The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 526: Metamorphosis

I took a night off.

青 When Aoki and Ogo appeared again, they were already in the forest at the foot of Chimney Mountain.

I deliberately found a place with few people to go down the mountain, but didn't want to attract some unnecessary attention.

Aoki released the fire juveniles and Coco Dora all of them.

Because the wild elves at the foot of Laoshan are often patronized, the level has not always been very high, which is exactly in line with their fighting.

The elves around 10 are just right for the fire-chickens to fight.

Although the fire juvenile and water leaping fish are only 5th grade, the mosquito coil is 12th, and the cocoa is 16th, but with their excellent qualifications and good cultivation of Aoki, they do not deal with ordinary elves difficult.

Moreover, the fire properties of fire juvenile chicken, the advantage in this kind of place is quite obvious.

Encounter a large number of worms and grass-based elves to make the fire juveniles play like water.

I just do n’t have much time left for them, just go down all the way and fight as many elves as I have encountered.

Anyway, there is a dull king watching around, and there is no danger.

And this kind of leapfrog battle is quite good for the fire juveniles and water leap fish.

As the first real battle between the fire-chickens, he realized what the battle was like.

Ai usually hurts and hurts. If she feels uncomfortable, Aoki will give the best care and comfort as soon as possible.

But from the moment the battle began, they were fighting elf, not the young elves who could cry at any time and wait for the comfort of their trainers.

When the fire-chicken was attacked for the first time, he looked at Aoki with tears in his eyes and waited for Aoki's comfort, but he got Aoki's unchanged face.

The trainer who originally loved him the most was gone. Only the trainer who commanded him to fight and grow up was left.

Suddenly, the unfamiliar Fire Hatchling was almost attacked again.

I still had Cocodola knocking his opponent back.

After the battle ended, the fire-chickens didn't respond, just staring at Aoki.

Other elves did not look like fiery chickens.

Cocodola often fights with other elves, knowing that injuries are inevitable. Under the command of Aoki, he can defeat those elves who are stronger than the opponents he once fought. For Aoki's command and training ability, It was quite convincing, and thankfully I finally followed Aoki out of the mine.

And the mosquito-repellent magpie once used to be a wild elf, and of course knows the cruelty of the wild. Aoki has already protected them enough. He can also be considered to have spent the most carefree life. The next time he returns to Aoki.

Water leap fish is also pretty good. Although he is only five levels like the Firefowl, but as a warlike elf like Cocodola, being injured is like a warrior's medal, and it is not Exclusion, and as long as the battle was under Aoki's command, injuries would only be sudden.

The only thing is that I have been immature, but my mind has been immature and I was stimulated when I was young, so my qualifications have been in a state of fluctuation.

Under the careful care of Aoki, the fire juvenile chicken grew up healthy.

However, he has never fought. He only knows about fighting, but only stays in the usual words of Cocodola. He is full of curiosity. He is led by Cocodola and has a longing for battle.

He was a little overwhelmed when he was hurt today when he really fought.

The pain in my body made him afraid and made him afraid.

Fierce opponent made his attack hesitant.

This is what the Fire Jock demonstrated when it first came into contact with the battle.

At the end of the battle, Coco Dora wanted to comfort the Firehock, but didn't know where to start, because they were at different angles.

At this time, the scorpion scorpion stood up.

As an elf hatched by Aoki, I had pain and bewilderment when I started fighting. I don't know why I wanted to fight.

For the first time, as a big brother, the scorpion-tailed scorpion told his fire-chickens his experience, and what he could learn during the battle, enjoyed the joy after the end of the battle.

All these are the personal feelings of the scorpion tail scorpion, he passed it to the fire juvenile chicken and the water diving fish a little.

Gradually, Huoji was accustomed to the pain in his body when he first defeated his opponent.

温暖 A big warm hand covered his head.

Immediately, tears filled the eyes of the fire-chicken, which contained grievances and pain, but more joy.

I felt the warmth of Aoki's palm again. I don't know why. The fire child chicken understood the joy that the claw tail scorpion said.

Let him train, praise himself for fighting, and fight for his trainer. He feels he is willing to give everything.

Aoki looked at the whole process of the fire child, but he did not say a word of comfort.

This is what you must learn as an elf. Blind comfort and pampering by trainers will only have counter-effects.

The cocoa dora, the mosquito-repellent maggot and the water leaping fish all lived in the wild environment. They have all come in contact with and understood this kind of environment with weak meat and strong food.

But there is no fire child.

So this time Aoki was able to understand the fire child, what he needed to learn, but also made him understand what the battle is.

However, it was okay. The fire child chicken was much stronger than Aoki imagined. After falling a few times and failing a few times, although he kept crying, he clenched his teeth.

他 When he defeated his first opponent ~ ~ Aoki gave the most appropriate comfort.

As a result, Huoji turned and rushed directly into Aoki's arms.

Alas, it was also from this moment that he had a clearer definition of combat.

This is what Aoki wants to see.

I looked at Mr. Aoki, who was educating the elf, and gave a thumbs up to Aoki again!

Aoki really admires the cultivation and training of elves.

The battle behind the cricket was much smoother. When Aoki and Ogo walked out of the forest at the foot of Chimney Mountain, the fire-chickens all gained promotion.

The beetle juveniles and water leaping fishes have risen to level 8, and the mosquito coils have risen to one level to reach level 13.

Although Coco Dora has not been upgraded, he has a preliminary understanding of Aoki's command rhythm and fighting methods.

This is the first step in the tacit understanding of the trainers and elves in the battle.

Coco Dora first entered the battle rhythm of Aoki because of the relatively high level.

This battle is more about letting the elves know and understand what it means to fight, and training and training are secondary.

In general, Aoki is quite satisfied, especially the fire juvenile chicken at a very fast speed, complete the transformation from a good baby to a fighting elf.

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