The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 330: Don't hit me!

And now there is only one injured thorn shell in the water pond.

Awakening power belongs to special attack skills. The special attacks of Dark Raven and Ghost Stone are not weak, especially the special attacks of Ghost Stone.

Coupled with the restraint effect of the electrical system and the grass system, this thorn shell has not directly lost its combat ability after three rounds of attacks, indicating that the level is not low and the combat effectiveness should be okay.

But it didn't surface, it was always the one in the middle.

After two rounds of attacks with Ghost Stone and the Dark Raven, the thorn shell was defeated.

Aoki scanned the data and saw it.

Pokemon: Spike Carapace (Light Green)

Gender: Male

Level: 31

Attribute: Water + Ice

Feature: Continuous attack

Carry Item: Big Pearl

Genetic skills: bubble light, high-speed rotation

Basic skills: impact, water cannon, retracted into the shell, ultrasonic, ice cone, hold, stare, shell pinch, spiked cannon, sprinkler

Teaching Skills: Iron Wall, Frozen Wind, Wave of Water

Skill Learner: None

Thirty-one-level thorn shells have a light green qualification and can be regarded as a good elf. The main feature is that continuous attacks are special. If used well, they will have unexpected results.

More importantly, Aoki discovered something, and the props of the thorn shell were actually big pearls.

Then there might be such a thing before the big tongue babe, right?

I have been focusing on qualifications and ranks before, but I overlooked this and almost lost a chance to make money.

Aoki asked the elves to take out all the pearls from the large tongue shells and take out the pearls from the spiny shellfish.

A total of nearly 50 elves were found and they actually provided Aoki with eight large pearls and thirty-four ordinary pearls.

This is really rich.

The ecological environment here is really good, and no one has cleaned up these big tongues, which has caused many of the big tongues here to carry pearls or large pearls.

Take this prickly shell, and put all those pearls into the ring. Although no high-quality large tongue shells have been found, Aoki is more interested in them.

But looking at the tyrannosaurus dragon that looked like a dead dog next to him, Aoki felt that he might not be able to.

After thinking about it, Aoki said, "Dummy, use super powers to control the two big tongues over there, and drop them from here. I believe that his companions will not help rushing after seeing it. Behind Do it the way we did.

Pull, recycle ice cubes, Dark Raven and Ghost Stone, you will continue to condense. After releasing the energy ball this time, do n’t stop and continue to condense. I think the big tongues and spiny shells that come out later should have stronger combat capabilities a little. "

Whether it is a large tongue shell or a spiked shell shell, the physical defense is very high, but the special defense is really dare not compliment, but it gives Hei and Ghost Stone a good opportunity to play.

They were about to upgrade. It is estimated that after annihilating here, they should also upgrade.

The two large tongues who lost their fighting ability, were unconscious, and were hollowed out by pearls were thrown directly into the water by dumb beasts.

The underwater tongue population has a greater impact than Aoki imagined.

After seeing the original companions out of the water, they disappeared and disappeared. Now I saw two large tongue shells being thrown back into the water.

Opening her shell, showing her anger.

The remaining two thorn shellfish took the lead, and all large tongue shells rushed out of the water.

Aoki waiting at the shore was surprised when she saw fifty or sixty big tongues rushing out next time.

Is this out of nowhere?

However, Aoki was a little disappointed after sweeping it, because among so many large tongues, there was no glittering large tongue.

Then you can only hope that you can find a big tongue with good qualifications.

After rushing out of the water, when seeing his companions lying motionless on the shore, they suddenly got angry.

But there was no big tongue reminding them, they only saw the water surface closest to the elves, but did not expect that the water surface was a pit for them.

More than sixty large tongue shells fell into the puddle like rain.

"It's now!" Aoki growled.

There are a lot of big tongues this time. If one is not well controlled, you may have to kill a few.

The elves who heard the words responded in succession.

It is still in the original mode, but this time the counterattack suffered is even more violent, especially the combined attack of two thorn shells, which has also greatly affected the elves of Aoki.

Fortunately, under the cover of other elves, the Dark Raven and Ghost Stone can smoothly release their skills.

As the two main forces of this operation, the level of the Awakening Power was finally improved after being lost several times.

The Dark Crow rose to level 32, and Ghost Stone rose to level 31.

After the upgrade, the two elves are working harder, as if they have endless power. Awaken the power and don't throw money into the water.

Not only the output, but also the precise grasp of energy has also been improved to a certain extent.

The slugs and dumb beasts that prevented the large tongues from escaping were okay, but the Aber monsters and hoops had varying degrees of freezing damage. Even the soy sauce scorpion tail scorpion, who was next to them, also suffered from ice hurt.

From this we can see how strong the counterattack is this time.

The process is hard, but the ending is perfect.

More than sixty large tongue shells lost their fighting ability and were picked up and left aside by the dumb beasts. Even the two powerful spiny shellfish could not escape the poisonous hands of Aoki.

Take away all the pearls without leaving them, plus those previously obtained, this time Aoki obtained a total of twenty large pearls and sixty-five ordinary pearls.

Just the value of these pearls brought millions of receipts to Aoki.

And because the pearls produced by the elves ~ ~ are much higher than ordinary pearls.

One of the remaining two thorn shellfish also reached a light green qualification and was arrested by Aoki. As for the remaining one with only a dark yellow qualification, Aoki was ready to leave this group as the final leader.

However, among more than sixty large tongue shells, none of them was able to find a light cyan or higher qualification, but Aoki was somewhat dissatisfied.

But it's normal to think about it. Just over a hundred big tongue shells, and you want to produce a cyan-qualified elf?

When was the cyan-elven elf so worthless?

Just when Aoki was going to let the elves throw all these big tongues into the water, and when there was a chance to pick up a piece of pearl money later, the dumb beast communicated with Aoki by telepathy.

Aoki, a surprised listener, confirmed, "You mean, there are actually a few big tongues in the water, and their attraction to you is much greater than those on the shore. ? "

The dumb beast nodded, and that's how the sixth sense of superpowers told him.

"That line, let's go down and see, I change the gear." Aoki said, took out his diving equipment from the storage space.

Then he kicked the tyrannosaurus dragon who was still pretending to be dead, and said angrily, "Hurry up! There is no big tongue now, don't install it, take me to see it! I lay you down when I lie down!"

When I heard that the tyrannosaurus dragon was excited, he immediately turned over and sat up, looking at Aoki pitifully.

Don't hit me!


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