The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 329: Big tongue

Prepared long ago, at the moment when the pull of condensed ice energy was issued by Aoki's order, three huge icicles fell directly between the water pond and the river, making it impossible for the large tongues to go back easily.

"Dark Crow and Ghost Stone, give me a strong awakening power into the water pond. The remaining elves are holding in one direction. Don't let the big tongue in it run out. Let's fight for it!" Aoki said.

The dark crow quickly condensed a spherical bright yellow energy ball, which contained electrical energy surging.

Ghost Stone also quickly condensed a dark green energy ball between his hands. The grass-based awakening power can also cause tons of damage to the big tongue.

The big tongues who reacted frantically wanted to rush out of this water pool, and the intuition of the elves told them that this was a trap.

But the beasts, slings, claw-tailed scorpions, and Aber monsters around the water pond stared at them tightly. As soon as they jumped up, they were directly hit into the water again.

The levels of these large tongue shells are uneven, some are higher, nearly thirty, and some are only a dozen or so, but without exception, they are trapped in this small pool and cannot go out.

Soon the awakening power condensed, and the Dark Crow and Ghost Stone were thrown into the pool.

For a moment, the yellow energy ball exploded and opened without half a second after entering the water pond, and the blue-yellow current was wantonly in the water.

The large tongues were originally restrained by electrical energy, and coupled with the conduction of water, they suffered a double blow.

Soon, some weak tongues levitated to the water, apparently directly losing their combat capabilities.

Aoki asked the beastly beasts to lift them up with their minds, and then placed them on the shore and scanned them one by one with a chip.

He was only trying to capture a large qualified tongue, and was not trying to destroy them, so he waited until the foolish beasts had salvaged them all before letting Ghost Stone throw out his grass awakening power.

Unlike the electrical awakening power of the Dark Crow, the grass awakening power explodes as soon as it touches the surface of the water, just like a dragon entering the sea. These grass-based energies do not escape, but all submerge into the water. Huge damage was caused to those large tongues that sank underwater.

The two attacks of the Awakening Force made the remaining large tongues unable to withstand, and they surfaced.

Then the foolish beasts picked them up consciously. Anyway, they could not restore their ability to move any time, so don't worry about throwing them on the shore.

Aoki glanced at him, took out an elven ball and threw it out, and conquered a green tongue.

Although it is not a cyan-qualified big tongue that meets his requirements, the price of this green-eligent elf is still good. After the trial island, you can sell it directly to the Hunters Guild.

This concentrated hunting of large groups is the fastest gain.

However, the number of large tongues here is not considered a large ethnic group, but the elves on the trial island generally have a higher qualification, so although the green-elven elves are rare, they are very rare.

After processing this large pond, the big tongue has not been able to harvest Aoki's most desired qualification level.

After this whole operation, the real time didn't even reach a minute. Of course, it was calculated from the time when the dragon carp came out of the water, but that was also very fast.

Twenty or so at a time. If it goes well, come seven or eight times. The big tongue here will basically be cleaned up by Aoki.

"Tyrannosaurus, you go again! Pull, melt these ice cubes," Aoki said.

Tyrannosaurus had a bitter face, but did not dare to resist in the slightest, and fell into the water again.

This is really bitter self-knowledge. The big tongue below sees him come back, but the companion who chased out before did not return. It is estimated that this time will be even more furious.

Ignoring the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Paula walked directly to the three icicles, reached out his paw and pressed it up.

Soon the homologous ice energy was absorbed by him, and without the reinforcement of the ice energy, the ice melted into water at a rapid speed.

This absorption and release of the ice energy in the ice skills is the ability that Paula learned during this time, and the learning goal is ghoststone.

Although the attributes are different, Ghost Stone can recover the venom energy released by himself. Aoki is thinking whether other elves can also recover the energy released by him, so Paula became the first experimental subject of Aoki.

Really don't say that although it was bumpy at first, the ice-based talented pull-ups quickly learned the trick and could recover the ice-power released by themselves.

This can not only reduce energy loss, but also exercise the elves' control of energy to a certain extent.

When Paula learned this ability, Aoki was also trying to exercise for other elves.

I believe that after all learning, the ability of protracted warfare will definitely be greatly improved, and the mastery of energy will also be greatly improved.

The water surface calmed down, and the elves stood silently waiting by the pool.

The glacial ice energy has condensed to a threshold, as long as the tyrannosaurus dragon pulls out the big tongue shells and falls into the water pond ~ ~ he can quickly close their retreat.

And the Dark Crow and Ghost Stone have condensed their own awakening power. They do not condense, but just make the energy sphere more concentrated, and the energy in it is more solid.

Soon, the submerged tyrannosaurus rushed out of the water at a faster speed than before. This time, he did not have time to inspire his flight system attributes, and fell directly on the shore. A piece of boulder was apparently attacked and injured.

However, the effect was also very obvious. In order to chase him, this time nearly 30 large tongue shells rushed out of the water and fell into the water pond on the shore. Even Aoki saw a group of prickly shell shells The presence.

It may be a subconscious reaction. After seeing the water below, they all fell into the water.

But then it became Aoki's nakamura.

When the last large tongue fell into the water, the icicles that were pulled down fell directly to the ground. This time, four icicles condensed, standing in rows to seal the water pool.

The elves who have cooperated once complete their tasks according to their duties.

The Dark Crow condensed the electric energy ball for a long time and dropped directly. After a stronger explosion than before, some large tongues were suspended on the water.

When the stupid beasts removed these large tongue shells, Ghost Stone's grass-based energy ball also dropped directly.

But this time the Big Tongue is obviously stronger and stronger. Ghost Stone's Awakening Power has not defeated all Big Tongue.

But the Dark Crow, who had been prepared for a long time, dropped an electric energy ball into the water.

At this point, all the large tongues except the thorn shells have been defeated.


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