The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 802: Make money

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Three days later.

Fengyuan area, Kanaz city airport.

Aoki walked out of the airport alone.

Without too much stay in Kanaz City, at this time Dawu should still be digesting the gains of the Olympic Games.

Aoki got out of Kanaz by car, then summoned the desert dragonfly directly.

Target Fuye Town.

Silently entered Fuye's own residence, and no one knew that Aoki was back.

Liu Shenggang has always held a meeting in Fengyuan Alliance headquarters after returning from the Shen'ao area because of information about the fairy system announced by Aoki.

This incident is too important, and the timing is very awkward. It is basically impossible to handle it completely and without pressure.

There is not much time to prepare for the alliance. Elves of the goblin department have appeared at the God Olympics competition. Before a large number of trainers are aware of this event, the goblin department must be announced. At the same time, the original elves must be attributed. Detection.

A large number of alliance testing instruments also need to be changed, adding a fairy and attribute judgment, trying to list the various skills of the fairy, and what are the effects and power of these skills.

Even if Aoki told the league's top executives that the fairies are restraining the dragon, fighting and evil spirits, they still have to test this professionally.

The most important point is to try if the Fairy is really immune to the skills of the Dragon Elves, and whether there is a skill similar to the Eye of Miracle that can still cause the Dragon Elves to cause damage to the Fairy Elves, otherwise the Dragon Elves will encounter The elves on the goblin can directly surrender.

As one of Fengyuan's current four heavenly kings, the Dragon King Yuji, and Aoki are also familiar. At the conference where Aoki announced the Fairy Department that day, he also watched the entire process through a video call.

At this time, he was the main person responsible for testing and managing the time of the fairy department in Fengyuan.

As for whether he is the Dragon King, will he feel uncomfortable because of the prototype of the Fairy Department.

That's for sure.

After so many dragon spirits were cultivated, the result told him that now a new attribute actually appeared to complete the dragons.

Isn't that farting?

Fortunately, Genji originally didn't have much desire for rights. Since the task was arranged above him, he could complete it on time and on schedule.

After all, the Dragon Department now knows what the Dragon Department is best.

Genji knew that the fairies were discovered by Aoki, so when performing tasks, he called Aoki directly many times, hoping that he could describe some things about the fairies in detail.

Aoki is still very fond of Genji, and Genji has no reservations about telling Aoki about the results of his research on dragon spirits.

So Aoki did not hide too much, except for some secrets that he should not know in his current identity, the rest told Genji.

It helped him save a lot of time.

At the same time, Aoki suddenly thought that after the appearance of the fairy genre, he seemed to have a chance to make huge profits.

After simply scheduling the elves to rest, Aoki summoned Skye for a meeting as soon as possible.

Now the size of the Sky team has expanded a lot again. According to Aoki, the people who enter the Sky team will only know that they are part of the Rockets team after passing the test.

Another key point is that Aoki asks Skye to inculcate an idea for the newcomers.

The first compliance target was the head of the Sky team, then the Rockets' order, and finally the orders of their several temporary cadres.

In general, Aoki does not interfere too much with the management of the sky team. For this underground force that was originally created by hand, Aoki used the sky team to earn some resources. Now the sky team has begun to take shape and has started to profit to some extent. Aoki is more satisfied.

Skye's ability is good.

The Rockets are now shrinking, and they will not interfere with the Sky team in Fengyuan, so most of the time, Skye and others are the main managers of the Sky team.

After leaving for such a long time, when Aoki convened them again for a meeting, the spirit of several people improved a lot, and at a glance, they could see that there was a lot of improvement in strength, so the whole person was confident. A lot.

However, they were very respectful when they faced Aoki, and they did not have any idea of ​​resistance.

The main reason why Aoki subdued them was that they were frustrated by the fact that these people would not move too much, and then they saw their strength and potential.

Otherwise, there are so many people on the trial island, why only conquer so few characters that others despise.

"Yes, it seems that the three of you have almost all entered the elite level." Aoki sat on the main seat of the conference room, watching the four people sitting below and nodding in satisfaction.

Although they may not be able to cope with the second-echelon giant marsh monster for Aoki now, according to their original strength, growth is not bad.

Elite, in the Rockets, can also apply to become a captain.

Although it depends on their background, as long as they become the captain, they can be considered to have a certain right to speak, at least ... be considered middle.

"Thanks to the elf provided by us, and allowing us to make great use of the Sky team's resources." Skye is the person closest to Aoki. His strength is not the strongest, but now Skye not only manages the sky team's finance , Can also be regarded as a dog-headed military presence among the four.

The brigade also participated in this meeting. Now she is no longer the little girl who only knew hunting when she and Aoki just met.

After joining the sky team, I was mainly responsible for the sky hunting team and training of members. Now there are many combatants in the sky team, all of whom are from the sky hunting team. The brigade is regarded as their half teacher. .

The strength of the brigade is the strongest among the four, although it is also an elite level, but unlike those who are new to the elite level, she has started to accumulate strength.

Aoki waved Skye's flattery.

Earlier, the sky team's profitability was ignored, but from now on, the sky team will start to make a lot of resources. Aoki also has a lot of elves to train, and relying on that small mine is ultimately limited.

The investment in the Sky team is almost the same ~ ~ After raising for so long, it finally started to be profitable.

"Next, there will be a major event in the league. This event will have a huge impact on the entire league and all major forces. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Sky Team can make a lot of money." Aoki propped up his hands on the conference table, Looking at the four people below, his eyes were sharp.

Now he has reached the level of Zhun Tiwang, stronger than the previous life, and also reached the level of intermediate superpowers. Although superpowers are not used, the severe sharpness still makes Skye and others dare not look at him.

This is a bit scary!

After a person is crawling among a group of big brothers, even if the person is weak and incompetent, the influence and growth that they are inadvertently cannot be understood by ordinary people.

What's more, Aoki is a better person among those big guys.


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