The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 500: Procurement and selection of skills

After coming to Kanaz, Aoki changed his dress and went directly to the black market in Kanaz.

Although Luyin Town also has a black market, compared to Kanaz City, a large city in the Fengyuan area, Luyin Town's black market is simply a witch.

Before leaving Fushiba Town, Aoki released all the elves captured in the mysterious lake into the pond in the backyard.

With the caretaker of the dumb beast tribe, the safety of the backyard is not a problem.

Kira Aoki did not bring it out, letting him learn how to master his own power under the care of a big milk tank.

These Cocodola have been taught by Kira, hoping he can learn.

Wearing a black robe, Aoki went straight into the elf's sales area.

First, the elves obtained from the Void Trio and the useless elves obtained from the spirits were sold, leaving only a few fairies that were pretty good for Aoki.

Like poisonous mushrooms, poisonous spiked meerkats, and ancient giant flies and Alidos, they are all good spirits, and they can improve their strength.

All the other sporadic elves were sold, and a total of 3.5 million alliance coins were obtained.

It's a good income.

Then I went to the hunter's guild, and matched some of the wild elves that were able to match the task, and sold the ones that couldn't match the task.

Anyway, they are all light green, green qualified elf, the value is not very high.

In total, I got 1 million points and 500,000 alliance coins, which is a good income.

In fact, the hunting team created by Aoki earned more money, but these are currently placed in the public account of the hunting team and managed by Skye, which Aoki trusts most.

That money Aoki is not ready to move for the time being, it is used to develop the hunting team and the sky team money, after these two organizations have developed, it is when Aoki really began to harvest money.

Anyway, he has enough money now.

Then Aoki went to the elf skill store on the black market.

In this black market skill store, some basic skills, such as common skills such as holding and awakening power, are still relatively large, but some relatively precious skills, whether you can buy them depends on luck.

Of course, Aoki pays more attention to a skill and trick space that the dull king needs to learn now.

Although this super ability skill is not an offensive skill, for a relatively slow dull king, the skill of trick space is very important for him now when playing alone.

Maybe for them, the skill of trick space is a burden, but in the future, the dull king will fight alone as a hall elf. The trick of trick space is crucial for the slow-moving dull king. important.

That is, the black market in Kanaz is relatively large. Aoki found the skill CD of this skill in the elf's skill store.

The price is outrageous.

Things are rare and expensive, Aoki can understand, but the value of this skill CD in the trick space is really outrageous. The price set by the store is 3 million Union Coins, which is still a tag that can be bargained.

The production of super ability skills is difficult in the skill CD, especially for space-based skills such as trick space.

In desperation, Aoki still chose to buy, so it was a big deal to spend more.

More money now!

Not bad money!

Then Aoki chose other skills for other elves, mainly to increase the diversity of the elves in battle, such as the claw-tailed scorpion and the crow head. Sometimes when they are forced to avoid close combat with them, some Distance skills also need to be learned.

So I bought a shadow ball skill disc for the crow's head, claw tail scorpion, and Madara.

Although the power of Shadow Ball may be more general for them, it is indeed a good long-range skill.

And for the ghost stone that Shadow Ball is very good at, it can give more guidance to the elves on this skill, so that they can master the skills faster and use the skills more quickly.

Then there are some skills specially prepared for each elf, the shadow clone ability of the crow head, which increases his dodge rate in battle. Maybe it will allow him to use the interference of shadows to hide when using the charge ability. After some attacks, the charge is made smoother.

The mysterious guarding skill of the dull king. This is a skill that Aoki bought for the dull king after thinking for a long time. The value is also very high, but for the current dull king, it is a good skill to avoid deductions.

The dull king in Aoki's team is more a single long-range special attack output. The mysterious guardian combined with his superpowers can better ensure that his output environment will not be disturbed.

Ghost Stone Aoki's skill for him is 100,000 volts of electricity!

For this skill, Aoki was originally unprepared.

But when I went shopping, I accidentally saw that there was only one skill left.

It is a relatively rare skill, and there are some in the elves that can be used. The Aoki team also lacks electrical attributes. Then this skill was bought by Aoki. Apart from being a bit expensive, everything else is very good.

Although Ghost Stone has no electrical properties, Aoki believes that his ability to special attacks should be effective for the skill of 100,000 volts.

At least it should be no problem to reach the level of the blaze king's jet flame.

There is also a venom impact, which can be regarded as a skill that can be combined with the claw tail scorpion perfectly.

In addition to the shadow ball, Aoki bought him a poison attack.

His poisonous properties have been fully developed. With the double-tongs and the triangular output of the tail, of course, the poisonous attack ability can make the attack ability of the tail-scorpion scorpion better.

Finally, there was Blizzard of Madara!

Aoki was very surprised when I saw this skill. I did not expect that I could see the Blizzard skill here, and I took it decisively!

Not bad money!

Value of this skill store tour.

Not only did I get the trick space of the dumb king ~ ~, but I also found a very rare snowstorm skill. One hundred thousand volts was also an unexpected gain.

Of course, there are some skills that are not bad, but they can't chew too much.

Two skills for each elf is enough for them to train for a period of time.

Especially for some non-system skills, the learning difficulty is even greater.

Aoki was very satisfied with the purchase of this skill. Although a total of 13 million alliance coins were paid, these skills can greatly improve the elves.

Then the money is worth it.

Aoki has 45.8 million Union Coins left.

Can sustain his expenses for a while.

When Aoki left the black market, Ogo called.

Add more! Monthly pass plus more! Last month's monthly pass reached 1050 tickets. Hibiscus owes more! One does not fall!

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