The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 331: Exaggerated Qualified Big Tongue

After diving into the water, Aoki found that there were more elves in the water than he thought.

The dumb beast closely followed Aoki's side. Aoki grabbed the tyrannosaurus dragon's body without knowing whether it was a horn or something, and swam straight to the bottom of the big tongue shell group.

Turn on the chip to its maximum function and scan the surroundings.

Really don't say, when approaching the bottom of the mud where the large tongue shells live, a special situation was discovered.

A data chart that brightened Aoki's eyes appeared in front of Aoki's eyes.

Pokemon: Big Tongue (Cyan)

Gender: Male

Level: Level 5

Attribute: Water system

Features: Hard-shell armor

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: bubble light, water waves, water loops, mud shooting

Basic skills: impact, water gun, retract into the shell

Teaching Skills: Iron Wall

Skill Learner: None

Cyan qualification! !!

This is the first time in this world that Aoki saw a wild blue elf in the wild.

Actually kept hiding in the water and did not go out.

Presumably because the level is too low, and those of his people are also subconsciously protecting him.

I saw him staring at two curious big eyes, looking at the foolish beast beside Aoki, showing a thoughtful expression.

The foolish beast can sense his presence, and he can also sense the attraction of the foolish beast to him.

Difficult to speak in the water, but the stupid beast with telepathy directly connected to Aoki.

"Stupid beast, are you talking about this little guy?" Aoki asked.

"Yes." The dumb beast nodded. This mutual attraction between different races is special, and he can't say why.

It's just a big tongue with only five grades. Even if the qualifications are high, it will not be difficult to conquer.

Coupled with dumb beasts, an invisible attraction exists, and Big Tongbei doesn't know what happened to his people, so he was quickly conquered by Aoki with an elven ball.

Contentedly returned to the shore, watching the big tongues lying on the ground unable to move, Aoki let the elves throw them directly into the water.

Anyway, Aoki's goal has been perfectly achieved. Although this big tongue is not a flashing wizard, its qualifications are excellent enough, even if it is not flashing, it will not have much impact.

Maybe luck is better. After the evolution, the dumb beast can still maintain the flashing state?

More importantly, a cyan-eligible elf, even if it is just an ordinary large tongue, is of high value.

Aoki even thought about whether to directly cultivate this large tongue shell, raise it to the level of fifty or sixty, learn to break the shell, and then use water stones to evolve it. After the evolution, the spiny shellfish may also be slaughtered. Dragon's power!

But this thought only flashed in Aoki's mind, and then he gave up.

First of all, it is necessary to cultivate a large tongue that is not very strong in combat ability to a level close to sixty. The time and resources required are not affordable by the current Aoki.

And the value of the harvest is not very high, because Aoki now has a pull-up as an ice-elf, and the pull-up talent on the ice-set is also very good, and he may not have the ability to kill dragons in the future.

However, before the evolution of large tongue shells, they had only water system attributes. Although there was only one ice system attribute in evolution, who knows what the talent of the evolved spiny shellfish was in the ice system?

What if it is a spiny shellfish good at water?

What really makes Aoki feel strong is the ice-like attributes after his evolution.

Therefore, cultivating this big tongue directly is not worth the money and cannot be guaranteed. The best thing is to keep it for the dumb beast to evolve.

Maybe the qualifications of the dumb beast can be raised to an exaggerated level. The dumb beast, which is relatively strong, can be strengthened. This is the complete guarantee.

Put the elven ball with the big **** safer pocket, and watch the elves throw all the big tongues into the water.

After all this was done, I sat on the shore and waited for a while, and Miyamoto who had gone out to exercise alone came back.

Did not ask how Aoki turned out.

As a subordinate, do n’t ask if you should n’t.

Because Aoki previously ransacked the entire tongue population and brought a certain deterrent effect to the elves in the surrounding waters, there was no special accident when looking for the score card.

In addition, Miyamoto is really not good at water elves, so he no longer conquers elves.

After all the red dots on the local map fragments have been found, this map fragment has lost its maximum effect and can only be treated as an ordinary map.

Aoki's seven points card this time, a total of 27 points, but some of his expectations.

But it is these twenty-seven points, so that Aoki now has a full hundred points in the integration device.

Miyamoto also got a lot of points. If Aoki is almost unable to become the first place, you can directly take over the points of Miyamoto. Anyway, as long as it is the first few, you can take people out. It would be good to give Miyamoto a place at that time, presumably he would not mind.

So although the points are said to be Miyamoto, it can be understood that Aoki temporarily placed them with him.

Look for the points card in the water, and let Aoki them pass in the morning.

Cooking directly on the shore.

When the lunch was settled ~ ~, after walking for a long distance, the dumb beast suddenly communicated with Aoki by electrocardiogram.

"Master, I feel that the spatial coordinate position I left at that time can now be moved instantaneously, but if there are too many people, it will consume a lot." The sound of the dumb beast's immature voice sounded in Aoki's brain.

Already able to move instantly?

Aoki's eyes lit up.

On the third day after I came to Trial Island, after two and a half days of hurrying, did the dumb beast finally reach the condition of instantaneous movement?

"Miyamoto." After thinking for a while, Aoki said.


"Let ’s act separately for a while. I feel that the efficiency of collecting points by two people is not high. We act separately to find map fragments, and then collect the points card. If we encounter some people, we can directly solve it. Everything is based on collecting points. .

You have recovered some strength now, and you can choose the sprite to capture the rest yourself. "

Hearing Aoki's words, Miyamoto froze for a moment, freely?

"Okay, but mine ..."

"It doesn't matter, that medicine should take a month to attack. As long as you can go out from the trial island, don't worry. If you can't go out, the relief medicine will be useless to you." Aoki understood that he was worried what.

There is nothing wrong with that.

That is to find two points separately?

Do you need to deal with Yangping?

"I will let the dumb beast leave a long superpower coordinate on you. As long as you are still on the trial island, not in some special space, I can find you."

"Yes! I must help adults get more points!"


First more! 50-month ticket plus one more! Ask for a monthly pass!

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