The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 527: Countermeasures of the Lava Team

After coming out of the forest below Chimney Hill, Aoki put away the elves in order to hurry.

I then sat with a tropical dragon and Dawu riding on the armored bird and rushed to Fuye Town.

Uh ...

Fengyuan area.

The bumpy mountain road above the town of Pubuyan.

In a hidden cave inside the middle of the mountain road.

A huge conference room is inside.

In the conference room, a middle-aged man with red hair wearing a red and black trench coat, with his hands behind his back, stood on the main table of the conference table, sitting in the conference room with a high look. People on both sides.

的 The people sitting at various positions on the conference table are of different shapes, but no one dares to look at the middle-aged man with red hair.

The atmosphere was a little frozen.

的 The people sitting in the conference room adjusted their breathing to the weakest state one by one, fearing that the people above would seize the opportunity and take their own surgery.

However, there are three who are sitting in the front, the closest to the middle-aged man with red hair, but not so restrained.

Although he is a little afraid of red-haired middle-aged people, he hasn't even dared to breathe freely.

Silent, I don't know how long it lasted in the conference room.

The passage of time feels very slow for people in the conference room.

"Yesterday! Someone entered the Chimney Hill without permission! It was accidentally discovered by people in the alliance and has now been arrested by the alliance search officer. There is also a relatively high-ranking middle-level member. You talk about how to deal with this matter "" The middle-aged red-haired man slowly spoke, with an unquestionable majesty in his tone.

I heard his words, the people below looked at each other, and wanted to whisper and discuss, but suddenly thought that the red-haired middle-aged man was angry, now is not the time to mess up.

Squint eyes and nose, nose and heart.

Anyway, I don't have much relationship with myself, just sit down and be honest.

The middle-aged red-haired man looked at the people below without any movement and frowned.

I glanced at a fat, fat man sitting on his right hand, and said, "Fire village, tell me!"

Hearing the middle-aged leader shouted his name, the fat man named Huocun smiled awkwardly, and quickly stood up and said to the leader, "The leader! This time I did not discipline it! The trouble I left, I'll fix it! "

After speaking, the middle-aged man will get up and leave.

"Wait a moment." But when he left, he was stopped by a middle-aged man.

Suddenly a fire in the heart of a fire village, a leader wanted him to sit down, and wanted to open the mouth again, but heard the middle-aged man say, "Fire village, since it is your responsibility, this time to do something clean, People were arrested by the Alliance Search Officer, and now they should also be held at the Search Officer's headquarters in Fengyuan. I hope that the people you have cultivated have not said the location of our headquarters. "

He said at the end, Fire Village felt a little cold.

He felt the suppressed anger in the leader's heart, but he didn't settle his account because he was his capable subordinate.

Lava team is not about to be born yet.

Thinking about it, Huocun nodded firmly. In general, he went directly to the prison of the investigator's headquarters in Fengyuan area, found Butler, and asked him to deal with it before revealing too much information about the lava team. Just drop it.

It's not the first time that Fire Village has done this.

There are still some nails in the Lava League.

The red-haired middle-aged man just now is the leader of the lava team, Chiyanmatsu!

He was able to get the news so quickly, precisely because the lava team was in the league with some nails and eyeliners.

This kind of thing is not just the Lava team doing this, I believe that his old opponent, the Water Indus Marine Team, may also send someone into the league.

Only for this kind of thing, the alliance is unavoidable. After all, an ant is mixed in a behemoth, and it is like finding a needle in a haystack.

"It is estimated that these nails will be reduced by one-third after being disposed of this time!" Chi Yansong couldn't help but sigh.

The insertion of so many nails really cost him no idea how much resources, that is, Fire Village's strength in the lava team is considered top, otherwise someone made such a mistake, and he was sent to see Gula long ago. too much!

After Beacon Village left.

"Huoying, Fire Village, I'm a bit uneasy. You follow up and see, if you meet someone in the league, don't keep your hands! It's all resolved! Remember! The Lava team is not here yet." A little thought Chiyanmatsu said to the man in the second position on his left.

His body was thin, his hair covered one eye, and the man with only one eye nodded solemnly.

Then disappeared into the conference room with strange fluctuations.

火影! One of the three fires of the Lava team is a superpower. Although there is no superpower like Nazi, it is not comparable to Aoki.

Just after he left, he was moving instantly, but not completely relying on his own super powers, but using his super power spirits to complete the instant movement together.

三 Lava Team Three Fires! It is the three powerful assistants of Red Flame Pine in the lava team. The lava team can develop to this point. The existence of the three of them can be said to have contributed.

However, the Lava team is not the only three who have strong strength.

In the first few seats in this meeting room, there are still some people who can let Chi Yansong give the task with confidence.

"Tian Haoyu, Huocun's hands, you take over first, and wait for him to return to the task ~ ~ you hand over." Chi Yansong watched sitting in the lower seat of Huocun, a thin body, Slightly handsome young man said.

Wu Tianhaoyu stood up slowly, saluted to Chiyan Song, and replied, "Yes! Chief!"

手 This subordinate has also joined the lava team for a while. It is Chiyanmatsu's ability and means to handle things in addition to the three fires, which also allows Chiyanmatsu to trust him to handle things.

But no one saw it. When Tian Hao Yu sat down, the original respectful eyes flickered with some unknown light, which was very complicated and amazing.

Uh ...

Aoki and Ogo, who were riding a tropical dragon and armored bird, successfully arrived in Fushiba after flying for more than three hours.

Only two days after I left, the town of Fuye again experienced major changes.

A new high-rise building was erected on the street opposite Aoki's waterway museum, second only to the museum.

Pokemon Center!

In the center of Fuye Town, a tall building was also established. According to the huge medal hanging on it, it should be the police station of the Alliance.

The Martyrdom Hall, the Elf Center, and the Alliance Police Station have now been completed in Fuye Town.

Everything is ready, wait until the owner of the Aoki Pavilion to announce that the town of Fuye has officially entered a period of rapid expansion.

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