The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 303: Doubt and cure

Looking at some dying Aber monsters, Aoki's brows became more and more tight, even though this Aber monster was a poisonous elf, twice restrained by a foolish beast, and a slap pull attacked on the front, but it should not be so vulnerable .

It is normal to lose combat ability, but now this Aber monster is about to die. It has less air intake and more air.

It stands to reason that such a strong physique should not have been spiked.

Aoki was able to feel that his mental state was a bit wrong after the first psychic shock had been used by the foolish beast. Only after the second psychic shock of the foolish beast did he really confirm his condition.

"Aber snake in a strange situation." Aoki said to himself.

He took an elf ball out of his pocket and threw it directly to Aber.

Because the Abbot snake is already on the verge of death, the whole process of conquest is not the slightest wave, after the elven ball flashed twice, the red light in the center went out.

After Aoki took the Abbot snake out, he released it directly. If he didn't do some treatment in time, he would definitely die immediately in half an hour.

Take out a pill specially made according to the chip. The cost of this pill is very high. The cost of this pill alone is nearly 100,000 Union Coins. It is one of the things that Aoki made on the cargo ship when it came to Trial Island in advance.

After taking the dying elf, it can arouse various hormones in the body and increase the body's physical activity, and then the various rich elements in the pill can timely supplement the spiritual needs.

Simply put, it can save the life of the elves that are about to die.

This is Aoki's preparation for his elves, a total of ten, spent most of the money he earned on the platform in Fengyuan Zijing City, in case of need.

The minimum production requirement for this kind of pill is to have the ability of a senior breeder. Therefore, the production cost of 100,000 things is as high as 300,000 to 400,000 in the market. The production is difficult, the cost is high, and the demand is high. Many times, It is in short supply.

Now I'm taking one of the Abel snake that is about to die.

There is no replenishment in such a place, one is used less.

I just hope that the hidden value of this Aber monster can be a little higher. Let's go back to the book.

However, on this trial island, if this land snake can be conquered, it should be a lot better in the future.

Even if there is no hidden value, this Abai monster deserves Aoki to do so.

After treating his internal injuries, Aoki took out a bottle of healing spray and sprayed it on several wounds on his body.

While dealing with his trauma, Aoki found some strange wounds.

Some wounds appeared on his body and tail, and it was not very deep or obvious, but it was relatively clear when viewed from close range.

"Chip, scan this Abercrombie's data in detail." Aoki said in his heart.

The scales on this Aber monster are not very hard. They may feel soft and soft, and may have just shed skin, but there should be no old injuries on the Abel snake after the molting.

Unless the original wounds are very serious and very deep, and they have touched the deep new skin, it is possible to have such scars now.

It didn't take long for the chip to scan out the complete information of Abaiguai.

Different from the initial scan to get the data, if you want to scan in depth, only after the host contacts the elf, the chip can pass the micro-current of the human body into the elf's body to get the complete body data.

So it wasn't Aoki's elves, and Aoki didn't do a wrong detailed scan.

A complete data map appeared in front of Aoki. Even the reason why this kind of wound appeared on the Aber monster, the chip also made a preliminary estimate.

Almost the same as Aoki thought.

The physical appearance of this monster is good, but there are many wounds on the body, and nearly a tenth of the muscles in the whole body have been strained or torn. This monster can still act normally It's all because of his good health.

However, if we continue to do this, even if new injuries are not generated, it is because of the accumulation of old injuries, the emergence of dark illnesses, and even the decline in qualifications.

In the estimation of the chip, the original qualification of this Aber monster may be even higher, but because of the accumulated damage, it has already caused some of the qualification to pass. If it is not stopped in time, the qualification may continue to decrease.

Of course, if you can replenish sufficient energy and the elements of the body in a timely manner, there is still a little hope of regaining qualifications.

Not only that, but from the calculation of the chip, it was learned that this monster was not only physically injured but also mentally unstable.

Part of the reason is that the two full-strength mental shocks of the dumb beast have directly caused the shock of Aber's monster, and a bigger reason is that the Aber monster has not slept for four or five days ~ ~ Afflicted mentally and physically, if it wasn't for his original body strong enough, he might not have been able to insist on the arrival of Aoki.

"It seems that the attacks and harassment he suffered during this time are really constant." Aoki looked at the Ape snake lying on the ground, already wrapped in gauze, and said.

"But it's not right. From the surrounding environment, this Abbot snake has definitely lived here for a long time. The traces of his life here are very obvious. There is no reason to start being attacked only during this time. Did the elves ignore his existence? "Aoki couldn't figure it out.

The strength of this Aber monster is not weak, but compared to the surrounding environment, the place is quite good, but it is occupied by such an Aber monster. Aoki was also surprised when he first saw it. .

Even if the injury was to protect the place, it should not be the only recent one. There should be constant fighting all the time he lived here before.


Unless someone had sheltered him here!

Want to know can only wait for him to wake up.

Aoki took out a big bottle of milk from the storage space, and let the stupid animal's mind open the mouth of Aba snake's blood, and filled it directly.

Abo snake, who was still in a coma, was sucked into her mouth by a sip of milk, and she was awoken if she could not breathe.

Two huge snake eyes opened instantly, and the fierce magpie soared in their eyes.

The glass bottle next to the mouth was crushed with a single sip, and the glass **** was all over the mouth, but because of the tightness of the muscles, it did not cause any scratches.

"You move a few times and it's completely useless." Aoki stood coldly and looked at it slowly, saying slowly.


Third more! Serve!

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