The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 302: Beat and keep

Aoki, who was almost twice the size of his normal counterpart, saw Aoki's eyes narrow slightly.

The owner of this cave is slightly weaker than he imagined, but from a physical point of view, this Aba snake's physical talent is still good, and he should occupy the cave with his physical advantage.

Pokemon: Abbot (Green)

Gender: Male

Level: 33

Attribute: Toxic

Feature: Intimidation

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: Poisonous Tooth, Poison Tail,

Basic Skills: Crushing, Frostfang, Thunderfang, Firefang, Firefang, Tight, Stare, Poison Sting, Biting, Snake Stare, Harsh, Dissolve, Charge, Swallow, Spit, Acid Liquid bomb

Teaching skills: tail of water, binding, garbage shooting

Skill Learner: None

This is scanned by the chip. The data of this Aber monster is relatively considerable, but the level is not the same as the elves that Aoki encountered before. It can occupy such a place and it must be said that it is rare. .

"Stupid beast, meditation! Dark crow, you take a rest, pull, grind your claws, move at high speed!" Aoki ordered directly.

The next second, the dumb beast closed his eyes and went into a meditation state. He stayed in the elf ball for a long time, but was stunned. After hearing Aoki's order, he ran straight and went full speed, moving at high speed Blessing, faster!

Running and rubbing his claws, the trained pull can already combine the two skills.


Aber strangely roared and looked at the elves in front of him. Not only did they disturb his rest, he actually launched an attack on himself.

While anger flashed in his eyes, there was a moment of loneliness.

This is already the fifth wave of people in this period. If it was not for the mother who occupied this territory, he would not have been what he is now.

It is impossible to occupy such an excellent cave with his strength, just because the area he belongs to belongs to his mother ’s territory. Although his mother does not care about him, it also has a big name and a huge background. Some powerful elves knew his situation and left him to occupy this place.

But a few days ago, his mother, who was also an Aber monster, was killed directly by other chassis-elves.

Although the other party was also seriously injured and could not shoot him in person, the elves who originally belonged to his mother, began to attack him in order to please the new king.

First a careful temptation, then a wave of attacks.

Otherwise, even if he is not full, he will not be covered with bloodshot eyes. This is because of the sneak attack of others, which causes accumulation time and time again, making him feel very tired.

This time Aoki was also regarded as one of many attacks.

Of course, these things Aoki didn't know, he was just a little surprised, this Aber monster was not weak, but he wanted to occupy such a fertile territory in the current area of ​​Trial Island.

Abai screamed, a dark green liquid with a stinky odor spit out directly from his mouth, and the goal was to pull at a high speed!

"Drag, metal claws!"

The pull that had been prepared for a long time, when the dissolving solution sprayed over, the metal claw was directly used to split the dissolving solution from the middle and land on the ground twice, making a "hissing" sound. The vegetation on the ground Dead leaves are all dissolved.

Seeing that the solution did not exert any effect, Aber's strange snake stared, his body was like a sharp arrow, and it ejected directly. The blood mouth opened directly to the maximum, and the evil energy was directly condensed on his teeth.


"Para, frozen fist! Dumb beast, mental shock!"

On the right paw, the metallic luster faded away, and the ice-based energy quickly condensed. A huge ice claw wrapped around his sharp claw, and swung away directly against Aber's head.

At this time, the stupid beast recovered from meditation, the spiritual fluctuations wrapped up its super powers, and directly impacted the Abo snake ejected into the air.


Abbot and Paula's claws ran into each other.

The puller withstood the impact of inertia and reversed three meters.

A Baiguai flew straight out and fell to the ground fiercely.

Although the attacks of the two elves collided with each other, the moment the Aber monster was about to come into contact with the pull, he was hit by the mental shock of the stupid beast that later came up, and the biting skills could not be fully exerted.

Being able to push back pull back completely also relies on his much bigger body than ordinary Aber monsters, in exchange for weight gain.

After landing, Abai strangely shook his head, feeling a little dizzy in his head.

Before that, I had to contact the little guy. Although the opponent's offensive ability seemed very strong, I told myself directly that I would not lose.

But the moment before the contact, it seemed that his head was hit hard.

After being hit, it wasn't the attack from the little black guy that really hurt him, but the severe pain in his brain, as if it was about to explode.

"Fighting fast! Dead beasts, continue the mental shock! Pull, paste, metal claws, frozen fist serial attacks!" Aoki can not respond if the other party has not responded ~ ~ Later, a flashing body appeared in front of Abaiguai.

The left hand exudes a metallic luster, while the right hand directly condenses the ice-made claws.

One left, one right, bowed left and right, facing the head of the Aber monster who just got up was a crazy attack.

Originally, there was still some dizzy Aber monster, and the attack directly caused by Paula woke up directly.

Anger in my heart!

The body twitched wildly on the ground, arousing a large amount of mud, twisting the body and wanting to tie the pull directly.

This is the best attacking ability of Abaiguai. If he is entangled with him, relying on his strong body, even the elves that are a few levels higher than him, can not break free, let alone this small face that looks so small Elf.

Paula in the insane attack completely ignored Aber's action.

Just when the Abby monster was about to completely entangle him, ecstatic.

The attack that had just hit his brain again came, and a trace of blood slowly dripped from his eyes.

This time, the dumb beast did not converge, and directly used the maximum impact of spiritual shock!

Rao is bleeding from her eyes and nose, because of her strong physique.

Paula did not hesitate and continued to attack, but the Abai monster had completely lost its resistance and was slowly softened by the attack from Paula to the ground.

Aoki frowned slightly, thinking for half a second before she said, "Stop it!"

It was said that the dull book ready to attack again stopped the surging surge of superpowers in the body, and Paula also stopped the attack. A claw dragged Aber's head and turned to look at Aoki.

Waiting for Aoki's final instructions.


Second more! Serve! thanks for your support!

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