around him have good qualifications, but they are light green. No wonder Skye chose to train him. If he did n’t have too much attack power during the grass walking, he might There is also one of the ten places.

Even though it has evolved into a stink flower now, but it has fallen too much in the early stage, it is now ranked a dozen or so.

Aoki shook her head without any use value.

However, his elf was acceptable.

Just when he was about to speak, the Dark Crow had reached him, with little emotion in his dark little eyes, and his **** claws grabbed his entire head.

Before he died, he still couldn't believe it. He thought that Aoki hadn't said how to deal with him for so long, and he still had a chance to survive.

Only when Skye looked at him knew that he was already dead.


Fourth more! On the last day for a monthly pass!

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