The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 346: Fight again with Guga

Aoki slowly pulled down the hood on his head, revealing the handsome smile.

"What a coincidence, Guga! We're meeting again!"

"Aoki !!!" Guga's voice almost squeezed out of the teeth.

He stared at the opposite Aoki with two eyes, bloodshot slowly appeared in his eyes, his face gradually became red.

He also knew what kind of impression Aoki had left in his heart. If he did not defeat or kill Aoki, it might become the biggest stumbling block on his way to becoming stronger in the future.

right now!

Aoki appeared in front of him!

It's the time when Guga thinks it's best to defeat Aoki!

I took all the elf **** around my waist.

Nowadays! It's about to end with Aoki! Look at his growth during this time!

"Come out, King Nido! Big mouth bat! Big fresh flower! Alidos! Big needle bee! Come on, too, Aber monster!"

All poisonous spirits.

It seems that the elves that Guga his brother is good at are also poisonous, otherwise Guga would not specialize in one.

What surprised Aoki was that, in addition to the newly-called King Nido, who had a dark green qualification, the Abogua who had been used up by one of his eyes had now reached the dark green qualification. There are other elves, all green qualifications.

"It looks like your brother really did lose the blood, Guga!" Aoki's face was smiling, but the killing in his eyes was not concealed at all!

At that time, one of the eyes of the Guga Aber snake was abolished, and he thought that the Guga was almost dead.

However, he did not expect that the arrogant Zeng Jin, who began to rely on his brother in order to become stronger, now stands up again, even with greater strength and potential.

I can't leave you this time!

Even if someone stops it!

"What nonsense!"

"King Nido, horn collision!"

"Abbott, thunderbolt!"

"Big-mouthed bat, poisonous tooth!"

"Big flower, hypnotic powder! Paralysis powder!"

"Alydos, surprise!"

"Give me all the firepower to attack that human."

Guga's decisive choice is to start strong first, anyway, this is in the wild, and the winner is king!

"However, there are a lot of progress, dumb beasts, and instantaneous movement!" Aoki did not have any fear of overwhelming attacks, and gave orders directly to dumb beasts.

After the superpower wave flickered, Aoki was already in another direction when he appeared again, and he also held a lot of elven balls.

Since we are going to fight all round! That is of course satisfy him!

"Come on, Ghost Stone, Paula, Big Tit, Aber Monster, Circle Bears!"

As for the tropical dragons and tyrannosaurus dragons, for the time being tool elves, Aoki has time to let them fight.

The claw-tailed scorpion is too low to participate in such a battle.

The big milk tank followed Aoki's side, staying in step, and all the other elves participated in the melee.

"Dark Crow, all speeding downwind! Your target is that big needle bee! Wing attack!"

"Stupid beast, enter a meditation state! Then the spirit hits the big mouth bat!"

"Ghost Stone, target Alidos, use trait swaps, and then use Firefist!"

"Pulling, moving at a high speed, the flash of electricity is close to the big flower, use frozen fist!"

"Big milk tank, cure the bell! Relieve the team's deduction status!"

"Aber monster, find the Aber monster on the opposite side and fight close! Firefang!"

"Circle the bear, go up and stop that Nido king, bite! Hold him!"

Except for the big milk tank, almost every elf found his opponent, and immediately split the opposite elf directly according to the attribute advantage.

Guga looked coldly at the elf of Aoki.

He did not expect that a civilian trainer, after leaving the trial island, did not decrease in growth rate, but grew faster, and was able to conquer so many excellent elves!

And in terms of attributes, he has a more or less suppressive effect on his elves.

If this continues, this battle will not be easy!

The dark crows accelerated downwind, so that all the speed of the elves had been increased.

As Aoki's first exercise of the Dark Crow skills, now he has reached the point where he is in full use. Downwind can be said that the Dark Crows now have the highest mastery skills.

The dumb beast almost went into meditation in seconds. After just two seconds, he woke up from meditation and directly used the mental shock to attack the other big mouth bat.

The double power of restraining the poison system will make the dumb beast the main output of this battle!

The characteristic of Guga's Alidos is the hidden sniper. Aoki shot the ghost stone directly to exchange the characteristics, turning the sniper into a float, and the ghost stone had the characteristics of a sniper.

The ghost stone with sniper characteristics, as long as the flame fist is focused and double the restraint effect, the damage is really an explosion, and it can almost do a spike!

After pulling down and accelerating in the downwind, use the tell movement, and then cooperate with the flash of electricity to reach the big flower in the blink of an eye. The ice-blue fist condensed on the fist directly attacked without hesitation. .

The ice system is twice the grass system, plus the added advantage of speed, so that the power of frozen boxing has been improved again ~ ~ As for the Aber monster, although the qualifications have not been restored, it is still green, but This is also a dark green qualification, and the size is much larger than Gujia's Abai monster. The two Abai monsters are entangled together, binding each other and hurting each other. However, in a short time, it is impossible to tell the winner.

Guga's strongest elf now is probably the King Nido.

The bears went up and down to block, almost only passively beaten.

boom! !!

Fighting happens almost simultaneously!

Both are commanding several elves to conduct a full-scale battle. At this time, the trainer's command ability is very tested!

"Damn! King Nido repelled the circling bear and came back to eat it!" Seeing that his elf is suppressed in almost all attributes, if he does not straighten his current fighting status, the battle will be one Face down!

Take out a purple pill directly from the storage space.

Almost the same purple pill I used last time I fought with Aoki!

However, the effect of this time is actually more exaggerated. It was obtained by Guga's brother at a higher price. In order to add Guga a hole card that can play against cadres, he did not expect to be used by Guga to deal with Aoki here.

Aoki's face changed slightly when he saw the pill in Guga's hand.

He remembered the effect of the increase in the last time Abel Snake took this pill.

If the more powerful King Nido were allowed to eat it, that circle of bears would be dangerous.

"Dark Raven, first give up the big needle bee, to stop the pill! Dazed Beast, Spirit Shock! Attack Guga!" Aoki let the Dark Raven and Dazed Beast go and tried to stop him.


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