The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 344: Discovery of Guga

"Are you stupid, judging from the current situation, it is good that there are 50 people who can finally go out alive. Even if there are a few more, it is not just the boss of Gujia who just took it out casually." Said the man.

"And in the last month, the boss of Gujia issued a high-return task. Let's go out and draw a map of the trial island outside the base. The farther and more detailed the map is, the higher the reward. At the end of the trial, He also told us one night that as long as he appeared on the trial island, he would gather as soon as possible.

The people who joined in the later period are very powerful. Only when they can gather together can they fight against them. The goal of the boss of Gujia is first.

With the support of the elder brother behind the boss, we transported a lot of good things to us. If it is not for this, the next few tests, do you think you have a chance to be in the top 50?

It cost so much, not just for us to collect points for him. "The short man continued.

Many people joined Guga, and what they liked was the power behind him, as well as the rough distribution method of Guga, which improved the strength of many trainers by more than one grade.

"That said, but do you say that those who joined in the later period have such strong strength? I heard that the boss of Guga has trained more than five elves, and each strength is not weak, and has a reliable background. It's really amazing. "The tall man sighed.

"I don't know, but the group that can make the boss of Gujia so frightened should be not weak, at least it should be able to enter the top three."

"Also, it seems that Aoki, who has been remembered by the boss of Guga, also returned, and saw him on the day of the trial."

"Shh! Shut up, don't know the name of the boss in Guga, don't you know it's taboo? I don't know how many people are dead." The short man was excited, obviously Guga remembered the name very much. Must become a demon.

"Yes, yes." The tall man shut up in a hurry.

The two started to hurry, no longer communicating, but did not know that the Aoki they were talking about was not far behind them.

"Dark Crow, downwind, haste, fix their elves first, then kill the tall man, stay short, I have to ask a few questions." Aoki said to the dark crow beside him.

Now the dark crow's body grows up again, but Aoki cannot bear him on his shoulders.

Nodding his head, a faint airflow appeared around the Dark Crow, taking off directly, causing the surrounding grass to move.

The two men, one tall and one short, are clearly the trials belonging to the Guga side.

As a trainer, the experience of survival in the wild is very rich, so when they are walking, they are accompanied by an elf.

The tall elf is a large-billed bat, while the short elf is a gas bomb.

It can be said that two of the elves distributed by the Rockets are very common.

The Dark Crow is very fast. After eating the special energy cube, the body is further developed, the power becomes more powerful, and the speed is also improved.

The wings carrying the rich flying energy directly hit the body of the big-billed bat, hitting it on a tree not far away, and even that tree appeared cracks, showing the strong attack.

However, the Dark Crow did not stop because of the wing attack, and the evil wave was directly used, aiming at the gas bomb that had not yet responded.

After the evil wave was released, the Dark Crow didn't care about him anymore. The sharp claws directly cut through the tall man's throat, then stayed in the hands and grabbed the elf ball. The short man who was preparing to release made him freeze body.

As for the gas bomb, when the Dark Crow stagnate, it fell to the ground and lost its vitality.

With one hit on an elven, the Dark Crow now has enough power to crush most of the trainer's elves!

The only person left was afraid to move when he held the elf ball in his hands, and looked at the elf in front of him.

"Black ... dark crow, green ... Aoki." The short man's voice trembled, apparently he did not expect Cao Cao to arrive, and Cao Cao arrived.

Aoki slowly walked out of the woods behind, and came to the short man.

He said with a smile, "I heard, you guys talked to me?"

"Er, Master Aoki and Aoki, we just talk casually, casually." The short man said quickly.

"Tell me where your meeting place is? How many people have gathered now? How many points have Guga got?" Aoki was too lazy to talk to him more nonsense and went straight to the subject.

The man was crying when he heard Aoki's question, and the fool knew what he was doing to ask the question.

"Hurry up or kill you now."

"The gathering and gathering place is on the map." Then, he took out a map that looked like a hand-drawn map from the Rockets' belt. The drawing was fine, and the road could be clearly identified.

"Well, Guga, this guy still has a good brain, knowing that he can't get the first place with his own strength ~ ~ I gathered you so many idiots to give him his life, no wonder even in the end One day, he had to convene as many people as possible. "Aoki said, looking at the map in his hand.

"We are now gathering about twenty people, all based on the locations depicted on the map. Boss, Guga, no. I do n’t know how many points Guga has now, because every day He delivers points, but a few hundred points are definitely there. "Gradually, it was a lot easier to speak.

The appearance of a pair of dog legs is clearly recognizing the reality. There is absolutely no way to escape on Aoki's hands. It may be better to go straight, maybe there is a hint of vitality.

Aoki smiled and saw through his mind.

But without saying anything, he continued to ask, "What are you doing?"

"Guga will arrange locations for different groups every day. Every two people will set up a place. Every time they go out, they will have a score card. As long as they can bring back the score card, they will be registered to contribute points. Each is said to have special rewards. "

"It seems that Guga has collected a lot of map fragments."

"Yes, yes, in addition to our little sister-in-law, Guga has three more trusted relatives, all of which are in the top ten. The task of the two of them going out every day is to help collect map fragments and then place Assign to us and let's collect the points card back. "

"Well, this is just a streamlined operation. I have a little bit of patience and just go to Guga. I might as well wait for him to collect more points and then go to him. Save yourself trouble."

The man wiped the sweat on his forehead frantically and smiled awkwardly. This was a fairy fight, and the mortal suffered.


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