The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 321: Clean up the elves (1/4)

"A hidden bear is still hidden, but it looks like it has just been conquered, so your elves are really dead?" Paul saw Miyamoto's ring bear, but he was not angry, but instead The original anger dissipated.

Now this strength of Miyamoto has a little value in his collection.

"Palast, fight, poisonous powder, paralytic powder, and mushroom spores," Paul ordered.

The elf, such as Pelast, has average frontal fighting ability, but if it is used as an auxiliary and containment elf, it is definitely a good hand.

Just these few skill orders issued by Paul are enough for other elves to drink a pot.

When Miyamoto saw that Paul had sent the Pelasian special agent, he was a bit difficult to fight, and he was even more defeated.

But he didn't yell at Aoki for help. He knew that Aoki had his own plans. As his subordinate, he only needed to finish what he could do.

When he couldn't resist it, there was a similar duduli that recovered from the injury, and he could run away.

But all that happened was not clear from Aoki who was hiding aside, and the communication between the two of them was not restrained, so Aoki also understood why the woman was like this, and also knew that the person hiding behind was a What a pervert.

"Yangping! I hope you are the cadre who tempted me. Then I have another reason to kill you." Aoki thought secretly.

Originally, Aoki was unable to make a choice before Yangping and Hansong, but now the appearance of this abnormality has made him target Yangping.

However, what we have to do now is to resolve this abnormality first. His series of actions really made Aoki sick.

If it ’s just killing, even if it ’s the kind of demon who does n’t blink, Aoki wo n’t particularly mind, but for someone who abolishes other people ’s limbs and tortures them to death or tortures them to madness, they still have to collect someone ’s Physically, this kind of person is really disgusting.

Disgusted up to now Aoki didn't even want to look at him.

But on the other side, Paul was already pressing Miyamoto. If he didn't take another shot, he would probably not be able to carry it.

"Aberby, go and tie me up with that person! Other elves will create opportunities for you, dumb beasts, dark crows, and go all out. Give me the firepower first to solve the flying mantis." Aoki ordered.

Then he took out two more elven **** and summoned Paula and the big milk can.

"Dora, the collective freezing wind, let them slow down first!" Although Dala was on the poke ball, he knew the situation outside.

As for the big milk tank, for the time being, it is beside Aoki. As a supplement, as long as the big milk tank ensures that there is no accident, it can give the teammates a constant recovery.

"Go on."

Aoki first told them what to do, and then with his orders, the elves acted.

The dumb beast immediately moved to the middle of the battlefield with a dark crow.

At this time, the hot monkeys and circle bears were all scarred, but the most uncomfortable thing was the various disgusting skills of Plast.

Various powders and spores made the two elves extremely uncomfortable.

But when the foolish beast and the dark crow appeared, Miyamoto breathed a sigh of relief, and Lord Aoki finally shot.

"Anyone else ?!" Paul also saw the dumb beast and the dark crow, his face slightly changed, apparently more unexpected.

Are you with Miyamoto? Still passing by?

But the next move of the dumb beast and the dark crow told him.

I saw that the superpowers of the dumb beast fluctuated sharply, and the mental shock directly hit the flying mantis flying in the air.

As the flying mantis was stunned by the attack of the stupid beast, the flying system energy on the wings of the dark crow condensed and directly hit the flying mantis.

When the battered flying praying mantis wanted to turn over, the dark crow with full speed came to him, attacked again with wings, and hit it to the ground.

Then the dull beast immediately followed the attack of the dark crow. The flying mantis just landed, and the dull beast immediately moved to him, and the fire energy in the mouth quickly gathered.

The flying praying mantis widened his eyes and wanted to counterattack, but his body seemed to fall apart. The two wing attacks of the Dark Crow and the restraint effect of the flying system caused him great damage.

"Alidos, Perast, hurry up to rescue the flying mantis." Paul shouted hastily, and almost in the blink of an eye, the flying mantis was hit on the ground, and he was about to be killed.

Alidos and Perast wanted to act, but were desperately stopped by the hot monkeys and hoops.

At this time, the long overdue Paula arrived at the battlefield and used the freezing wind directly against the four elves.

Reduced the speed of all the elves and caused them some damage.

Some small boulder appeared on their eyes.

At this time, the jet flame of the dumb beast also condensed successfully, and sprayed directly on the face of the flying mantis with almost zero distance.

When the jet flame was over, a large scorched pit appeared on the ground, and the flying mantis was lying inside, but it had lost its vitality, and even its appearance was a little hard to recognize.

"Flying Mantis! Damn ~ ~ Who the **** is it!" Paul looked around, but didn't see the figure.

It was almost a blink of an eye. The original good situation disappeared at once. The flying mantis was killed, and Alidos and Perast were entangled by the two elves of Miyamoto.

Woe does not come by itself. An extremely large Aber monster gets out of the jungle and approaches Paul himself at a rapid speed.

Helpless, I don't know who is transporting the elves in the back. In order to ensure his own safety, Paul can only take out two more elven balls.

But his main force is the previous three elves. Although the elves now come out are not weak, they are a little worse than the other three.

A large needle bee and a ladybug appeared beside Paul.

However, at this time, the foolish beast and the dark crow resolved their opponents without stopping. When they saw the two elves around Paul, the foolish beast moved in an instant and directly used the mind hammer to knock the big bee flying.

The big needle bee of the insect system and the poisonous system were attacked by the dumb beast's mind hammer, and there was no chance to resist, and it directly lost its combat ability.

The other ladybug was also attacked by a dark crow that was a little later, with wings attacking and fighting, and it was estimated that the situation would not last long.

Paul's face turned red to black and then turned white instantly, his right hand slightly trembling and took out the last elven ball on his body.

It was just that he didn't throw the elf ball, and the Aber monster who was aiming at him had arrived directly in front of him and entangled it.

The cold, smooth scales touched Paul's skin, making him stiff.

No breath of death had ever appeared around him.


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