The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 345: Find Guga

"Well, he still has to go, lest he be misled by others. Now he can be considered a fat sheep." Aoki said with a smile.

Really don't say that Guga has done so, in the eyes of many people, it has become a fat sheep, especially for those four powerful people.

The short man nodded again and again, afraid to speak.

"Well, you're useless, just go with your good brother." Aoki waved his hand.

In the other's surprised eyes, the dark crow who had been preparing to cut his throat directly.

People of this strength, Aoki did not even have the desire to conquer, and he was not an unswerving person. It would be a scourge to stay afloat if he was slightly persecuted.

Throw away the stinky mud, clean up the corpses and traces on the ground.

As a poisonous spirit, the smelly mud can directly erode all the blood and footprints on the ground.

Can also be considered a must-have for outdoor travel.

Holding the map obtained from the two hands, and comparing them slightly, there was no difference.

Go straight to the place depicted on the map.

The two provided Aoki with five points in total, which is really poor.

Perhaps the three of them at the mouth of Guisi Cave yesterday were also sent by Guga, because the three of them also provided Aoki with five points, but they did not check their storage belts carefully, and they were not too good. OK, it is estimated that eight or nine are inseparable from ten.

Let's go and see Guga, he should have more points.

Go slowly into the deep forest.

I have to say that Guga still has the brain, and the strength and potential are also good, that is, he is too proud, otherwise he will not have as much hatred as Aoki, because he cannot see a person on his head who has been pressing him .

As they approached their gathering place, Aoki slowly converged.

At the same time, he put on a camouflage of Nicai on the outside.

Although Guga Aoki doesn't look at it, there are also nearly twenty people here. In case of gathering, it is not easy to deal with.

Does anyone know what combination of moves they have exercised during this time?

It's unlikely, but be careful.

Standing on the big tree outside the place where they gathered, took a quiet look, this camp is relatively large in the wild.

In addition, Guga was very vigilant. There were always elves patrolling the trees and the ground. There was a largest tent in the middle of the camp, which should be where Guga lived.

I just don't know if he's inside or not.

Watching two or two people leave in different directions, Aoki did not go down for the first time, but quietly followed a group of people.

Twenty minutes after the two left the camp, Aoki decisively killed their elves again, leaving one person to ask some questions before killing them.

I got a more important message. Guga was in the camp, but at the same time, one of Guga's cronies was also in the camp, which was the ninth place in the last test.

Before the final trial began, Guga's forces had a total of five top ten existences. In addition to the previous eighth place being solved by Miyamoto, there were seventh, ninth, and tenth places remaining.

The seventh and tenth places have been sent by Guga to look for map fragments, and the ninth place stays behind, guarding the camp with him and managing the people below.

After returning to their camp, Aoki still did not attack directly, but left with a group of people again.

Anyway, these people are going to kill sooner or later, it is better to switch the order and clean up the small fish in trouble first.

The two teams of the two groups, no matter who they are, cannot escape the end of Aoki Spike. Even if they are in the top ten, as long as there is no background behind them, they are not the enemies of the Dark Crows.

Soon, there were already five groups in the team that was solved by Aoki. That is to say, Aoki has killed ten people, plus the group that met at the beginning, it should be twelve!

Without exception, all are spikes!

The Dark Crow is now killing, with a hint of **** smell on his body, both elven and human.

It was just this killing that caught the attention of people in the middle of the camp.

"Like, it's a little too quiet." Gujia sat on his seat, followed by a one-eyed Aber monster!

And in his seat, there was an ordinary-looking person.

"My Abbot said that the **** smell in the air became a little richer," Guga continued.

"Subordinates go and see!" Said the ninth.

"Stone, pay attention, if there is a special situation, the strength of the opponent must not be simple." Guga's expression was a little serious.

Others may not know the strength of those who joined later, but he is absolutely clear.

His current strength can only be achieved with the support of his elder brother. He only spent more than two months, so those who have been vigorously cultivated and have not been short of time, what level of strength has reached, let him Some don't dare to think about it.

Especially those of the cadres.

This is why he collects points with such fanfare. He knows that he is facing those people, and I am afraid he is not his opponent.

"Yes!" The stone stood almost two meters high, snoring and gasping.

Then he walked out of the tent, looked around without any abnormalities, and walked quickly in one direction.

When the stone disappeared into the forest, Gu Jia, who was sitting in the tent, slowly walked out of the tent with the Aber monster and looked at the towering towering ancient trees around him, with a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ shouted loudly, "Okay, now we are the only two of us! No more hiding our heads! Come out! If you want to fight, I will accompany you!"

The voice echoed in the forest.

Standing on the tree and looking at Aoki's behavior, the corner of his mouth also rose slightly.


"I have all the points in my hand, no matter if you are a cadre, a captain, or ... Aoki! If you want points, come out!" Guga continued to shout without any worries .

Apparently everyone came to the door. Was it useful?

So many points in my hand, sooner or later, people will be remembered.

Anyway, they are going to fight, it is better to understand their specific strength first.

After waiting for a while, when Guga wanted to shout again, Aoki stood up and jumped directly from the tree.

Followed by the dark crow and the foolish beast also fell together.

When approaching the ground, Aoki's superpowers made Aoki fall to the ground smoothly.

"Dark Crow! It really is you! Aoki !!!" Guga saw the appearance of the Dark Crow, guessed the identity of the person, gritted her teeth, and her eyes became slightly red.

Aoki is really about to become his demon!

Or he has become his demon!

After that failure, Aoki disappeared. He didn't even have a chance of revenge, that is, he could meet him while waiting for the final trial.

He bowed down and begged his brother for mercy, just to have the strength to find revenge on Aoki. I didn't expect this day to come so suddenly!


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