The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 515: Resolve quickly

The Rise of the Darkness of the Elves Chapter 515 Quickly Solve [Imagine a monthly ticket]

But this is not the time to think about it, while the two lava team members have not reacted, they can do as much as they can.

"Scorpion-tailed scorpion, poisonous diamond!"

"King dull, strong mind!"

Both lava teams are followed by a big wolf dog. The claw-tailed scorpion can't get over their shots against their trainer, but the sudden dull king is OK.

After a day's exercise of poisonous diamond skills, the use of the forceps tail scorpion is not as uncomfortable and scarce as it was when using the poisonous diamond for the first time today.

Dense poisonous diamonds appeared on the ground, and were densely packed at the feet of two lava team members and their wolf dogs.

Then long ago, the dull king who increased himself to the strongest state, used strong mental thoughts, and the target was not the big wolf dog under their feet, but one of the lava team members.

The human body can't stop the primary skill of the current dull king.

The member of the lava team, who was hit by the spirit of the dumb king, took the blood flowing from the holes in his face, and slowly softened to the ground.

The big wolf dog beside him was foolish and didn't know what to do.

But during this time, the rest of the lava team members reacted.

Take out two elven **** directly, summon a Spitfire camel and a great wolf dog.

However, because the scorpion-tailed scorpion sprinkled poisonous diamonds on the ground, the fire-breeding camel and great wolf dog came out of the ground, because they stepped on the poisonous diamonds on the ground and entered a poisoned state.

Things went much smoother than expected.

I did not expect to stun a person directly.

The big wolf dog that fainted was not a concern. The remaining three elves of this man also got their information through the chip Aoki.

Two light green qualified wolf dogs, level 34, and the green-fired spitfire camel are slightly stronger, reaching level 38.

"Scorpion-tailed scorpion, rushing up at high speed, the venom impacts! Solve the poisoned wolf dog first."

"The idiot king, the super water gun, locked the fire-breathing camel."

The fire-breeding camel of the fire system and the rock system is four times restrained by the dull king of the water system. The water skills will bring a strong effect, and there is a super power auxiliary enhancement. This super-powered water gun attacks the slow-breeding camel. On his body, a hissing sound was made directly.

If it weren't for the hot environment here, which would indirectly weaken the power of the daddy king ’s water skills, the super-powered water gun just now might be able to defeat this Spitfire Camel directly.

The claw-tailed scorpion that rushed forward directly blocked the two wolf dogs. The normal development of the claw-tailed scorpion is similar to that of the claw-tailed scorpion, but with the power of the claw-tailed scorpion today, a pair of pliers grabbed a large wolf dog. not a problem.

Fighted with many wolf dogs, the claw-tailed scorpion is too familiar with the weakness of the big wolf dog.

A spit of venom spit out of his mouth, hitting the poisoned wolf dog's face, and the strong venom could not help but roar.

The poisonous sac in the body of the scorpion-tailed scorpion has been formed, coupled with the special toxic energy absorbed in the last broken venomous orb, the venom he spit out is also highly toxic!

However, the attack of the claw-tailed scorpion does not stop. Don't forget, there are four places in the body parts that the claw-tailed scorpion can use skills.

In addition to the double pliers and mouth, the sharp tail hook hanging on the back of the scorpion scorpion is the strongest attack method of the scorpion scorpion.

"Scorpion-tailed scorpion, poisonous tail!" Aoki's ECG induction quickly ordered.


The tail hook fired at lightning speed on the wolf dog's waist and hit the key!

With the characteristics of the sniper and the damage he had suffered before, the big wolf dog slowly fell to the ground.

The entire operation took place no more than two or three seconds.

Even if the general battle is over quickly, it will take five or six seconds, because there is a time interval between the training command issued and the elf received the command.

But Aoki, who gave orders through ECG, didn't have these obstacles.

"Spitfire camel, flame-spraying jawtail scorpion!"

"Great wolf dog, bite!"

Lava team members are always a few seconds slower than Aoki.

Only after one of his great wolf dogs lost his combat ability did he respond and give the order.

Although he gave orders before Aoki, the tacit understanding between the elves and the trainers was obviously not enough.

The tacit understanding between the Aoki Yue spirits is sufficient, coupled with the rapid order and acceptance of the telepathy.

"King, King, Super Water Wave! Solve the Spitfire!"

"Scorpion-tailed scorpion, no need to keep your hands, poison tail impact! (Poison tail + Venom impact)"

What Aoki and his elves have done against the other's order this time is called late-come-first-served.

The lingering king ’s water wave is formed at the fastest speed, coupled with the super ability of encouraging, and fires at the fastest speed at the Spitfire camel. At this time, the Spitfire camel has just condensed in the body to complete the fire energy. Want to shoot out fireballs.

However, the moment he just spewed out, he was directly blocked by the super-powerful water wave of the dumb king.

The skill was not used, but the water wave caused four times the damage again.

And this time blocked the release of the fire-breeding camel's skills, causing even more serious damage to him.

The scorpion-tailed scorpion faced the only big wolf dog ~ ~ and rushed forward without hesitation, and the two tongs grabbed the big wolf dog's body together.

The great wolf is struggling hard, but the strongest part of the claw tail scorpion is his double claw.

The gap in strength, as long as it is caught by the claw-tailed scorpion, is difficult to break free.

The key to this combination skill of poison tail impact is to first use poison tail to put the opponent into a poisoned state, and then use the additional effect of venom impact to double the power of the poisoned unit.

The scorpion-tailed scorpion has practiced this combination skill for a day today, and the speed and combination effect used today are quite good.

Of course, the premise that this combination of skills can burst out of full power is that the poison tail can put the opponent into a poisoned state.

It may be difficult for ordinary poisonous elves, but it is not difficult for the venomous scorpion that the poisonous sac is forming now.

The poison is injected into the opponent's body through the barb. Unless the enemy has a strong resistance to the poison system, poisoning is inevitable.

The tail is the fastest attack part of the scorpion-tailed scorpion. A flutter hits the wolf dog's waist directly.

Then a venom spit out in the mouth and hit the other side!

The requirement of this combination skill is also the premise that the tyrannical force of the claw tail scorpion can check and balance the enemy.

It can be said that this combination of skills is most suitable for the current claw tail scorpion, other elves can not learn.

It requires too many details, it must be strong, it must have many attack parts, and it must be able to cause a high probability of poisoning the enemy, let alone the combination of skills.

Under many conditions, the claw-tailed scorpion directly defeated the great wolf dog.

Aoki needs to resolve his opponent as soon as possible, and let Go help me later.


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