The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 801: Blessing of Akronom

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The blue light faded slowly after three minutes.

A light blue pattern was added to the elven eggs of La Rulas.

When Aoki used the chip to scan Larulas's Elven Egg again, he found that there was something more in the column carrying the props, or a halo.

Blessing of Aknom.

As a superpowered beast, Arknum has the ability to bless other elves of superpowers, but after casting this ability, he will fall into a short period of weakness.

Aoki could clearly see that Aknom seemed a bit sloppy, and his eyes couldn't open completely, dangling in the air.

He yawned, waved his hands at Aoki, and then returned to the light pink cloud in the middle of the lake again, stretched aside and continued to sleep.

At this point Hu Di came over and made a gesture for Aoki to leave.

When I saw the Elven Egg in Aoki's hand inadvertently, there was a look of envy.

As the **** of will, Arknum's blessings, although unable to intuitively allow the elves to grow, can make the willpower of the elves even more amazing.

Something like willpower is elusive, but sometimes it can be the key to success.

Aoki didn't stay anymore. Now Aknom has gone back to sleep. It doesn't help to stay here, but he has some doubts about the communication between the unknown totem and Aknom.

The spoon in Hu Di's hand waved, and Aoki wrapped them with superpower energy, and then teleported them back to where they were before.

At this time the hogs that had fallen to the ground had disappeared.

Holding the elven egg and walking back, no more elves were encountered along the way. Aoki extended his superpowers to his wrist, and wanted to ask the unknown totems questions.

According to Arknom, what the unknown totems need is on the island of time and space. Does that mean the island where Tejanuca and Palucci are located?

Also let Aoki be careful, obviously the danger level above is higher than here.

But the most important thing is that Aoki doesn't know where the island is, let alone how to get up.

And I do n’t know how to go up.

Four unknown totems lined up in Aoki's mind.

"Looking for the missing things and asking for directions in Arknom?" Aoki couldn't help but want to vomit when he saw the unknown totem.

Just ask for directions, do you need to spend so much time?

And ... you can ask yourself, why are you looking for me?

Now with four more tattoo-like letters on my wrist, I'm not quite used to it.

"You said you have a way to solve the problem that I'm not used to the four of you?" When I saw this sentence, Aoki was stunned.

How to deal with it?


Then when Aoki was about to leave the island, an unknown totem appeared in another space.

This time he didn't even hesitate, and shot it directly on Aoki's wrist.

At the same time, a line of unknown totems appeared in Aoki's mind.

Four are not used to?

Then five are good.


I couldn't help but patted my forehead. I feel that my head may have a lot of pain recently, and now it often hurts.

Divine logic ...

But let alone, the appearance of the five unknown totems, at least, seems to have increased the speed of superpowers.

Although it is a little bit faster, it is much faster than Aoki himself.

When I walked to the extreme edge of the island, I stepped directly into a different space, as if there was a bridge under my foot.

At about the same time, Aoki pulled his right hand from top to bottom, a space crack appeared, and went straight out.

There are now five unknown totems on Aoki, and it is not known whether all unknown totems should be attached to his body.

Does n’t it turn into a humanoid elf?

In the different space left by Aoki, an unknown totem appeared again, a half-opened exclamation mark unknown totem.

Looking at the place where Aoki left, his eyes flickered with thought.

After a little pause, it disappeared again.

Aoki didn't notice this, at this time he was communicating with several unknown totems.

They told Aoki that they were looking for something but couldn't find it, and Aknom might know, so they came with Aoki.

As for why they didn't come by themselves, they must follow Aoki. The reason they gave was that they couldn't do it themselves.

Why they ca n’t do this, they talked a lot, but they could n’t explain it clearly. Aoki sometimes also could n’t understand the interpretation and communication methods of unknown totems.

In short, if you want to find that thing, you must have human help. The reason why they chose Aoki is because of their ... brother? commander? Captain, almost the same meaning, is the leader of the unknown totem, chose Aoki.

And Aknoum owed a favor to the unknown totems, so he gave the blessing to Larulas the elven egg, and the unknown totems and him were cleared from then on.

It was determined that things were on the continents created by Teja Luka and Paluccia.

However, the unknown totems told Aoki that with his current ability, he could not pass.

Whether it is their own strength, or the ability of the unknown totems.

Only when Aoki's body can withstand at least twenty unknown totems, can he reach the continent through a different space.

Now the unknown totems appear one by one to help Aoki become familiar with them and their energy and ability.

Usually letting Aoki use their ability is a reward, and I hope that Aoki will help them get back that thing.

In this regard, Aoki did not mean to refuse.

First of all, now the unknown totems are attached to themselves, and they have gained a lot of benefits, but have not seen much harm.

Secondly, when Aoki's strength is strong enough, he is still very interested in the mysterious ancient relics and unknown unknown space continents.

These places are often few or no one has explored, and there may be a lot of good things in them. Even if not, they can help the elves to improve their strength.

This trip to the island of Will of Arknom will not only quickly improve the power of the elves, but also let the dull king learn some special ways to use super powers?

It ’s just that Diya Luka and Palucci are not as good as Arknomm ~ ~ Aoki must ensure that he has sufficient strength, at least he must have the ability to escape, otherwise he will not rush To the island of time and space.

These two terms are named by Aoki himself, and they are easy to remember.

Coming out of a different space, I feel that the surrounding air is a lot fresher.

"The dull king, let's go," Aoki said to the dull king beside him.

Later, Aoki and the foolish king disappeared here in a moment of movement.

It feels like another door in this world is opening towards itself.

This was Aoki's last thought before leaving.


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