The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 313: Aoki shot, kill

Rise of the Darkness of the Elven Chapter 313 Aoki Shot , Subscribe] (3/4) Listen to Audio Novels Online

After hearing Miyamoto's words, the other three were silent, especially the one who lost an elf in the beginning.

Although Miyamoto's words were not provocative, they did not deny that he was right.

Nakajima has been alive. Even if Miyamoto is killed, how much benefit can they get?

In other words, will Nakajima be killed with them, and at the same time they get resources, they will also receive their points!

Then hesitated the three began to slowly slacken.

A change of crazy smile appeared on Miyamoto's face, while Nakajima's face was gloomy.

I have to say that what Miyamoto said before told the most true thoughts in his heart, that is, to kill everyone now, and to maximize the benefits by devouring himself.

"Damn! Don't be fooled by him! Give me a full attack, and as long as you kill him, I will definitely give you enough." At this time, Nakajima can only say such things, but it is very effective. micro.

The other three were very tacit and did not contribute much, watching Rada being beaten by Miyamoto's Tooturi and Monkey Monster.

However, Duduli and the monkey monster have been fighting for such a long time, and they have been bruised all over the body. Only with the last breath, they have persisted until now.

"Duduli! Monkey monster! Give Rada a final blow! Kill him! Hahahaha, I want you to be buried with me." Miyamoto laughed wildly, but now no one dares to taunt him again.

This person is crazy enough! Deserves to be a member of the Rockets!

Several people felt the madness of the rocket members.

Nakajima's face is very ugly now, Rada is already very dangerous and can hardly escape the end of death.

Although the other two elves are at the end of the crossbow, now they have no time to defeat them, and they have no means.

Even the three elves started to give up the attack intentionally or unintentionally, and slowly expanded the encirclement, or approached him, in order to prevent him from escaping.

The original good situation has become what it is now.

Be sure to pull yourself into the water!

"Crazy! Really a complete madman, stop! Quickly stop! As long as you stop! I promise to retreat immediately, and I can even help you solve these three people to ensure that you can retreat safely." Nakajima anxiously said Such a sentence.

But he shouldn't or shouldn't, he just said it in front of everyone.

With his words, the other three made a complete decision without any communication in words, and all of them launched an attack on Nakajima subconsciously.

He could have insisted, as long as he walked to a better place, there may not be a way to escape, but in order to keep his Rada, he never said this in his mind.

How can that be? Knowing that someone is going to kill themselves, of course, it's better to start first.

Five elves attacked together, how could Nakajima's only gas bomb now be able to resist.

Almost at the same time as his Rada, he was solved by different elves!

At this point, all the spirits of Nakajima, who had been in the air, had died, and he was facing revenge from the rest.

Under the counterattack of Lada's death, Miyamoto's monkey monster was also killed, leaving only a tootry with bruises all over his body, barely able to stand, but apparently there was not much action capacity.

The three were very acquainted, and together they sent out the elves and killed them under the complex gaze of Nakajima!

One Trial Island was considered to be a strong one, and one Trial Island tested the existence of the top ten, and thus died in the hands of three people who did not have much fame.

Therefore, don't underestimate any person on the trial island. Those who can live to the present are those who do not have a little thought, and who do not have such a little strength.

Really thought that the trio launched the attack because of Miyamoto's words?

Miyamoto's words were just a trigger, in fact, the three of them had long been counted.

After the settlement of Nakajima, the trust between the three quickly collapsed, but they did not immediately fight. Miyamoto was still alive, and their biggest gain was alive.

Only when the existence of the harvest is guaranteed, can the three of them begin to kill each other.

Immediately, they were very tacit, and the three were ready to direct the elf to attack Miyamoto's only Duduli.

Duduli has basically lost his ability to resist, and the three of them can deal with his elves.

I have been staying on the tree and witnessed the whole process of Aoki, knowing that now is the best mobile phone meeting.

This is really a good show.

Aoki said with emotion.

"Dark Crow, downwind, and then quickly solve them, dumb beasts, and move with the Dark Crow in a moment, pay attention! Kill the elves, leave the people, and the Duduli temporarily." Aoki ordered.


The two elves nodded, the blue light surged in the eyes of the dumb beast, the super power fluctuation appeared, and the distance of 50 meters, the instantaneous movement almost started in the blink of an eye.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in the field of five.

Seeing the two elf appearing suddenly, the four changed together.

The three of the trainers recognized the existence of the Dark Crow. This was the first place on the trial island, the original elves of Aoki, who once pressed Gujia on the ground and rubbed it.

Miyamoto recognized the stupid beast, the stupid beast that had let him taste all the hardships.

But now seeing him, instead of the slightest bit of hatred and resentment, a little hope appeared, and the desire to survive was erupted in his eyes.

That person wants to know the information of all the people involved. Now only this person knows this place, then he appears now and he should be able to survive.

As for what kills the elf, and arrests his elf, these are all behind him.

Members of the Rockets didn't pay much attention to the fetters with the elves, otherwise, they wouldn't let Suikuno launch a suicide attack before.

Being alive is more important than anything!

The three looked at each other and saw that there were only two elves and again launched an attack.

It's just that these three people are obviously wrong. Can the elves of Aoki and the elves of Miyamoto be compared?

And they were able to drag Miyamoto's elves before because the threat of Nakajima existed, otherwise the three were not enough to kill Miyamoto or Nakashima alone.

So ~ ~ Nakajima really died very badly.

The tacit understanding of the dark crow and the foolish beast is the strongest of all the elves of Aoki.

Without leaving a hand, a group of twenties-level elves, and many are restrained by the dumb beast attributes, how much time can they resist?

Almost three minutes later, all the elves were lying on the ground and lost their vitality.

The three people who were about to escape were also directly controlled by the stupid beast and suppressed on the ground. The reason why they didn't kill them was because Aoki didn't say anything.


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