The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 312: Fight back

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The Rise of the Darkness of the Elves Chapter 312 Struggling to Fight Back [Monthly Tickets, Subscriptions] (2/4) Audio Novels Listen Online

Hearing them, Miyamoto almost sprayed all the old blood on their faces.

If it wasn't for your own strength, would you need to be stopped by so many rotten sweet potato eggs?

Hu Luo Pingyang was bullied by dogs!

Moreover, the situation is getting worse and worse. For a long time, he concentrated on directing the four elves to fight, making him feel that his reaction was not keeping up with the rhythm of the battle.

The opposite people were also very shameless, preferring to fail the attack rather than colliding with their own elf, wanting to slowly consume the elf's physical strength.

Especially the person who took the lead, who obviously had the strength to stop his two elves, chose to send only one elven, and the other stayed with him, which was regarded as protecting himself, but he was also guarding his three. "companion".

In this regard, the three people who obeyed Nakajima's order were also very clear. They were all people who had survived on the trial island for three months. No one would believe in others with all their heart.

Kushou will lose!

Suddenly, Miyamoto made a mistake in command, and Nakajima, who was waiting patiently, emerged out of nowhere, and a fierce offensive broke out directly.

At the cost of the loss of one other's elf, another mighty Miyamoto was solved.

The situation suddenly changed from a stable situation.

Although both sides lost an elf, Miyamoto lost the main force, while Nakashima lost only one insignificant elf.

However, the face of the person who lost the elf is still very ugly. On this kind of trial island, the security of the loss of an elf is reduced by half.

So how dare there be an elf to attack? I'm going to kill another elf, I'm afraid I'm really going to die here.

Is it worth doing these things for others?

Seeing the man's hesitation, Nakajima shouted directly, "Go all out! Just defeat this man, and I will keep you safe out of the island!"

As long as you can kill this powerful human in front of you, if you can get one or two elves of the other hand, then the strength will definitely skyrocket, and the top three in the trial will be able to shock yourself.

The man was still hesitant to hear what Nakajima said.

But when he saw the Rada beside Nakajima, with two small eyes staring at himself, he had no choice but to attack with all his strength.

I hope Nakajima can keep its promise.

Miyamoto was pressed by the four.

He lost an elf, and finally could not resist their attack.

Following the order of Nakajima, the four did not pass away and began to attack with all their strength.

I saw Miyamoto's face getting darker and darker, glanced glanced at Nakajima with his hands on his chest next to him.

"Since you want me to die, you can't make it easier!" Miyamoto felt ruthless.

Those who can grow to this stage in the Rockets have no blood in their hands and no hard heart in their hearts, and they are unlikely to reach this step.

"Quick boxing, double return! Then thunderbolt, give me full attack on that big mouth bat!" Miyamoto growled.

There was a hint of self-confidence and regret in the eyes of Kuanquan Lang who heard the words, and a variety of complex emotions appeared. He knew what his trainer had issued this instruction for.

Immediately, they were all covered by a fierce force. As an elf, since his trainer usually treats himself not too thin, what should be paid for him is still to be done.

Kuai Quan Lang stood in the place and endured a big mouth bat attack. Then, with the momentum of double repayment, he directly deterred all the other elves who besieged him. It was a fierce punch to the big mouth bat.

Both the big mouth bat and Nakajima were beaten, and Miyamoto, who was still desperately defending, has now abandoned all the defenses, and Kusao Lang is desperately fighting. Everyone sees Rao. come out.

"Big-mouthed bat! Hurry up!" Nakajima changed color and yelled.

It's just late.

The double return attack directly knocked the big mouth bat down to the ground, and almost lost its combat ability, but how could Kuikuang Lang let him off so easily, and he had to do his own life for his own trainer.

On the left fist ready to go, the energy of the electrical system was madly condensed, and Quick Boxing Lang almost poured all his strength into it.

Understand the electrical energy on the fists of Kui Kwon Lang, Nakajima's original gloomy face suddenly pooped, "What are you looking at! Stop him!"

However, Miyamoto's elves obviously did not let the other elves interfer with the fast boxer, and they did not want to launch an attack, they just wanted to drag other elves.

And the three people who obeyed Nakajima's command also had a hint of thought in his heart. Nakajima regarded them as cannon fodder and meat shields. Now it's hard for them to encounter an opportunity that can weaken him, and constrain their desperate posture, but the real Some effort, only they know.

"Damn! Rada! Hurry up!" Nakajima had no choice but to send Rada who had been by his side, but he didn't know if he could rescue in time.

Then he took out another elf ball and released a gas bomb to guard himself.

Almost everyone in the top ten has three elves, only two are the main force, and one is relatively weak. This gas bomb is the weakest one in Nakajima's hand.

Rada rushed out fast, but how could the fast boxer who was already ready to stop him had time to stop.

Fist turns into lightning!


Directly bombarded the large-billed bat lying on the ground, a lightning current flowed through his body, and then dissipated in the ground.

Big mouth bat, defeat!

You can even smell the scent of roast meat.

"I want you to die! I want you to be buried! Rada! You must kill the front teeth!" Nakajima saw the big mouthed bat that had lost his life and issued an order in anger.

But that's okay. When Kui Kwon Lang launched this attack, he had already given up his life, and in the end, Thunder Boxing used almost all the energy in his body.

Lada rushed over and bit her on Kuanjiro's neck, killing him completely.

Seeing all this, a touch of sorrow flashed in Miyamoto's eyes, and was immediately replaced by madness.

"Duduli, the monkey monster! Give up the other elves and kill me this Rada!" Miyamoto said the order with his teeth.

Bloodshot eyes stared at the opposite Nakajima.

Even if it is dead ~ ~ I will not make you feel better! Killing your two main elves, can you save your life with the gas bomb you have left?

Sooner or later to go down with me!

With an incredible look, Nakajima watched as Doduli and the Monkey Monster stopped paying attention to other elves and frantically besieged Lada.

At this moment, he understood what Miyamoto wanted to do, and his crazy look finally scared him.

"Crazy! Crazy! Really tm is a lunatic, Rada! Come back soon!"

"What are you waiting for? Didn't you see that I was going to solve his Rada? Are you just willing to be at his mercy? Are the trainers not even **** of this hard work? Just kill him and kill me, How much can you reap! If he does not die, how much can you get! "


Second more!

Dark Rise of the Elves https://new./read/56644/

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