The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 322: Subduing Paul (Tue / Four)

Before Paul had thrown the last elven ball, he was already tightly entangled by Aber.

But Abai didn't kill him because Aoki didn't let him do it, but a snake head that was much larger than his head was staring at him not far from Paul's head.

As for Perast and Alidos, they were originally entangled by circling bears and hot monkeys and could not get away. Later, Paula joined again.

Immediately completed the reversal of bullying.

Although the hot monkeys and the circle bears were not badly injured, these two elves had a bad temper. There was no way to be beaten. Now it is their turn to beat other elves, and they will erupt in an instant. Come out.

Moreover, Piast was originally an elf who was good at frontal combat, and was directly rubbed by the hot monkeys on the ground.

At this time, Aoki slowly came out of the woods.

Although it took only a few seconds for the stupid beasts to attack, they completely reversed the whole situation.

Only now did Paul see the appearance of Aoki. His pupils contracted instantly, and a name appeared in his mind.

"Aoki ..." just shouted, and was interrupted directly by Abai.

The subordinate prisoner also dared to call the name of Lord Aoki?

After hearing what he said, Aoki gave him a surprised look, and then smiled mysteriously, and said to the big milk tank around him, "Big milk tank, give them a healing ringtone."

Hearing Aoki's order, the big milk canister nodded, and a melodious voice sounded from her mouth. The very uncomfortable hot monkeys and ring bears that were tortured by various powders of Plast, the original bad condition was directly Lifted.

On the other side, after solving the stupid beast that just appeared after the big needle bee, he directly used the mental fluctuations to help the dark crow solve the an ladybug opposite him.

Then the foolish beasts took the dark crow together to participate in the battlefield over Paula.

Originally three to two was at an advantage. Now the dumb beasts and dark crows joined in, and they directly crushed.

The two elves lay directly on the ground and lost their vitality.

At this point, all the elves of Paul have been killed or defeated!

"Big milk tank, milk for hot monkeys and hoops." Aoki said.

The big milk tank that heard the words took out two bottles of milk directly and threw them to the hot monkey and the circle bear.

As for pulling them, there was almost no injuries and no use.

Aoki did not instruct the foolish animals how to fight this time, but they chose the skills they used very well, and they were also able to match the skills with other elves.

It can be seen that the tacit understanding of the elves is increasing madly, and their ability to fight independently is also the direction that Aoki is now training.

There will be more and more elves in the future. If sometimes the elves can make some necessary judgments on their own, it will reduce the possibility of Aoki's mistakes.

And the deeper the elves themselves understand the battle, the more thoroughly they understand their abilities, which will have many benefits for future battles.

It may not be reflected at once, but the longer it gets, the more prominent it becomes.

Especially during those Elf Legion battles, can the trainer really command each Elf?

Many times, they still rely on the elf's own fighting consciousness and grasp of timing.

The ring bears who have seen the big milk tank directly drank a bottle of milk in one breath, and sat down satisfactorily.

As for the hot monkey, he also drank the milk with the consent of Miyamoto.

The trainer's control of the two elves suddenly became apparent.

At this time, Aoki had the opportunity to take a closer look at the death metamorphosis in Miyamoto's mouth, which is also a metamorphosis under Aoki's consciousness, Paul.

"It seems that you should know me too, is my Aoki so famous now?" Aoki said with a smile.

After finishing himself, Miyamoto also ran over with two elves, standing respectfully on the side of Aoki, posing like a subordinate.

Paul did not answer Aoki's question directly. Instead, he looked at Miyamoto in shock, then looked at Aoki, and said with some suspicion, "Miyamoto, Miyamoto, are your subordinates? A direct line of the captain has become A pilot, Miyamoto! You don't understand what you will do if you do this? "

After hearing his words, Miyamoto's expression remained unchanged, but he scolded him long ago.

Nonsense, I don't know what I will face? But now, can I refute this situation? Life is still in the hands of others.

However, it seems that it is not particularly unacceptable to be someone else's subordinates, especially such strong men, at least if I don't use my mind, there is no danger of death.

I thought so in my heart, but I couldn't say so in my mouth. Miyamoto said, "Paul, do you know what it means to be a wise man? Didn't you see the strength of Lord Aoki? This is just the tip of the iceberg."

An insidiously improper thing, it did a good job.

But Aoki remained unmoved and continued to ask, "Can you recognize me for the same reason as Miyamoto?"

The word "nonsense" originally blurted out by Paul, but it was fortunate to stop it in time ~ ~ Looking at Aoki's eyes, I felt that I was facing a lot more terrifying than Aber Poisonous snake shivered unconsciously.

"Well, when, of course not, although the adults introduced us to the trial practitioners collectively before coming here, but in my opinion, on a small island like the trial island, there can be any strong person, let me collect all the desires No, I didn't expect Lord Yangping to tell me that if I meet Ao, Aoki ... Lord, just go straight ... "After speaking about half, Paul didn't say any more.

"Yohei ..." Aoki heard the name again, flashing cold light in his eyes.

Really this person.

Intuition is really quite accurate.

"Are you Yangping's men?" Aoki continued to ask.

"I, be it. Actually, the person behind me has become the cadre behind Yang Ping and Master Lunda, so the person behind me asked me to help Yang Ping get the first place in this trial. He can improve his strength again, maybe he can become a quasi-cadre, and I can find a bigger backer. "

Paul continued, "In fact, although many leaders of the trial participated in this trial, they were not all like the person behind Miyamoto. Without a brain, they wanted to rush, the competition between cadres, an ordinary big Can the captain be involved? I'm afraid Miyamoto planned to take refuge in someone before he came in. "

These things are not much different from what Miyamoto said.

Immediately Aoki sighed.

Is it true that the people who use the fighting elves really don't have a good mind?

But looking at Miyamoto's appearance before, it should still be considered brainy.


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