The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 320: Dead metamorphosis (three / ~)

The full-fledged Miyamoto avoided the attack from Alidos, and the flying mantis' attack was blocked by the hot monkey.

However, because it was passive, it was also repelled a distance.

Aoki did not pass immediately because he saw that the woman sitting there had not been moving, and even his expression had not changed, indicating that this kind of thing had happened not once or twice.

But why is this woman so obedient, isn't she under the control of Jasmine? Aoki doesn't understand.

The attacked one was Alidos, and the other was a flying mantis, apparently not a jasmine's elf.

Who will it be?

Before long, the man Aoki was guessing appeared slowly.

I saw a wicked smile on his face, and a Perast followed him, walking out of the woods.

The smile on his face was exaggerated when he saw Miyamoto's shameless face in order to avoid the attack.

"Isn't this Miyamoto? Why are you so embarrassed? Did you fancy this woman? I gave it to you! Hahaha!" He laughed wildly.

Hearing his voice, a look of fear and dread appeared on the face of the woman who was motionless.

"Paul, I didn't expect it to be a dead metamorphosis. Why haven't you died!" Miyamoto touched the dirt on his face and said with gritted teeth.

"Che, you haven't died yet, how could I die, but I want to help Lord Yangping get the first place!" The man named Paul looked like you were waiting to die.

"You pervert, really you did it, did you make this woman like this? Did you deliberately put map fragments on her and wait for others to hook?"

Now that you know who the person is hiding behind, then the woman in front of you who is wearing a dress that is exposed but has not changed much, Miyamoto knows why.

Paul shrugged and said, "Cut, what do you know, this woman is still clever, knowing that she can't live on the trial island, so she wants to find a backer. When I heard that those of us later were stronger, we took the initiative to find Got me, I didn't force her to sting! "

Miyamoto slowly moved her body and hid herself behind the hot monkey.

"As soon as you came out, I guessed what this dead pervert did. Did you waste her limbs? Then slowly tortured?"

"No, no, no, how can this be said of torture? This is called dedication to art, do you understand? Those of you who only know **** and kill, really don't know what art is.

Since she took the initiative to find me and sought my protection, of course I have the right to use all her things, and finally I can find such good materials on the trial island, I did n’t hold back, I did n’t hold back, hahahaha! "

He couldn't help but said, but his expression was extremely arrogant and unscrupulous.

"Seeing you so satisfied, you must have killed many people with this trap." Miyamoto said.

"What is Jae? How terrible is this? It's called looking for material, you know? But all the garbage comes, I don't even have the mood to collect, and I'm not a woman, it really means nothing, but Okay.

Fortunately, you are here! Hahaha. "

"If you are psychopathic, you will kill if you kill people, making me creepy now and able to tolerate people like you, either with good mental quality or death metamorphosis!" Miyamoto felt that the goosebumps of the whole person on him were all up Already.

He has also killed many people and seen many corpses, but he ca n’t understand such a perverted person. He likes to abolish his limbs first, then torture him to death a little, and finally cut off the most of his body Favorite parts as collectibles.

This woman is also naive, and she will deliver it to her.

I do n’t know if I can trust in an unknown strong person, they might even kill you if they do n’t even look at you!

But now I obviously have no time to worry about others, because the dead abnormal look has shifted to myself.

Paul's eyes circulated unmistakably over Miyamoto's body, and those who didn't know thought what he wanted to do.

But Miyamoto felt more disgusting than that, a man hitting an idea on some part of your body.

"Hey, I think a man of your level is eligible to be one of my collections. Come on, summon your elf. When I was on the plane yesterday, if it wasn't for the adult, I would have already started It's really exciting to have a collector's value for an airplane. "

"I really don't understand. How could a person like Yangping find you as a helper like a dead pervert and are not afraid of being sickened to death?" Miyamoto scolded.

But the opposite Paul obviously did not mean to be angry at Miyamoto's yelling and scolding, instead he was glad to hear him say this.

"Little Miyamoto, the more fierce you resist, the happier I will be. Hurry up, summon your elf and let me see." Paul smiled frantically, obviously very happy.

Miyamoto didn't summon elves, but Paul's three worm-like elves were closer and closer.

I saw that Miyamoto's face was a bit ugly ~ ~ If there were elves who could summon, I would have gone up to this fat asshole!

Seems to also see the embarrassment of Miyamoto, Paul's face slightly changed, and said, "Shouldn't you run out of elves, is there only this hot monkey?"

Miyamoto was silent and did not speak, but his face was gloomy and terrible.

But I didn't expect that the opposite Paul was even more gloomy, "Damn bastard! You guys, this is the only day that comes in, is there only one elf left, is it too wasteful, dare to speak to me like this? Only one Only you, the elf, don't even have the chance to resist, and I even lose my interest in collecting yours. "

I thank your family! Don't favorite me!

Miyamoto shouted in his heart.

But his face did not change, "You think I have only one elf left, and you will fix me? It's just a few bugs."

"Ha ha ha ha, you can only play fighting elf, idiots with developed limbs and simple minds. Although most of the elf worms have worm and poison properties, there are a lot of flying skills. Your hot monkeys will wait. Damn it, as to whether to collect you! Take you down before you say it! "

"Flying praying mantis, wings attack the hot monkey! Alidos, using spinning, to reduce his speed." Paul lost his patience and directly gave the attack order.

Flying Mantis and Alidos move almost simultaneously.

"Master Aoki hasn't come out yet! I can't withstand this perverted attack now!" Miyamoto saw the other two elves launch an attack, secretly anxious, but there was nothing they could do.

"Circle the bear, use the split, the flying mantis opposite the target."

In order to resist the pressure, Miyamoto can only summon the bears that Aoki just gave him.


Not in a good mood and a little irritable

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