The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 499: Summary and departure

Before going to bed, Aoki habitually recalled what he did today, and reviewed what he has gained today.

This morning, the elves were given systematic exercise tasks that lasted for a while.

In the afternoon, two high-quality water spirits were conquered, which can be used as the resident elves in the water system. If you count the light monsters that were subsequently subscribed, there are three.

Then in the deepest fossil helmet cave at the bottom of the mysterious lake, grabbed a precious super-evolutionary stone from the head of the parasitic king's sickle helmet leader, which is one of the important gains today.

Finally in the depths of the forest, the long-prepared Paula completed the evolution, and became a 39-level Marla with the qualifications of teal.

This is the harvest of today.

Makes Aoki very satisfied.

No more sleeping in the backyard tonight, all the elves followed Aoki back to the room.

Even Yira returned to the room together. Although he still can't control his power now, he will not step on the floor.

Just need careful control when walking.

Kira's ability to control the energy of the ground system exceeds Aoki's imagination, but she does not know how much control of the rock system energy.

One night passed in this quiet atmosphere.


the next day.

The town of Fuye was lively again, because the construction team of the alliance came again.

This time, they are not for the pavilion, but the elf center!

Aoki once again hosted the captain of the construction team. This time, Aoki did not have to pay for his own pockets. The Alliance and the Joey family would be fully responsible.

After the construction of the Pokemon Center is completed, the permanent Miss Joy will appear in Fuye Town.

Although the main target of the elf center is the elf, there are also human-oriented departments.

Only relative to the elf, the instruments inside are not so advanced.

But for the residents of Fuye Town, this is also a good news.

There has never been a decent hospital in Fuye Town. If you encounter a serious illness, you still need to go to Zijing City.

However, since then, Fuye Town has been able to see a doctor, which is another good news for the residents of Fuye Town.

The person who brought this gospel was Aoki who was about to become the owner of the museum.

The appearance of Aoki was enthusiastically sought after by residents of Fuye Town.

If it weren't for someone, Aoki would probably be fenced.

Although the new mayor has little ability, his vision is very good.

Seeing Aoki appear, he quickly arranged for the town's staff to help manage law and order.

The Alliance Police Station in Fuye Town was recently accepted by the Junsha family.

I believe that within a few days, the Junsha family will send someone to take over.

These things are beyond the control of Aoki. When Fuye Town builds a pavilion, the alliance will obviously pay more attention to him. Coupled with Aoki's identity, it is inevitable to send Junsha and Joey families.

However, Aoki's control of Fuye Town will not have much impact.

Just look at the enthusiasm of the residents of Fuye Town now. You can see Aoki as a savior.

No matter who comes, the mayor can only listen to Aoki's suggestions.

When the pavilion officially opens and Aoki invites major companies and families to invest and develop, his reputation will rise again.

This is something that Nazi, Aju and Ma Zhishi cannot do in the Rockets.

Maybe Sakagi who has just debuted, or Sakagi, the league's top genius, can achieve this reputation in Changpan.

However, after the identity of Sakagi was discovered by the alliance, under the control of the alliance, although Sakagi was still the owner of the prefectural museum in Changpan, his reputation was much worse than before.

The person who suppresses his reputation is the one that the alliance is now supporting, Yu Longdu!

Thinking a little far away, Aoki gathered his thoughts back.

The development of Fuye Town is gradually on track.

Aoki was also preparing to call back Alec.

After such a period of exercise, with the help of Pirates Brigade, I believe that both Alec and the newcomers they have joined have grown up.

I hope they can afford the expectations and cultivation of Aoki.

Otherwise, he will gradually fail to keep up with Aoki's footsteps, and finally be thrown away from a distance.

Today the hunting team is still performing missions outside, but Aoki has sent a message to Miyamoto to let them rest a little after this mission is completed and return to Futaba town Aoki has important things to explain.

Of course, Miyamoto did not dare to disobey Aoki's orders.

After a brief discussion with Pirate Brigade, Skye and Alec, they decided to speed up the task and not let Aoki wait.

Of course, Aoki didn't know about this.

He is only responsible for assigning tasks, but what the people under him do, he doesn't care.

After comforting the residents of Fuye Town a bit, and then talking with the construction team of the Alliance, Aoki left directly.

Without returning to the pavilion and housing, Aoki left Fuye Town directly.

Aoki sitting on the back of a tropical dragon, blowing warm wind.

In other words, after being a consultant to Ogo, he was assigned to a car, but has been parked in the garage since the last time he returned.

Compared to sitting on the back of the elves, you have to worry about driving yourself. The more uncomfortable you are, the more expensive your car is.

This time Aoki left Fuye town and went to Kanaz city.

There are two main things to do.

The first thing is to wait for Dawu who is on his way back.

Just when I got up this morning, Ogo sent a message to Aoki, telling Aoki that he didn't find the stone he wanted this time out. After a long time without harvest, he chose to give up. After all, he would not only pursue one kind of stone. And the elf strength over there is a bit strong, he did not expect that the wild elf strength over there was so strong that he couldn't handle it alone.

So Aoki went straight to Kanaz and waited.

And the second thing is that the last time I went out to train on Aoki, but I have accumulated a lot of good qualified wild elves, and there are some elves that were originally subdued, such as the Void Trio ~ ~ these are all It can be exchanged for money, and Aoki is going to sell it in Kanaz.

There are also the Union Coins obtained from the Rockets, this time he is going to purchase some skill CDs that are suitable for his elves to learn, and increase their hitting surface.

This is the main reason why Aoki went to Kanaz.

Today's weather is average, there are a lot of dark clouds in the sky, and the sun is also average, so the flight speed of tropical dragons is relatively slow.

Aoki wanted to take out the ancient giant fly from the Shadow Soul Wanderer.

The ancient giant Aoki subdued it. The process was a bit complicated, but the results were good.

But think about it is not too hurry, or tropical dragon's back is more comfortable.

This ancient giant fly fell in the hands of Aoki. It may still be used as a flying tool. After the strength of its subordinates comes up, they can be their main elves.

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