The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 814: Hobbies by Kira

Touched their heads one by one and fed several energy blocks as a reward.

Aoki felt their excitement and said with a smile, "Don't worry, there are still a lot of battles in the back, but you need to be prepared."

"Yuki!" Yuki was happiest, shouting with a fist, very excited.

Then suddenly thought of something, turned around and flipped up in his small red schoolbag.

Cocodola immediately ran over when she saw Kira's action.

Sure enough, Kira pulled out two thumb-sized diamonds from the small schoolbag, one held in his hand and took a sip, and the other gave Cocodola directly.

Under the teaching of Aoki, Kira learned to share.

Seeing that the three elf chickens looked at him sternly, it was only after Kira thought of it that he took out three diamonds from the backpack again and put them in front of them, indicating that he was welcome.

Aoki looked ashamed.

Yukira has a very strange habit, or hobby.

That is, I like to hide food, I like to put some of the remaining diamonds in a small backpack, and I can take them out whenever I am hungry.

Looking at Coco Dora's familiar movements, obviously, this is not the first time they have done so.

Li Zhuang chicken looked at the diamond in his hand, smirked, and returned it to Yukira, and said that he was welcome.


Are these things really for the elves?

Only these two perverts can eat.

But after eating these things, their bodies are really strong, and they all have a diamond touch.

Strong chicken is still a bit envious.

What you eat makes sense.

This is the first time that Baby Dragon has received this kind of thing. I have also seen it eaten by Kira and Cocodola before, but it was all food distributed by Aoki. He also had his own food and didn't think much.

Now that Kira and Cocodola are so happy to eat, I can't help but want to try it.


Don't think too much, it's not the sound of the diamond being bitten, but the baby dragon has been put to its teeth.

I saw some moist in his eyes at this time, looking at the thumb-sized diamond without any change in his hands, his tears almost ran down.

Fortunately, he has a strong personality, and stumbled back.

But the teeth really hurt.

But looking at the cheerful appearance eaten by Kira and Cocodola, the baby dragon thought it was because he was not strong enough.

When you become stronger, you must eat diamonds.

For the time being ... just give it back to Yukira.

Li Zhuang chicken covered his mouth and almost laughed.

Still, the Mohai Horse is relatively old and experienced, and at a glance, it is not that he can eat it. Thanks and decided that Kira can let him eat it by himself.

In this way, after eating two diamonds by Kira and Cocodola, their snack time ended happily.

Aoki looked at this scene with a smile and said nothing, this is also a way for the elves to communicate with each other and increase their feelings.

At least, Kira now knows how to share and collaborate.

Is a good progress.

After a little rest and adjustment, the elves took them out of here.

There are four people in the Void Organization waiting to be processed.

Aoki also wanted to torture their captain, what exactly was Void plan.

Under the momentary movement of the dull king, they have no possibility of avoiding, and Aoki is more familiar with Houshan than them, and the survivability in the wild is much stronger than them.

As long as you find a little trace, you can find them.

Reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance capabilities are also an indispensable ability for survival in the wild, but this requires you to learn a little bit by yourself.

Obviously their anti-reconnaissance capabilities are not as good as those of Aoki.

All the remaining three people who went out to explore the surrounding environment were directly resolved.

The last captain was waiting for news in their camp.

But he couldn't wait for someone, and finally waited for Aoki.

Without saying a word, it was up to Kira and Cocodola to destroy their camp, and then defeat the captain.

Although they are their captains, their strength is not very strong. It is estimated that they are from the captain to the captain.

It caused some obstacles to them and caused a little hurt to them, but the ending was the same.

After Aoki dealt with the injuries on Kira, they slowly questioned the members of this void organization.

At the beginning, the mouth was still hard, but after Aoki summoned the dull king, he was honest.

Either answer honestly, or just dull Wang forcibly hypnotizes him and gets what he wants.

After knowing the strength of the dumb king, he obediently told the plan of the void.

In fact, their small team of five people was the first advance team sent by the Nether, mainly to investigate the situation of Houshan, and some information about the Sky team.

Although people in the Void Organization look down on the Sky Team, some cadres still like to be cautious.

The void is no longer than it was then, and with enemies everywhere, everything is done with care.

This made the person just expressed dissatisfaction, because they were a temporary team, and each person was sent by a cadre. The person just now was under the control of a more radical cadre.

The proposal to retreat from Fuye Town was made by the cadre named Kainan.

Fuye Town was originally the chassis of his secret subordinates. He knew the development of Fuye Town best. He had been jealous, but he never made a shot.

Now that the void is too difficult to move in Zijing, Kainan made this proposal.

As long as the void can smoothly retreat from Zijing City to Fuye Town, then Kainan is the leader, and he will have a lot of popularity when he is a candidate leader.

Originally, the rest of the cadres did not agree ~ ~ Nye He is really very embarrassed in Zijing City now, and the other forces have almost penetrated the details of the void, knowing their leader, the only King Masters have disappeared for a long time.

A big cake is right in front of them, and those strengths can't help it anymore.

The void is either eaten by them, or they can only withdraw from the two choices of Zijing City.

The rapid development of Fuye Town was regarded as their first place of retreat.

The next investigation teams will be sent out, and many will lurk in the mountains. When the Void organization launches an attack on Fuye Town, these lurking people will launch sneak attacks behind them.

Lions and rabbits also need to use their full strength. Although the void organization is now dilapidated, at least it has not lost the most basic things.

It's true that Aoki took a second look at this organization.

Maybe there are a few nice people inside.

A smile appeared on Aoki's face, and he opened a gap in a different space with a wave, letting Kira throw all the things in this camp.

This one hand deterred the captain again.

Are you sure you are not an elf?

Then Aoki grabbed the opponent's collar, put his other hand on the dumb king's back, and disappeared directly into place.

When it appeared again, it was already in the secret base of the Sky Team in Houshan.

This person was then lost and saw some stunned Sky team members in Aoki.

"Call me all four cadres." Aoki walked into the sky team's conference room without saying a word.

This is the first time Aoki has come to the meeting room.


Ten more ninth more! Guaranteed monthly pass! For 万, where to run, eat 俺, chase fat sticks, nine million rewards plus 9/9! Finished a big brother!

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