The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 311: All acquaintances

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Chapter 311 of the Rise of the Darkness of the Elves is an acquaintance. [Request a monthly ticket, subscribe] (1/4) Audio novels listen online

Trial Island.

It is raining lightly.

Aoki heard the sound of fighting and approached a little while wearing a camouflage raincoat.

The stupid beast's super powers are attached to the feet, and there is no noise when walking.

As he approached, Aoki finally saw someone fighting.

Rainy days make the air very hazy, especially the drizzle, which makes it so good that it can't see anyone.

Aoki can see that several people are commanding the elves to fight, but not fighting wild elves, but fighting between trainers and trainers.

From a distance of two hundred meters, it was impossible to see clearly, and Aoki could only approach again.

Fortunately, Aoki couldn't see the opposite, and of course the other person couldn't see Aoki.

But now they are not paying attention to the surrounding environment.

After approaching one hundred meters, Aoki successfully hid in the tree with the help of the foolish beast, and then shuttled between the branches to narrow the distance to fifty meters.

If you want to shorten the distance again, it is more dangerous.

Fortunately, at a distance of 50 meters, Aoki, who has been strengthened by the sense of superpowers, can barely see the situation below.

There were five people in total, but obviously the four were in a group, and one was facing a joint attack by the four.

Although four people besieged one person, that person barely supported, and did not fall behind.

The four of them commanded two elves, and that man had four elves.

Commanding four elves at the same time is a very brain-burning thing for a trainer. It may not be a problem in a short time, but it will be prone to accidents over time.

Aoki didn't do anything, and lay on the tree watching quietly.

As if to meet Aoki's wishes, the drizzle in the sky slowly dissipated, and finally Aoki saw the figure below.

I do n’t know, it ’s really easy to be surprised.

Apart from that, the following five people, Aoki actually knew nearly half.

The four people who joined together just before the start of the final trial, Skye pointed out to Aoki, who was originally under the power of the lone walker and was conquered by Guga the last night. , The name seems to be called Nakajima.

The two elves of Nakajima, the big-billed bat and Rada, are obviously the main force of the four.

The other three people, although Aoki couldn't name them, could still recognize them. They should be people under the influence of Guga.

Unexpectedly, the four were so lucky that they could gather on such a large trial island, and because they were under one influence, there was no difference between who was the leader.

Although Nakajima joined on the last day, because of his eighth-place strength, the remaining three people recognized him.

The four had a total of eight elves, struggling to capture the opponent's four elves.

And that person, Aoki also knew, or in other words, a little more familiar than those four people.

It was the first day that he was directly transmitted to Aoki, and he destroyed a mighty force and caught a hot monkey Miyamoto.

It should be an ordinary team captain of the Rockets, mainly fighting elves, and the strength is not weak. If you participate in the trial island, you should be able to get the top three strengths.

But he has more elves than most on the trial island. If he fights in full, only Guga can fight him.

It can be seen how horrifying the strength of the group of people who entered the trial island later.

Just a relatively weak person will be able to beat most trialers on the trial island.

If he was in the heyday, the four people on the other side might not be his opponents, but after a fight with Aoki, after losing or killing two elves, he could barely compete with the four on the opposite side.

But in a passive defensive state.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! If it wasn't that **** Aoki, I took my hot monkey away, and I punched their heads with one blow!" Miyamoto, who was fighting below, didn't realize that he was in his heart. The cursing Aoki was watching him on the tree behind him.

Hot Monkey is his main spirit, and it is also the one with the strongest attack power. Now he lacks the attack of Hot Monkey, and his team is very incomplete.

The person on the other side was very shameless and slowly consumed him with the number of elves, and did not confront him directly.

In addition to his own elf, except for a Duduli who is sitting up, he is a general and flying elf. The other elves have fighting attributes more or less, but there are three large-billed bats with flying attributes on the opposite side.

Among them is a big-mouthed bat. Among the many elves, his strength is considered to be relatively strong. He was entangled with the strongest boxer (Abilang) besides the hot monkey, which caused his overall strength to drop a lot.

In addition, nearly half of the other's elves have poisonous properties. Often they come up to put a poison, and they quickly retreat, trying to slowly kill their own elves.

"You are the one who is mentioned in the rules. One of the people who will participate in the end, right? So it seems that the strength is like this. The only person who is so jealous of the boss of Guga is this strength?"

Seeing that the situation gradually stabilized, Nakajima sneered and said calmly.

There was no concern about the gloomy face of the man across the water who was about to drip.

In fact, Nakajima has found this person for some time. He has survived on the trial island for three months, and he has to test it every week. Which of the testers has he never met a few times? When he saw the person, he guessed the person's identity.

However, Nakajima did not launch the attack immediately, but waited silently for the opportunity.

It may be because of good luck. Soon after entering the trial island, Nakajima encountered three people under the same influence of Guga.

So relying on the strength advantage and the gap between the status, these three people quickly recognized their identity and set their own positions.

When the three were gathered, when Miyamoto was most relaxed, Nakajima launched an attack with people.

Originally thinking, even if I ca n’t fight, there are three cannon fodder dragging myself, it should be okay to run away ~ ~ But I did not expect that such a daunting person in Guga ’s mouth was actually four of them Fighting back and forth.

Although Nakajima also acknowledged that one-on-one is basically not an opponent, but the king defeated and the number advantage is also part of the strength.

So there was a scene that Aoki saw. In addition to the strength of Nakajima, the four others were more average, but they were under pressure from Miyamoto.

"All adults are properly commanded. Adult Nakajima is the top ten strongest in the last test. If it is not to save time, it is presumed that adults alone can kill each other."

Some of them flattered.

With his words, the other two quickly rushed to make a flatter.


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