The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 323: Preliminary understanding of Yangping's strength (3/4)

That being said, the man named Yang Ping is really his goal?

"I have turned to Lord Aoki, and you have also seen it." Miyamoto also directly stated his position.

As for what Paul said, what will happen to those who take part in the trial and what does it have to do with himself?

The captain behind himself is about to lose his life. Now it seems that Aoki's strength potential and background are good, and there are still people who trust in him. Then, as a first person, will you get more benefits in the end? a little?

From the fact that Aoki did not take away his own point device, and promised to get 20% of the points obtained in the future, he could see that his courage was not comparable to ordinary people.

Of the four abnormalities, I am afraid that only the strongest Regis has such courage. People like Yang Ping who use small moves are really not suitable to be a qualified leader.

And Yang Ping didn't believe anyone except himself, and Paul was just an optional chess piece in his eyes.

Didn't Paul himself know?

No, he knows, but he has no choice.

"Hehe, Lord, Aoki and Aoki, you also know that I have turned to Lord Yohei. As long as you let me go, I will surely persuade Lord Yohei after I return to let him put down my prejudice." Plead for myself.

Aoki listened to him with a smile and said, "Do you believe what you say?"

Suddenly, Paul smiled stiffly.


Believe in the fart, you can go back and add more fuel to Yang Yang, let him come and chop Aoki.

Ignoring his expression, Aoki continued to ask, "This woman, did you make it like this?"

In the previous battle, I did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional. I did not touch the woman sitting on the stone in the middle.

I saw she didn't have any expression, but her eyes looked at Aoki tightly. There was a pleading, regret, helplessness and longing in the eyes of the original god.

Desire Aoki to help her out.

I regret that I didn't obey Sister Jasmine's words and encountered such a dead metamorphosis.

She had given up completely, the elves were taken away, and her limbs were abolished. She couldn't even make an expression. Paul didn't know how many people he had used.

This Paul is a metamorphosis, he completely treats her as a tool, or a collectible, and says that she will collect her when she has completed enough limits.

Drive her completely crazy.

When Miyamoto originally appeared, she thought she was hooked again, and her expression did not change at all.

But when Miyamoto was able to withstand Paul's attack, there was a wave of fluctuation in her eyes, and a trace of it may save her the opportunity to die without being tortured.

But soon, Paul suppressed Miyamoto again.

Just when she was desperate, Aoki appeared.

She knows Aoki. Although there is no communication, the other party may not know herself, but she who knows Aoki thinks that she can finally die.

Watching Aoki for a few times defeated the powerful man and caught him directly to ask questions.

She originally wanted to speak directly to let Aoki liberate her, but she had no ability to move her mouth except her eyes.

right now!

Aoki finally saw her!

There is only one desire for her, and that is to seek death, and now she is only seeking death.

Of course, it would be better if he could die after Paul.

Aoki can see from her eyes that her desire to survive has been cut off.

He sighed softly.

Sometimes, maybe direct death is a blessing.

In the elf world, there are many such perverts. Aoki has seen many in previous lives. Fortunately, he did not die in such abnormal hands in the previous life.

"Yes! Lord Aoki! How is it? Is it a perfect work of art?" When talking about this woman, Paul's eyes burst into a sick look, and he did not notice the more It's getting ugly.

"Master Aoki, I think about it, and you accept me like your Miyamoto! I can provide you with detailed information about Yangping. I understand the situation of Yangping's elves, and I have almost witnessed his fighting methods. I know a little bit about his hole cards, "Paul continued.

However, Paul's words did not make Miyamoto's face look good.

What does it mean?

One to come and fight with him?

"Oh? Tell me?" Aoki said expressionlessly.

Looking at Aoki's face, Paul didn't see anything, "Master, look?"

Now that Paul had been bound by the Abbot monster, his breathing was a bit difficult, and his face turned red.

Aoki gave Aber a strange look.

After understanding Aoki's meaning, Abaigua slowly loosened his bound muscles, allowing Paul to breathe freely.

But when it was halfway through, Abergua stopped.

To Aoki's eyes, Aberki understood deeply.

Feeling that Aber's monster was relaxed, Paul was slightly relieved, but when Aber's monster was relaxed halfway, he stopped, just let him breathe without hindrance, but his body could not move.

"Well, you can say it." Aoki said coldly.

Paul swallowed a sip of water, but didn't have to make any further progress, and sorted out his thoughts.

Said, "Miyamoto may have told you that Yang Ping is under the leadership of the Rocket cadre Lord Lunda. The elves who are good at using them are just like me ~ ~ are all worms, which is also the person behind me I chose to trust Lord Lunda, and I chose to trust Yangping for a certain reason. "

Aoki is understandable about this. There are many people who are good at using one department, and as the combat power becomes stronger, more people will choose to use one department.

After all, specializing in a department can not only reduce the consumption of resources, but also better understand the elves of this department, and it will strengthen the combat effectiveness.

However, the weakness is also very obvious. When people who specialize in one department are restrained, the weakness is also very obvious.

If Yang Ping, who is good at using worms, meets someone who is good at using flight, fire, or rock, it is estimated that the combat effectiveness will be reduced by more than one grade.

Therefore, Aoki has not yet decided whether to specialize in one line, there are many advantages, and of course the weaknesses are also obvious.

Paul went on to say, "The spirits used by Yang Ping are insects of the Worm system. Their spirits are top-level junior bee bees, high-level batik butterflies, high-level flying mantises, and high-level abilities. Kairos, Alidos with advanced intermediate qualifications, and another is not a worm, but a top-level Gotha duck, as a joint defense. "

(The top qualification is the cyan qualification obtained from the chip scan, and the senior qualification is also the green qualification.)

From Paul's words, you can roughly understand the strength of Yang Ping. The lowest qualification of all the elves is actually a green-qualified Alidos, and two elves have reached the light cyan qualification.

Aoki has now fully understood that there is a cadre-level background and how much resources can be obtained!


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