The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 514: Bimetal Monster, Serious Ogo

Hedu rode on his good companion, and the fire-breathing dragon rushed to Chimney Mountain as fast as possible.

But Aoki and Ogo didn't know.

In fact, even if they knew, they would not stop.

I encountered the body of a wild elf on the way, which completely made Dawu, who was usually very gentle, angry.

After the two had advanced for another half an hour in the cave, the whole passage gradually widened.

"Some traces have been excavated here," Aoki said, looking at some traces on the walls of the cave.

"Go in and see what's going on, be careful." Ogo said.


The two crossed the last promenade and entered the interior of Chimney Hill.

火 There are fiery red rocks everywhere, and the lava team's clothes are surprisingly good in this environment.

Hagi was a little worried that Aoki and Ogo, who were discovered, did not meet anyone after entering.

It's as if ... the Lava team doesn't exist.

看着 But looking at the cave that was just dug, this is obviously someone coming.

After walking around a hole slowly flowing out of the hot magma, and after a long distance, they finally saw the lava team they were looking for.

Let the dull king and the metal monster carefully hide.

In this hot environment, both the dull king of the water system and the metal monster of the steel system feel a little uncomfortable.

An altar that looks like an artificial erection, with strange stones on it.

The middle slap is the size of a slap, and the whole is red. At first glance, it looks like an ore condensed from magma.

On both sides of the urn are gray stones with strange patterns on it. From the side, nothing can be seen, but it is obviously not a simple thing to put it on an altar.

There are three people standing in front of the altar. The two next to them are not much different from the lava team they met before, but the middle man's clothes should be obviously darker, like dark red.


Why are there only three people left in the lava team?

Judging from the two gatekeepers at the front door, there were at least 20 or 30 people coming in, but there were only three people left.

Although the strongest Butler is here, it always feels strange.

I was too far apart to hear what they were talking about.

Aoki didn't dare to approach this time easily.

的 The big wolf dog that Butler is following is obviously not the two big wolf dogs of the lava team outside who can compare.

A little wind and grass will definitely be found.

Aoki communicated to Ogo with an electrocardiogram and asked if he wanted to act.

Now Dawu really has some anger. The bodies of the elves encountered on the road before are definitely made by the lava team in front of them.

Nodded his head and agreed, and took out an elf ball from his waist again.

Sometimes the battle is not as many elves as possible, but as many elves that can control as possible. Now that Dawu takes out an elven ball again, it means that he is going to shoot with all his strength.

Aoki knew, and also took out the scorpion scorpion's elf ball from his waist.

This time when he went out, he only brought the dull king and claw-tailed scorpion, and the ghost stone that had been in the shadows. He had thought that he would not encounter any troubles, and thought of training Coco to pull them, but did not expect Encountered the lava team.

But it should be enough, the mastery of the drowsy king's water system skills is also good.

"Wait to see my command. If there is something wrong, you will bring your elf to me, and the momentary movement of the dull king can take us straight out." Aoki Shinko responded to Ogo.

I heard that Dawu also knew.

Then Aoki's ECG sensor connected the dull king and let him use some gain skills.

At the same time, I also let the metal monsters use some gain skills, waiting for a hard battle, hoping to resist the opponent's strength.

"Wait a while, you are responsible for holding Butler temporarily. I resolved those two people. Although I do n’t know why there are only two people now, it is also an opportunity for us. If we ca n’t hold Butler, we will directly withdraw. "Finally, before the action, Aoki made a final explanation to Ogo.

Of these three, Butler was obviously the one who threatened the most, but the other two could not be underestimated. To avoid the embarrassing situation of three to two, Aoki dealt with the two alone, and the pressure was not small.

I hope that the strength of these two people will not be so strong.

吐 Exhale after taking a deep breath to optimize your mentality.

"Dummy King, move instantly! Try to appear behind the three."

Hearing Aoki's orders, the superpowers of the Dazed King suddenly skyrocketed. As a metal monster that is also a superpowered elf, he also expanded his superpowers at once, helping the Dazed King to locate the moment more accurately. Coordinates to move.


But in the moment when the dull king used the instant movement, the big wolf dog that had been lying beside Butler suddenly stood up and roared.

As a pure evil spirit, can still perceive the super power fluctuations he hates most.

After all, the dull kings want to move to them instantly.

Butler's face changed suddenly, and he took out an elf ball from his waist and threw it directly in front of him.

喷 A fire breathing camel appeared in front of him.

However, the reaction speed of the other two people was not as fast as Butler's, and the combat literacy was immediately manifested.

Aoki and Ogo who appeared in front of them through a momentary movement also threw the elven ball.

Aoki summoned a scorpion-tailed scorpion, and Ogo summoned a metal monster again!

Two metal monsters!

Ogo's strongest state!

He is serious!

Another metal monster is the one that Aoki has seen before, but now it has also grown to the elite level, and it has actually been promoted. This is how Aoki can't think of it ~ ~ How much resources must be invested to upgrade a teal-qualified elf to light blue, which will consume more resources than purchasing a light blue elf directly.

And this one of Dawu is a metal monster, a quasi-god, and it is of course more difficult to upgrade his qualifications.

Pokemon: Flash Metal Monster (Light Blue)

Gender: No gender

Level: 44

Attribute: Steel + Super Power

Characteristic: Permanent Body

Carrying props: Choco Fruit

Genetic skills: None

Basic skills: mental strength, metal claws, electromagnetic suspension, slamming, chasing, bullet punch, eye of miracle, mind hammer, ghost face, strong mental thought, high speed movement, comet punch

Teaching skills: gravity, thunder, fist, frozen fist, mind hammer, electromagnetic suspension, signal beam, exchange venue

Skill Learner: Hold, Spiritual Shock, Awakening Power Rock, Destroy Light, Earthquake, Spiritual Mind, Shadow Ball, Tile Break, Rockfall, Stand-In, Cannon Lightning, Knotting

Is this the most talented and talented trainer with a strong background in the Fengyuan area, and the potential of the future steel champion?

Aoki needs to redefine these geniuses.

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