The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 528: I want to be president

青 When Aoki and Ogo entered Fuye Town, it was a little late.

But there are not many people in Fuye Town.

All gathered at the gate of Daoguan in Fuye Town.

I got the news. They had been waiting here for the owner of the Dao Pavilion. The person who was not a native of Fuye Town, but wanted to develop Fuye Town.

的 A teenager who is only sixteen years old, but has such a strong energy, is affectionately called by the residents of Fuye Town, the savior of Fuye Town.

I now know that Aoki is coming back, and that the pavilion may open today, and of course they gathered to celebrate.

The future development of Dofuye Town will become better and better!

In order to hurry, Aoki and Ogo entered the town of Futaba, instead of stepping down to the flying mount, they flew directly to the open space in front of the museum.

The opening ceremony of the Martyr's Hall was not as grand as imagined, but it was enough for the residents of Fuye Town.

大 Under the testimony of Ogo and Liu Shenggang and some of the alliance's commissioners, including Miss Joy and Miss Junsha, Aoki announced the official opening of the Waterway Museum in Fuye Town!

At the same time, recruit the management staff and cleaning staff from the residents of Fuye Town to mainly participate in the daily maintenance and daily hygiene of the gymnasium.

Not only that, but also provided a large number of young people in Fuye Town with a new job.

That is, Aoki is preparing to build a huge artificial lake in Fuye Town, next to the Dao Pavilion.

This is a huge project. Even with the help of the elves, it will take some time to complete.

However, this act of Aoki was regarded as the first lever for the economic development of Fuye Town.

之后 After earning the first money through labor, residents who have money will not be afraid and will start to consume, and this is the first step to promote economic development.

Although it seems that Aoki invested money in the beginning, but after the economic development, it is estimated that the money spent this time did not even make a small amount of money.

All jobs are paid in accordance with normal standards, and at the same time, the right to purchase tickets for admission to the museum is given priority.

For these, the residents of Fuye Town are certainly excited.

I want to sign up enthusiastically, but today is the day when the museum is open. It is not the time for Aoki to recruit workers, so it has been postponed for the time being.

After pacifying the residents of Fuye Town, after asking Ms. Joey and Junsha for help, Ms. Aoki, Ogo, and his teacher, Liu Shenggang, entered the gym.

The commissioners dispatched by the Puppet Alliance are just going to make a cut. Liu Shenggang is all here. Do they dare to say anything more?

The main facilities inside the Martial Arts Museum have also been completely arranged. Except that the upper floors are still empty, there is not much difference between the entire hall and the normal Alliance Pavilion.

"Aoki, you will be the owner of the museum in the future!" Ogo patted Aoki's shoulder with a smile.

Now that my friend has become the owner of the museum, but now he is nothing. It seems that it is time to start an impact for his own goals.

Daowu thought silently.

Aoki glanced at him, not good airway, "If it is not for Fushiye Town, I don't really want to open this Daoist, this is bound to be bound."

Yuyanagi just watched the young Junjie of the two alliances, Aoki and Ogo, with wrinkles on his smiling face.

But he heard Du said that this time Aoki and Ogo jointly explored Chimney Mountain, but defeated a quasi-king-level elf, although there were some accidents in the middle, this did not prevent Aoki and Ogo from becoming famous in the first battle.

Kashihara originally had Aoki's fame mostly in the genius breeder, and Ogo's fame was mainly due to the successor of the German company, but from today, Aoki and Ogo's fame is completely spread to the top of the league.

As Wu Du said personally, both have talents that are not weaker than him!

Xun originally wanted to find several Fengyuan alliance branches that were vigorously cultivated by young people in Fengyuan areas, and found the target at once.

Dawu! Aoki!

Aren't these two living geniuses?

The president of the Fengyuan area alliance branch, Adams waved on the spot and announced that Fengyuan area is preparing to train Ogo and Aoki vigorously. It is hoped that the two will soon become the facade of the Fengyuan area. Like the crossing of the Kanto area, it gives a high Expectations.

Of course, Aoki and Ogo, their expectations for Aoki are more of a nurturer, and for Ogo, they are the real expectations of a trainer.

However, Aoki and Ogo didn't know about this.

Tamayanagi knew it, but he didn't say it.

It was left to Aoki and Ogo to develop.

I do n’t care whether the Alliance supports it or not. Liu Shenggang thinks that geniuses like Aoki and Ogo can grow up sooner or later.

What they need now is more a relatively safe growth environment.

What the alliance provides is precisely this condition.

I talked to Ogo for a while, and Aoki looked at his teacher.

I chilled the teacher over again, and most people really couldn't do it, that is, Liu Shenggang. He was a bit spoiled for his only apprentice and such a gifted apprentice.

"Teacher." Aoki exclaimed apologetically.

Liu Shenggang waved his hands indifferently. "The main purpose of my visit this time is two. The first one is to witness the opening of my apprentice's Dao Pavilion. This is also one of the glories of my life in Liu Shenggang. The second point is the group of old men at the breeder's headquarters, hoping to open a breeder's branch in your town of Fuye. I didn't agree with one word ~ ​​ ~ and ask what you mean. "

Your Fuye Town, Liu Shenggang's words are very clear.

Fuye Town now is Aoki alone. There is no arrogant underground force, and the alliance forces on the bright side are all united because of the existence of Aoki.

The current Aoki is not only the owner of the Fuye Township Museum, but also a person who is more like a Mayor than the Mayor of Fuye Town.

For the alliance genius such as Aoki, the puppet alliance controlled one's eyes in Fuye Town.

After hearing Liu Shenggang's words, Aoki, who had been prepared for a long time, just thought a little and agreed directly.

"Teacher, tell them, you can set up a branch, but I want to be the president!" Aoki said firmly.

I should know that the president of the breeder branch is at least a senior breeder, but even now, Aoki is only an intermediate breeder.

However, it is not impossible to have an established breeder such as Liu Shenggang, and people who are promoted by the Aoki breeder.

Just like this, maybe the number of senior breeders in this new branch will be very small, or there may be almost no.

After all, not everyone is willing to be a subordinate of an intermediate breeder, even if the intermediate breeder has a frightening future.

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